Mary Crushes the Serpent!
Volume XXVII, Number 9
April 13th, 2023
Beloved Friends of Christ Crucified—I have lots of pictures and the best news ever:
1. The Harrowing California "Beam"
Completed on Holy Thursday!
2. Is Our Lady's Victory to Deliver America
from Evil Already Secured in Heaven?
3. Fourth and Final Florida Beam Scheduled
to Begin on Divine Mercy Sunday
1. The Harrowing California "Beam" Completed on Holy Thursday!
2. Is Our Lady's Victory to Deliver America from Evil Already Secured in Heaven?
3. Fourth and Final Florida Beam Scheduled to Begin on Divine Mercy Sunday

Here's a quick summary and a some touching photos.
The Little TerminatorIf you opened my March 16th email, then you know Operation True Cross had reached its most vulnerable point at the 2000-mile mark somewhere in southern Oklahoma.
Although I was able to continue walking six hours a day, a severe flu (which lingered for almost two weeks) and a leg injury slowed me and Gabriel Glennon to a crawl.
I nicknamed him the "Little Terminator," or "LT" for short (which is also slang for Lieutenant, his military rank) because of his relentless work ethic. He looks like he's sixteen, carries himself like he's forty, and walks like he's twenty-two (because he is twenty-two).

I almost never get sick. The virus that hit both of us was the worst illness I've endured in almost twenty-five years (when I had walking pneumonia).
Gabriel recovered quickly. My version moved from one part of my body to the next—except for my legs. The lethargy was the worst. On most days, every step I took was an act of the will, thousands of times a day, six hours a day, for days on end.
I embraced the suffering with serenity in my heart, but we both desperately needed help.
And so I decided to "break the emergency glass" and asked tens of thousands of you to storm heaven. Our Almighty God heard your prayers and was moved by your reparations!
The Parting of the Red SeaThose final 700 miles remained terrifically challenging—and even more difficult in some ways—and I had just about danced up to my prudential limit physically, emotionally, and mentally.
At every moment the interior serenity Our Lady granted me remained intact, as it has since I took my first steps in northern Wisconsin way back on September 14th, the Feast of the Triumph of the Cross.
As I witnessed the Red Sea gradually open up after you stormed heaven, this serenity was transformed into joy!
Debilitating injuries healed. Our illnesses abated. The Queen of Heaven sent in her reinforcements...
Emergency Cyrenes to the RescueBest of all—due primarily to the efforts of super-recruiter Steve Hegarty, who himself carried the True Cross with us for three days—Our Lady sent no fewer than eleven volunteer Cyrenes to blast through the rest of Oklahoma, Missouri, Illinois, and Indiana!
Here's the LT, Steve, and the Magnificent Pole, Bart Bak...

Meet Tim Hartigan, my fellow Notre Dame grad and Steve's childhood friend, who dropped everything and came all the way from New York for an entire week. This farm dog took a liking to him at the end of his first walk.

Will McNamara, built like a tank, chewed up mile after mile for a weekend.

From Kansas City to Saint Louis, for one day each, three sets of best friends from the stellar Missouri branch of Corac helped us annihilate the famous 240-mile Katy Trail. We're especially grateful to Bill Kennedy (far right) for his tireless efforts to organize the Missouri Cyrenes.
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A tornado was seemingly sent to kill us. It literally landed directly on our route, exactly where we would have been if we had not been providentially delayed by a massive thunder and lighting storm with 50 mph winds that forced Gabriel to take shelter for an hour.
The twister landed just six miles ahead of us. The following morning, we walked by a half a mile of trees snapped in half like twigs, totaled cars, and torn up pavement. By God's grace, no locals lost their lives.

To finish before Easter, for the past fourteen days I began the first three-hour walk around 4:00 am in total darkness, often in unseasonably freezing conditions.
(After almost four thousand miles, I pretty much laugh at bad weather.)
No need to fret over my safety; I used a powerful headlamp and was on empty "rail trails" for most of the way—I've peacefully walked in total darkness for hundreds of miles since Wisconsin, including through much of the Mojave Desert.
It is always calming, with virtually no traffic, and I was blessed to watch the sun gradually fill our beautiful world with light—the perfect metaphor for Jesus' resurrection. I then grabbed catnaps while the others walked.
At all times, the powerful Operation True Cross angel protected me. Jesus assured us, "Be not afraid." I was not.
On Heaven's ScheduleAfter I got the ball rolling before sunrise, the amazing Emergency Cyrenes took it from dawn until dusk past 8:00 pm, up to 16 hours per day, until we arrived early at the Notre Dame Grotto just yesterday...
...fittingly, on Holy Thursday—on the final day of Lent and the first day of the Triduum! At the precise moment when we finished the Daily Prayers to Save America, the Basilica bells rang out at noon, and we offered the Angelus.
Gabriel's parents, JJ and Margie, along with his two little sisters, were there to greet us and everyone took turns carrying the True Cross.

