
Volume XXIX, Number 5
February 20, 2025

My Gray Cloud + 20,000 Missed Out!

Hey muchachos. I wrote a ridiculous poem just to make you smile. But first...

A suspiciously huge number of you missed my email announcing this amazing new $1 tool for evangelization:


The title explains itself. Only 122 pages. You can apply its proven techniques on the first day you read it.

All three members of the Holy Family personally intervened to convert the brilliant, hardened atheist who then taught thousands to make influencing their loved ones easy, enjoyable, and effective.

Here's how to get it as a gift for yourself and everyone who Our Lady is already lining up in your unique circle of influence—before Ash Wednesday:

Order Online ($1)

Order free by mail (USA only)

Maybe you missed it because your email just got lost in that huge pile of spam or maybe I just wrote a crud-mucky subject line (it happens).

Or it got strangled in the ever-less-reliable and vast hairball of routers, switches, and wires between your computer and mine?

Speed Bumps of Hope

Frankly, with the destinies of millions of souls at stake—beginning with your fallen-away loved ones who God plans to convert through it—there might be an eensy-weensy bit 'o spiritual warfare going on.

I sure hope so! That would be an excellent sign. Can't say for sure.

And we got a huge percentage of orders from the minority of you who were able to open my last message. It really hit a nerve.

Here's my take on how and why God can use this anointed little book to first change your life so you can then change others'.

Too Good to Be True?

Lenten Preparation Elation Quotations

"The sole purpose of life in time is to gain merit for life in eternity."
- Saint Augustine

"Nothing, how little so ever it be, if it is suffered for God's sake, can pass without merit in the sight of God."
- Thomas a Kempis

"Nothing is so hard that it does not yield to that which is harder."
- Saint Bernard

This is the time when bit by bit
the days begin to lengthen sweet,
and every minute gained is joy,
and love stirs in the heart of a boy.
- Katharine Hinkson

Bud's Terminator Poem

Rhymes with Gray
Under surgeon's sway,
On limb shall it stay,
twenty-four per day,
hyper alloy chassis, eh?
During act 'n pray,
(with deodorant spray)
on its bone-knitting way,
past the end of May!


Reconstructed tendon update: still no pain or meds needed. From left to right: Xavier (son), Bionic Man (100% natural mop), Anthony (corporate son), and Clete (youngest son).

Ain't Feeling Quite Tip Top

Per the legendary Smokey Robinson, "If there's a smile upon my face, it's only there to fool the public."

I am not a "feelings" type of guy, but an interior grey cloud has plagued me for days. I'm okay and undeterred, although I can barely keep my eyes open or focus my thoughts as I type this.

How exactly do you attack a cloud?

Although I believe that taking prudential action is usually the best way forward, I deeply sense that action-taking probably isn't the solution here.

And, as you know, there are outside clouds and inside ones.

Sometimes just enduring is best. Just went to Confession, so I'm in a state of grace. I'm getting up to pray "the de Sales way" every morning.

After all, clouds can blow away on their own.

Makes me wonder about how difficult it must be for those of you who suffer from real depression, which is probably ten times worse than whatever this is.

Rather than ask you to pray for it to blow over, please offer a quick prayer for Jesus to show me why it is there. Thanks. You really are the best.

Please Pray with Me

This time remembering the pope, and once again gratefully drawing from Father Ripperger's powerful Auxilium Christianorum exorcism prayers, let us begin, all over the world, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

In thy name, Lord Jesus Christ, we pray that thou cover us, our families, and all of our possessions with thy love and thy Most Precious Blood and surround us with thy heavenly angels, saints, and the Mantle of Our Blessed Mother. Amen.

As for my grey cloud, whether it takes ten minutes, ten weeks, or ten years, trust me (deep German accent)...

"I'll be back."

Yes, I went there.

How to Evangelize Anyone. I came up with that title. Whaddaya think?

Onward, to Mary's total victory!

With Saint Joseph,

Bud Macfarlane
Your Man of Sorrows

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