Articles About Fr. John McCloskey
An Opus Dei Priest With a Magnetic Touch
Father McCloskey makes converts, often of the rich and Republican.
The Convert Maker: Questions for Fr. C. John McCloskey
America Magazine has a few questions for Father.
Back to Father McCloskey's Dystopian Future
Frank Cocozzelli challenges Father's attacks on Keynesian economics.
Fr. McCloskey Reflects on 30 Years of Priesthood
by David Kerr, Catholic News Agency
Experience "...has given him a keen eye for the challenges facing priests in 2011."
Father C. John, Fisher of Men
by Mark Judge, Real Clear Religion
Fr. C. John has helped countless pilgrims make that journey to ultimate truth and love more compelling, rewarding -- and fun!
A Igreja Não Vai Mudar
by José Eduardo Barella
New Life Has Been Born
An Interview with Lawrence Kudlow.
Tony Snow and Fr. McCloskey
Fr. Roger Landry reflects on the life of Tony Snow.
Spiritual Fitness
Jonathan Aitken says halos will surely be awaiting spiritual trainers like Fr. John.
Condoms, Coercion, and Christianity: A Princeton Tale
James Hitchcock recounts events which led to the dismissal of Fr. John.
The Conversion Specialist
Michael Rose writes about Fr. McCloskey in his new book about ten top priests.
The Death of Christian America
"Face it folks, the United States is no longer a Christian country."
A Firm Voice, Fostering Faith
Tribute to Fr. McCloskey by Julia Duin.
From Wall Street to the Ivy League
Interview with Fr. McCloskey by Register correspondent Raymond de Souza.
The Future Church
Alan Cooperman reflects on Fr. McCloskey's vision of the Catholic Church in 2030.
Good News, Bad News - Introduction
Russell Shaw's introduction to Father McCloskey's book, Good News, Bad News.
Entrevista: padre John McCloskey
O padre americano, famoso por converter protestantes, diz que o legado conservador de João Paulo II vai perdurar por mais quatro décadas.
John omvänder toppolitiker
Ett stenkast från maktens centrum i USA verkar fader McCloskey – via det kristna centret når han många kända profiler
Rick Santorum's Catholic Inspiration
by Stephanie McCrummen, Washington Post
The presidential hopeful's meeting with Fr. McCloskey.
Obama and Notre Dame
LA Times mentions Fathers involvement with the Cardinal Newman Society.
How a Tyco Lawyer Channeled Windfall Into an Unlikely Cause
by Laurie P. Cohen, The Wall Street Journal
After his baptism by McCloskey, the top lawyer at Tyco International donates $2 million to a Catholic college and to a prolife group.
The Catholic Church's K Street Lobbyist
by Chris Suellentrop
"What's he lobbying for? Souls, but also the soul of the Catholic Church. In addition to his trifecta of high-profile conversions (plus a fourth, the former abortion doctor Bernard Nathanson), McCloskey has become one of the nation's most prominent priestly pundits..."
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