You Gotta Listen to Ed Jozsa

Volume XXVII, Number 17
August 30th, 2023

Hello everybody. I'm busier than spit, and my loss is your gain because that means this is going to be my shortest message all year. I have one item, two quotes, and a prayer.

The Mystic Next Door

My son Xavier's podcasts have quietly snuck into the top 20% of all Catholic podcasts worldwide—because of the fascinating guests and his sublime gift for listening.

So in lieu of a long message, I warmly invite you to listen to Xavier's riveting conversation with one of the most extraordinary Catholic men I have ever met, Ed Jozsa.

Ed relates the mind-blowing mystical revelations he experienced while miraculously surviving a horrific car crash that should have killed him.

He endured endless months of unimaginable pain—six years and twenty-three surgeries later—his amazing encounter in the "place outside of time" will change how you understand your faith, life after death, and the value of suffering.

Jozsa Car Wreck

That's Ed before they pulled him out of the wreck. Seriously, what God showed him will stay with you for a long, long time.

Podcast: Ed Jozsa in the Hand of God

Catholic Quotations

"If you are not willing to die for your God and your brothers, at a moment's notice, or by a thousand cuts and sacrifices over many years, then you do not have a religion. You have a hobby."
- G.K. MacBrien

"God's universal providence works through secondary causes. The world of pure spirits stretches between Divine Nature and the world of human beings. Because Divine Wisdom has ordained that the higher look after the lower, angels execute the divine plan for human salvation. They who are the guardians free us when hindered and help bring us home."
- Saint Thomas Aquinas

Tens of Thousands at Prayer

Please pray with me and tens of thousands worldwide, beginning in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

Pour forth we beseech thee,
O Lord, thy grace into our hearts,
that we to whom the incarnation of Christ, thy son,
was made known by the message of an angel,
may, by His passion and cross,
be brought to the glory of His resurrection,
through the same Christ, Our Lord. Amen.

And Amen. I hope you're enjoying your summer and have a wonderful Labor Day weekend. If you're new to my messages and (inexplicably) would rather read one of my longer emails, here's a doozy:

Cracks in the Devil's Dam

You are on my mind all the time. I love you, and I pray for you, and I deny myself for you—by the pure sweet silent grace of God—every day.

I don't care if that sounds corny. It's true.

Keep praying the Daily Prayers to Save America. It's working.

Next week we will release an amazing new and innovative "tool for evangelization", so keep your eye on your inbox. Until then, I remain yours, as always...

With Immaculate Mary,

Bud Macfarlane

Bud Novelist

Podcast: Ed Jozsa in the Hand of God

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