Rare "Kitchen Sink" Edition!

Volume XXVII, Number 20
October 10, 2023

Yes, yes, yes—welcome to one of my rare Everything-But-the-Kitchen-Sink messages!

For my newer readers, this is when you get to read all sorts of things that have been piling up in the attic of my jumbled Catholic mind.

In Case You Missed It

Based on your avalanche of responses, my son Xavier's testimony about how Father Ripperger's Three Angelus Cure transformed his life really struck a nerve! If you missed it, read the whole thing here:

Xavier's Testimony

We'll pray at the end, of course. Let's get started.

1. Every Day Rosary Podcast

Daily Rosary Meditations with Dr. Mike Scherschligt is podcast that will help you build a habit of meditative prayer while learning about your Catholic Faith in bite-sized portions. It is one of the fastest-growing Rosary communities worldwide.

Scripture, Meditation, and a Rosary—all in under 20 minutes—perfect for your daily commute or with your morning coffee. Find it in your favorite podcast app by searching "Daily Rosary Meditations" or online at DailyRosaryMeditations.com.

2. Pirouette on a Globe

While out walking on the True Cross Pilgrimage, I got into the habit of sending the Operation True Cross angel out ahead of me. One time, as I did so, it occurred to me that the earth is a globe, and all of us—me, you, and anybody else—each represent a pin on top of that ball, and that I could pray for the entire world by turning east, west, north, and south.

So I started sending the OTC Angel in every direction. 360° coverage!

The next time you pray the Fatima Prayer during a Rosary... in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world... or the Divine Mercy Prayer... have mercy on us and on the whole world... ponder what is actually and geographically true: you are covering every soul on the entire planet just by standing, kneeling, or sitting wherever you are.

3. Free Doctors (Not a Typo)

Some of you are struggling financially and this might help. I have not used MyFreeDoctor.com, but a friend has. It's real. The kinds of illnesses treated are limited and they don't take insurance, but it really is free and you can get prescriptions filled (which you do pay for).

4. Free Pass for Sleep Deprivation

Sometimes serious personal or professional responsibilities make it impossible to get enough sleep. Twenty years ago at a conference, dog-tired and going to bed with only a couple of hours available to sleep before a big day, I prayed a Hail Mary and asked Our Lady for a "Free Pass." That is, to allow me to function the following day as if I had enough sleep even though I knew it was impossible.

It worked! I was alert and not even slightly drowsy. A small miracle. It has since worked many times for me and my friends. More recently, heaven granted me numerous Free Passes during the True Cross Pilgrimage. (The Free Pass doesn't work, however, after staying up too late watching TV or futzing around on your phone.)

5. While We're on Hotel Rooms

Always keep holy water with you whenever you travel. I bless and exorcise my rooms, tracing wet crosses on the doors, mirrors, TV, beds, and windows. In my line of work especially, hotel rooms can be a locus of attack. Also, when I travel alone, I rarely turn on the television.

6. Boy Scout Good Deed of the Day

Call an old friend. Be extra nice to the gal behind the counter. Give a homeless guy a snack. Pick up a piece of trash. Shovel your neighbor's sidewalk. Make a donation "off schedule and off budget." Wipe a smudge of bird poo off a coworker's car. Watch a TV show your loved ones like but you don't. Pray for the strangers who walk by. Smile. Every time the sun rises, your Boy Scout Good Deed of the Day is waiting for you.

7. Riddle Me This

One person cannot do this alone. And I'm not saying I don't enjoy it—just the opposite—but can somebody please explain kissing to me?

8. Birthday Boy

I turned 61 on October 1st, Feast of Saint Thérèse of Lisieux. She's my girl. I loved being 60, but the Lord's whisper in my soul that it would be the most difficult year of my life came true. Even so, I still have my endless well of turtle energy.

9. Good Habit

As soon you realize you've made a mistake, apologize immediately. Avoid making excuses or adding conditions. Don't wait to "feel" sorry. When someone apologizes to you, forgive them right away, out loud if feasible. Even if you don't "feel" your forgiveness. Being stingy with apologies or forgiveness is weakness of character. (If you did not do something wrong, don't apologize. That's not virtuous or honest.)

10. On the Subject of Trouble

According to one of my best friends from high school, Matt Shelter, "The more you talk, the more trouble you get into... until you're in trouble. Then, the more you talk, the more trouble you get out of."

11. All the Chips

Turned 60, took stock. My most valuable possession is my treasure in heaven. Our Lord solemnly advised us to seek it first. For me, helping Jesus save a soul is treasure.

As my life turned out, I have often been called to go first, and to suffer, and through you and hundreds of thousands of good Catholic folks, Immaculate Mary has used me to influence tens of millions of people. My "secret sauce" is that I ask others to do all the work.

Sometimes when I pray for someone, I sincerely offer all of my treasure in heaven to the Holy Trinity in return for an answer. Like poker chips, I push my "treasure in heaven" into the center of the table. All in. I have done it a hundred times.

I figure that Our Lord, being so generous, might return it right back—or even multiply it—but I do not know for sure. What else of value can I offer Him?

12. Confession of a Sixty-One Year Old

For all my life, after I buy new socks, I just wear them right out of the pack. I don't wash them first. And I'm still here.

13. The Mud Funnel

Have you noticed—in our supposed computer world of the future—that "customer service" at big corporations and government agencies have figured out how to waste large amounts of your time? The frustrating phone trees and websites that do not solve your problem? Everything is like pulling teeth.

I started calling it the Mud Funnel, because it gets murkier, more frustrating, slower, and thicker as you slog toward the skinny opening at the end, never knowing if you'll make it out. And sometimes you give up, lose out, and can never get your time back.

We have all been through the Mud Funnel: Losing a credit card is a nightmare. After a move, rejiggering all your online accounts. Forgotten passwords. WiFi connections. Real emails sent to Spam. Text bombing. Robocalls. Transferring contacts to new phones. The anxiety-inducing horror music playing in the background of your mind while banking online or using email because of cyber-theft and scams.

Hours spent waiting on hold. And then, when you finally get through—if you're lucky enough to talk to a real person, and if they understand English—they're often unable, unauthorized, or unwilling to fix the problem.

Getting refunds is like going down a rabbit hole—while buying something takes just a few easy clicks. Fixing your car, getting a haircut, or even ordering a burger often require scheduling appointments online or tapping away at a complicated screen.

I am certain corporate planners have figured out it's less costly to purposely frustrate customers into giving up rather than spend money fixing the problem.

The modern citizen probably suffers thirty to sixty hours per year inside the Mud Funnel—more than a week of full-time work! I despise it. I resent the peace, money, and time it steals from me.

I've always wanted to invent a phrase, and now my family and friends are using "Mud Funnel" all the time, because it happens all the time. Maybe you'll use it too.

Praying Around the World

Please join me and tens of thousands in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

Hail Mary,
full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou among women,
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,

Holy Mary,
Mother of God,
pray for us sinners now,
and at the hour of our death.

Well, I hope you didn't hate it. Believe it or not, I have three times as many Kitchen Sink items in the attic that didn't make it into this message (not to mention the junk moldering in the basement).

Hey, Xavier and I just took this picture a few minutes ago standing next to our fancy new printer. We thought you'd enjoy the artwork, too.


Oh, and don't forget to read my son's testimony. God bless.

With Saint Denis,

Bud Macfarlane

Xavier's 3-Angelus Testimony

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