Lead Us Not into Temptation

From the Catechism of the Catholic Church, Simplified

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Blocking Our Way (2846-2847)

Sins come from consenting to temptation. We ask God not to lead us into temptation, meaning "do not allow us to enter" or "do not let us yield to" temptation. God cannot be tempted and he tempts no one. This petition asks him to block our way into temptation and to give us the Spirit of discernment.

The Spirit helps us to know the difference between trials (needed for our spiritual growth) and temptations (which lead to death). We also discern between "being tempted" and "consenting to temptation" realizing that some things seem desirable but their fruit is death. "There is a certain usefulness to temptation. We discover our evil inclinations" (Origen).

Serving Which Master? (2848)

"Lead us not into temptation" demands a "decision of the heart." "No one can serve two masters" (Mt 6:24). "If we live by the Spirit, let us also walk by the Spirit (Gal 5:25). When we are tempted, God will "provide the way of escape, so you may be able to endure it" (1 Cor 10:13).

Victory by Prayer (2849)

Jesus overcame his temptations by prayer and our victory is also won by prayer. In this petition, Christ unites us to his battle, urges us to vigilance, and prays to the Father, "Keep them in your name" (Jn 17:11). This petition dramatically asks for final perseverance, "So, I am coming like a thief! Blessed is he who is awake" (Rev 16:15).

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