The Warning
Five Life-Changing True Stories

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Imprimatur ✠ Archbishop Ramón C. Argüelles
Just Read the First Page
My name is Bud Macfarlane, and I started this website way back in 1996. I am a father, a regular guy from New Jersey, and a modestly successful writer with over one million novels in print. I had the honor of editing and publishing the little book pictured above.
Trust me, you don't want me to give anything away (and I promise not to), but I know what follows may be the strangest description of a book you will ever read.
Although The Warning consists of five plainly true and straightforward stories by perfectly ordinary people in their own words, everything in it is light-years beyond anything I could have imagined as fiction.
Every Reader, with No Exception
First, this mysterious little book is an utterly unique phenomenom that is spreading like wildfire from one person to another because everyone who reads it (every person, as impossible as that must sound) is immediately immersed into his or her own deep, dramatic, and personal experience.
To understand this phenomenon, simply open to page one and begin reading the first line by a very interesting Australian man named Alan Ames. You will instantly enter into a reality you never knew could exist.
All you have to do is read that first page.
The second part of the phenomenom is even more mysterious. Somehow beyond any explanation I can possibly provide, you are in this book. I know, I know, that doesn't make any sense.
Yet, it happened to me. Then it happened to every person I gave it to. This is why I went to tremendous lengths to make it available to everyone as a free gift through this website.
You Are the Magnet
One reason why I am so certain that you will find yourself within its pages is because The Warning is profoundly more than a book. It has a soul, an annointing, an ineffable simplicity, and a spiritual voice that whispers with coherence from both within you and above you via the testimonies of the five individuals. You will hear (or better, recognize) this dependable voice.
You may feel an attraction when you hold it in your hand, like you are a magnet and it found its way to you. That's what happened to me and so many others. I have no idea how you ended up on this webpage, but perhaps you are already sensing The Warning drawing itself to you now.
In this way, this book slides into each reader like a key into a lock; it's as if you were designed to read it since you were a little boy or girl. (I told you this would be the oddest book description ever.)
No matter where you are in life (old or young, passionate or bored, healthy or hurting, good or bad, open or closed, optimistic or cynical, searching or satisfied, skeptic or believer) when you discover what happened to these five people born in four different countries, completely unknown to each other, in different years, and on three different continents, wherein each one experienced an uncannily similar supernatural personal encounter now known as "the warning," your perpective and your destiny will be transformed, in freedom, for the better.
Mine was.
Let Nothing Stop You
I'm excited for you! Don't let anything stop you from ordering your copy today—that's the easy part and it only takes a few minutes.
Oh, and one last thing. There appears to be mounting evidence that the entire world may experience what these five people experienced. This evidence is presented in a bonus chapter by the editor called "Prophecies of the Coming Worldwide Warning."
Less Time than Watching a Movie
The Warning goes by fast. At a mere 100 pages, it takes less time to read all five stories than it takes to watch one movie (but remember, you only need to read the first page).
From One Person to Another
This book is offered to you as a free gift for another important reason. When you give The Warning to family and friends, you enter into the warmth of the ever-expanding worldwide phenomenom, all while helping others. So if you don't think I'm crazy, order extras for the ones you love most.
Bud Macfarlane
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