Relic Prayer Crucifix

A Crucifix Touched to the True Cross
After having them blessed by a priest, we sprinkle every crucifix with Lourdes water before touching them to our founder's rare Relic of the True Cross and his "all-star" line-up of first-class relics (bones) of Saints Jude, Anthony, Benedict, Thérèse, Francis Xavier, and Maximilian Kolbe (beard). We do this completely free-of-charge.
Powerful Tools for MiraclesOur crucifixes have removable prayer cards which include a description of the relics they have been touched to so anyone you give one to will know their priceless spiritual value. Your favorite saints will take care of the rest!
It features the traditional Anima Christi Prayer to Our Crucified Lord.A Very Special Crucifix
A Message from Our Founder
Hello, I'm Bud Macfarlane and I started this website way back in 1996. Maybe you've read my bestselling novels or have heard the recordings our benefactors have distributed by the millions over the past three decades. |
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Devotion to the Holy Cross is not easy. Non-Catholics tend to want to look away from our suffering Savior, and in a way, I cannot blame them. Jesus asked us to take up our crosses and follow him, and where He went was to "the skull place" to be tortured and murdered.
A Line Etched into My PalmDecades ago my own father gave me an extremely rare Relic of the True Cross. I have carried it with me everywhere, including on foot for 4,500 grueling miles during the Mary Foundation's unprecedented True Cross Pilgrimage.
For years, night after night while I slept, I held it tightly in my right hand during my own times of suffering, knowing any anguish I endured was nothing compared to what Jesus did for me.
Months and years passed, and one morning I discovered, etched deeply into the palm of my hand, a physical line forming a cross from grasping the True Cross!
If Someone You Love Is SufferingIf you know a relative or friend who is suffering, or needs to return to the practice of the faith or convert to Catholicism, this special crucifix touched to a piece of the actual wooden cross upon which Jesus won our salvation is one of the most effective gifts you can give them. And here's why:
Imagine what will happen: your relative or friend will pray the ancient Anima Christi Prayer while holding in his or her hand a tangible object touched to a piece of the Holy Cross upon which Jesus shed his blood—sprinkled with Lourdes water and also touched to the relics (bones) of the other amazing saints listed above!
"On This Day You Shall Be With Me..."Pray for those to whom you give this crucifix. Expect for something to change for the better. Rely on Christ Crucified to take special care of any person who receives this special spiritual object until his or her last breath on earth!
Take heart in the words Jesus spoke to the Good Thief (the first person to receive the Saving Grace of the Holy Cross), "On this day you shall be with me in paradise."
Through God's grace, I promise you that our Savior will silently "whisper" perfect truth into the soul of your friend or relative. Trust in His Divine Mercy.
The Solution is God's PowerYou know that no mere piece of metal has any power—Jesus does, because He is the divine Son of God, and the saints' relics to which your crucifix has been touched are the real physical remains of his special servants.
Who Needs this Relic Prayer Crucifix?
- Your spouse and children.
- Your parents or grandparents.
- Anyone who is near death.
- Anyone who is suffering.
- Anyone who is away from the Church.
- Anyone who needs a miracle.
- Your closest friends and neighbors.
- Anyone in the habit of mortal sin.
- People in your parish and ministries.
- Your coworkers.
- Non-Catholics should have one.
- In every car, bedroom, and desk.
- Your keychain, necklace, or bracelet.
This crucifix and our other Relic Prayer Medals truly are perfect gifts and a gentle way to evangelize which is always welcome. By the way, children love collecting all the medals and cards while learning the prayers. And don't forget:
You should have one.
After my adult lifetime of carrying a Relic of the True Cross along with three decades of helping regular folks just like you distribute tens of millions of novels, booklets, and CDs that have influenced countless souls all over the world, I can assure you of this:
Wearing or carrying the Relic Prayer Crucifix and praying the Anima Christi prayer entails a simple act of faith. Especially in the case of a soul who may be far away from God, doing so will be honored by Christ Crucified, all the saints the medal has been touched to, and by Our Lady of Lourdes.
Miracles will occur. They will occur because you took a few minutes to be a part of our project for Mary by ordering your medals today.
Thank you for reading this and for sharing my desire for souls. May God bless you always.
With Saint John the Apostle,
Bud MacfarlaneFounder
Fun! Watch How Medals Are Made
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