His sisters could barely fit on the top bunk that Gabriel endured for the past five weeks.

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My son Xavier, who has spent every day designing and planning the logistics since last summer, was our final rescue Cyrene.

Victory Secured in Heaven
It Just Keeps Getting Better
Your prayers changed the world. The entire Red Sea rescue experience was beyond humbling. Physically, I am stronger than ever—this itself seems like a minor miracle.
And I assure you—you, as a faithful Catholic and my fellow spiritual warrior, who has sacrificed in so many ways to share this path up Calvary over the past four months—none of us lost one iota of cheerful determination for a single minute.
Your Expanding ArmyMy instincts that the last four weeks were a not-very-subtle spiritual attack were confirmed by God's unmistakably bold response to your wide array of prayers and reparations, which quickly expanded out through your personal relationships and networks.
Our Father counterattacked, forcing the cowardly evil one to be humiliated yet again as thousands of new people joined Operation True Cross spiritually all across our beautiful nation!
I'm Not a MysticBefore we end with a prayer, I have the greatest news ever. Our Lady designed me to be a man of action. I am not and never will be a mystic.
God speaks to me probably the same way He speaks to you: through His actions, through images, through patient discernment in prayer, and, through the patterns I've seen repeated hundreds of times over the past three decades in the harvest field of souls.
Once again I witnessed the resurrected King of Kings and His Mother "part the Red Sea" and turn the tables on the evil one's fruitless efforts to frustrate Our Lord's sovereign will.
The Kill ShotDuring the past week or so, I kept seeing an image in my mind's eye of Our Lady's foot crushing the throat of a "high-level" demon which was being bound by her powerful angels.
Its face was clenched in terror. I heard it gurgling. It knew the battle was lost. He knew he was about to be cast down as a result of the California beam being connected. It was over.
I was given a strong, undeniable sense in the depths of my being that, in the fullness of time, the third "beam" constituted what I began to tell the other Cyrenes was "the kill shot."
Then, my extremely faithful benefactor, Mary Jo, sent me several traditional and quite striking images (most from the Middle Ages) of Our Lady physically attacking the evil one or his demons.

Another image came to me. It was a dragon rearing up to strike in frustrated anger, exposing its soft white underbelly as tens of thousands of you—the participants in Operation True Cross—cast countless spears into its dark heart. Death blows.
My best sense of what this might mean, based upon infallible Catholic dogmatic teaching as well as approved apparitions such as Guadalupe and Fatima, is the following:
With the completion of the California beam, at least for the Americas, Our Lady has already secured victory from the heavenly throne, in answer to our prayers and reparations.
The Satanic Regime Will FallTwo days before we completed the California beam, I texted the following to the Cyrenes who walked with me:
The fourth beam from Florida, tentatively scheduled to depart on Divine Mercy Sunday, even if terrifically difficult, and still aggressive spiritual warfare, is about gratitude, resurrection, and celebrating Mary's amazing heavenly victory. It's about Fatima peace.
Please ponder this and let me know your thoughts, reactions, and the sense in your soul.
And I will ask you to do so same. Ponder this over the holy weekend, and over the next few weeks, let me know what you see with, as Saint Paul calls it, "the eyes of the heart."
Let Us PrayPlease join me and so many others on Good Friday, beginning in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
Dearest Mary, Our Lady of Sorrows, if it remains in accord with God's sovereign, merciful, just, and holy will, and by whatever means He deems appropriate, or at whatever time He grants fitting, we beg you to intercede to secure the most abundant graces of salvation for the greatest number of souls in North America and the entire world, especially those souls of our beloved relatives and closest friends, and our own souls.
Let my heart be pierced by a sword, as yours was, so that the thoughts of many will be revealed. Thank you, Our Lady of Victory, for keeping your clear blue mantle over our beloved land!
End the reign of the evil one within our midst. Grant our nation an era of peace, for the sake of the innocent, and spare the Father's just wrath while ending forever the diabolical oppression we have endured for generations.
By your son's Precious Blood Shed on the Holy Cross to atone for all sin for all eternity, and in his Holy Name, Jesus, we pray. Amen.Almost done. Next up, the Florida beam! If you want to join us on the first day, I'll announce the exact departure time in my next message.
May you and everyone you love enjoy a blessed and holy Easter!
I'm already preparing for one final month with the heroic Catholic men the Queen of Heaven generously sends to join me in response to your beautiful prayers.
We'll be departing from the National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche, site of the first Catholic church established in America in the 1500s, and where the soil was soaked with the blood of dozens of martyrs in the 1700s.
Thank you for being a part of it all. Muster. Deploy. Attack. Onward to victory!
With Saint Joseph,
Terror of Demons,
Bud Macfarlane
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