A Message from Bud Macfarlane
Whether you've been involved with CatholiCity.com for many years or just discovered this website, please know I am prepared to die for everything the Catholic Church teaches, as she teaches it, to the teensiest kernel of truth, from the efficacy of the brown scapular to the Summa Theologica to the Council of Trent and all of infallible Sacred Tradition.
Hopefully you're the same.
This is why I both deeply love and attend the Traditional Latin Mass (and am encouraged by its tremendous recent growth) while also attending the valid and licit "new" vernacular Mass celebrated in a reverent manner, however much it sorely needs reform.
I grow weary of the cliched insults leveled against my beloved Catholic sisters and brothers who prefer the Latin Mass (TLM), adhere to the infallible Magisterium, and affirm sober fidelity to Rome despite decades of suppression and mistreatment.
As far as I'm concerned, TLM folks are the best. TLM families are, by and large, faithful, loving, and fruitful. TLM priests fearlessly preach the truth. I really like that. If you're TLM, I am with you to the end.
With Saint Joseph,
Bud Macfarlane

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