The Very Best Brown Scapular
Free Miraculous Medal Inside

At our cost with free shipping.
Designed for Gift-GivingEvery scapular arrives in a custom gift box with the official Enrollment Prayer inside while featuring a free Miraculous Medal inserted through our innovative button hole.
A Sacred and Welcome Gift
Hand-sewn in the USA using the finest materials, then sprinkled with Lourdes water and touched to our saint relics, it's a gift with supernatural value that is always welcome.
Why Everyone Should Wear One
I'm Bud Macfarlane, the founder of this apostolate, although I am probably best known as a novelist. Let's begin with a true story better than anything I could make up. In July of 1251, surrounded by angels, Our Lady appeared to the Carmelite priest, Saint Simon Stock, in Aylesford, England. The Brown Scapular PromiseImagine being there as the Queen of Heaven held out the first scapular (a traditional religious garment, somewhat like a shoulder poncho) and gave the following promise to all mankind. This promise was quickly approved and encouraged for centuries by several popes (and is summarized, in accord with tradition, on the back panel of our scapular):
The ancient Carmelite Order traces its founding back to Mount Carmel, which towers over the Mediteranean coastal city of Haifa, Israel. In 2018 I went to the very top of that beautiful mountain. For Jews and Christians, it is revered as the precise location where God took the prophet Elijah up into heaven. There I placed my palms on the very large boulder where this event occurred.
I recalled that Elijah's experience was a striking Old Testament demonstration of God's will for all of us to go to heaven, as ultimately merited by Christ's crucifixion and resurrection. In the New Testament, the dogma of bodily resurrection was dramatically confirmed to the apostles at the Transfiguration whereby Jesus, bathed in supernatural light, conversed with Elijah and Moses.
Pondering these mysteries at that boulder, I was deeply moved; I even experienced a small, private miracle. Today I believe this was the exact moment when Our Lady placed me on the challenging path to achieve my life-long dream of making it possible for just about anyone to evangelize with the nearly perfect Brown Scapular you see on this webpage.
I can barely wait for you to hold one in your hand and then place it over your shoulders!
Unique Triple-BenefitBy the way, the hidden button-hole for inserting the Miraculous Medal was my idea (although our talented seamstresses in Texas figured out how to make it happen in the real world).
This gives our unique Brown Scapular the triple-benefit of...
1) making it possible to wear the scapular and medal together
2) adding just enough weight to the front panel so the back panel won't flop around, which drove me nuts when I was young, and
3) most importantly, through God's pure grace, it gives the "miraculous" part of the Miraculous Medal a chance to convert or heal the people you give it to.
Plus there's even enough room to put one or two more medals inside! I add our Saint Benedict medal for spiritual protection myself.
A Religious Garment for Laymen
Given its divine origin, today's woolen Brown Scapular is thus best thought of as stylized, unobtrusive religious garment for lay people. Catholic theologians such as Saint Robert Bellarmine, Pope Benedict XIV, and many others explain the promise to mean that anyone dying under Mary's protection while wearing this scapular will receive through her intercession, at the hour of death, either the grace of perseverence in the state of grace, or, the grace of final contrition.
This echoes the Hail Mary, where we ask the Mother of Our Final Judge, Christ, to be with us "at the hour of our death," as she was at Jesus' death on the Cross.
The Prayer You Wear
The Carmelites are fond of referring to the Brown Scapular a "silent prayer." Like every verbal or mental prayer, your decision to wear it every day is an act of faith that requires grace. Placing it over your shoulders as you sleep and as you go about your day confirms your trust in God's gift of salvation and your reliance upon Our Lady.
You are literally carrying Mary's extraordinary promise on your own body, which will be resurrected at the end of time (as we repeat in the Nicene Creed at every Sunday Mass).
This is why every faithful Catholic should be wearing a Brown Scapular! Our Lady desires it. The Church has universally encouraged it. Her promise extends to your relatives, friends, and fellow parishioners who wear this scapular, and is therefore one the greatest tools for evangelization ever given to the world.
We made these premium Brown Scapulars affordable and designed them for gift-giving, but only you can reach the people in your circle of influence. Have courage! You can do it. God will guide and strengthen you against fear of rejection. Please order today with confidence in the Mother of God.
Sacred: Touched to Saint Relics
We sprinkle every scapular with genuine Lourdes water before touching them to our rare Relic of the True Cross and "all-star" line-up of first-class relics (bones) of Saints Jude, Anthony, Benedict, Thérèse, Francis Xavier, and Maximilian Kolbe. We do this completely free-of-charge.
Offered at Our Actual Cost
The very modest donation we ask for is below our actual production cost because we consider this a tool for evangelization. We set out to make it possible for everyone to share premium Brown Scapulars with others.
So please pray a little prayer before you order and remember to get extras for your adult children, college students, extended family, and friends.
This apostolate has been around for over thirty years and we have distributed tens of millions of life-changing Catholic materials. Believe me, if you order two, five, or ten more than you think you need, God will "place" two, five, or ten more souls in front of you!
Enrollment in the Brown Scapular
Finally, to gain the benefits described above, all Catholics are required by the Church to become "enrolled" by a priest in the Brown Scapular, which forever "invests" you in the Confraternity of the Blessed Virgin of Mount Carmel. This only takes a few minutes and can be done easily after Mass.
(This is precisely why we went to the expense and effort to include the "baby booklet" featuring the official Brown Scapular enrollment prayer inside every gift box.)
Until recent decades, most Catholics were traditionally vested at their First Holy Communion. In fact, that's how I was enrolled in the late 1960s. So if you were never enrolled, or are not sure if you were, you can also print out the official prayer (provided in English and Latin) using the link below to bring to your priest.
With Immaculate Mary,
Bud Macfarlane

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