The Hand of God
Volume XXVII, Number 3
January 18, 2023
Hello my friends,
Can you find the Walking Man symbol on our Operation True Cross logo?

We thought you would appreciate a rough geographical update on our progress when you visit the OTC webpage.

For once, I really will actually keep this short. With four hundred miles behind us, we're now heading into the Mojave Desert towards the Arizona border. Pete's achilles is holding up with proper treatment—and your prayers.
Oh, and we've had only one attempted carjacking (last item).
The weather remains horrible—three straight weeks of driving rain, high wind, flooding, mountain crossings, and even hail—followed by icy cold nights in the van.
The spiritual and psychological challenges are proving more difficult than the physical ones, but we're hanging tough.
I miss my sons and my sweetheart.
On the other hand, I saw a double rainbow and this view at the top of a 5,000-foot mountain!
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In lieu of a long message, here is a true, miraculous story of how God's mighty hand literally saved me from certain death on a winter day in northern New Hampshire.
I've been pondering that direct, divine intervention during my walks.
All those years ago, on that day, I instantly realized that God saved me for the sake of others—and on this day, for this particular mission.
The following link also includes cool photos of a Grand Canyon adventure with my sons, a bonus story about "Rumor Weeds" after my signature, plus Catholic quotes from the saints on what death really means.
So, if you read anything today, read this:
Department of DangerA couple days ago, as I was pumping gas in a sketchy town, a hulking, nasty-looking man made a run at me while I was looking the other way. He was probably intending to carjack the van in broad daylight.
This would-be attacker stopped cold when he saw Peter in the passenger seat, then retreated. I never saw him until Peter pointed him out as we drove away—with haste.
Just yesterday afternoon, a huge black pickup truck tried to run me off the shoulder of the road. Ever vigilant, I saw him coming and dashed to safety with plenty of room to spare as his horn blared in the wind.
We really do need your daily prayers and the protection of powerful angels.
Pray with Me and Thousands WorldwideI've been enjoying all your emails. A special thank you to Mary Jo—you know why. You have the perfect name for this mission!
Let's all of us offer the Mantle of Mary Prayer for our country in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
Almighty Father, we offer our prayers in the Holy Name of your Eucharistic Son, Jesus, in atonement for the sins of the United States, especially for the sin of abortion and all sins of the flesh. We humbly request that You fortify the fearsome Guardian Angel of the United States, along with your mighty Archangel Michael and every angel assigned to their legions, to save America in her time of distress. May they teach us how to combat evil.
Eternal Father, deliver us as you delivered your people by the parting of the Red Sea!
Eternal Father, just as your servant David defeated Goliath with one smooth stone, by the sweep of your mighty hand, cast into the abyss forever all those diabolical powers and principalities which seek to dominate and degrade our children, our neighbors, and our communities. Direct us as you directed David's stone in battle.
Eternal Father, we beg You to remember always the sacrifice of our holy martyrs of North America, whose blood has forever anointed our very soil for Your divine purposes.
Eternal Father, honor the faith of our fathers and mothers who have gone before us into your heavenly embrace, and who intercede for victory on our behalf.
Eternal Father, honor the covenant made by our bishops, who, inspired by your prophetic grace, solemnly consecrated our nation to the Immaculate Virgin Mary in every century since our founding.
By the infinite merits of the Blood of Christ, offered everywhere and every day in the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass throughout our states and territories, keep the Mantle of Mary pinned at every border to fully cover the United States of America, a nation you, O God, brought forth into salvation history through your divine will, merciful grace, and providential protection.
O Almighty and Eternal Father, in union with all of our Christian brothers and sisters who offer prayers, fasts, and self-denials for deliverance of America from evil, we implore You to deeply immerse every soul in our beloved nation within an overflowing ocean of your Holy Spirit, the Divine Spouse of Immaculate Mary, and to thus vanquish the serpent, his demons, and those who serve the evil one within our midst, while bringing forth, we pray, the new Great Awakening and Illumination of Consciences. Amen.
Actually, I'm tall and savory.
'be back soon.
Hang tough.
Stay frosty.
Pray, hope, and don't worry. Love everyone.
Please ask God to heal my knee.
With Saint Michael,
and the Guardian Angel
of the United States,
Bud Macfarlane

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