Beware the Mesh
Volume XXV, Number 10 – June 4, 2021
If you're linking in from my article, The Shadow of Death, you can skip down to the section entitled Beware the Mesh.
Dear CatholiCity Citizen,
Instead of my usual short items, today I present my thoughts about what I call The Big Four, the Mesh, and the Eclipse of the Church, plus something truly silly about my hairstyle at the end.
It includes an amazing, little-known prophecy Saint Dominic made when he met Saint Francis and Saint Angelus in Rome in the early 1200s, which was confirmed by Our Lady of Fatima 700 hundred years later. And, a link to the best presentation of the Period of Peace I have ever heard.
Please read the whole thing and share it via email and social media.
The Spiritual Value of BeautyI want to thank so many of you who ordered our newest tool for evangelization, the Premium Brown Scapular, which we introduced in our last two messages.
They're flying out the door! In case you missed the announcements, you can order or learn more here:
In addition to its other unique benefits (such as a premium gift box, a free Miraculous Medal insert, Enrollment mini-booklet, only $5 each), we strove to design the most beautiful scapular ever.
Because this heavenly gift from Our Lady is high sacred art to adorn your very body, a "silent prayer" in the form of a religious garment for laymen, beauty was non-negotiable.
What All Catholics Should Know
I am going to share bracing, infallible Catholic teaching regarding the relationship between the reality of hell and the most important issue facing the Catholic Church in our era. Follow me...
The Big Four Universal DevotionsYou know these four universally adopted devotions, confirmed by the infallible mark of the sensus fidelium of the Catholic Church:
The Holy Rosary (1215 AD)
The Brown Scapular (1251 AD)
The Miraculous Medal (1830 AD)
The Divine Mercy Chaplet (1935 AD)
These four devotions transcend all cultures. Of heavenly origin, they will be with us until the end of time. No bad pope or series of popes, or sinful era, could ever succeed in wiping them out. Wherever you find devout Catholics, you find The Big Four.
The Guilty SilenceThere has been an unprecedented, half-century trend of Catholics embracing a notion that virtually no one goes to hell except the most heinous, unrepentant criminals. As Eric Sammons' explanation of this trend illustrates, a "deadly" religious indifference has resulted.
Tragically, grave sin is objectively rampant among nominal Catholics and throughout our entire planet. This is tolerated by the Church via a "guilty silence" from pastors, in Catholic education, and even at the highest levels of the Church.
Explanations of what mortal sin is are rare in most Catholic parishes. Grandchildren have grandparents who are ignorant of the most basic Catholic teachings. A tiny percentage (fewer than 5% in America) of Catholics bother to go to Confession.
Hell is RealIn 1917, when Christian culture was still pervasive in the West, Our Lady of Fatima lamented that souls were "falling into hell like snowflakes." Three decades later, Jesus took Saint Faustina to hell to show her all the people there who didn't believe in hell before their death. I could provide many more examples.
Jesus, of course, explicitly warned of the reality of hell numerous times. At all times and all places, the Catholic Church has infallibly confirmed hell is real. Modernist theologians perform intellectual backflips to deny Jesus' assertion that "the gate is wide and the road is easy that leads to destruction, and many take it." (Matthew 7:13)
Saint Thomas Aquinas confirmed that "no one loses heaven except by human fault," while our new free Warning book (which has an Imprimatur) confirms in technicolor that souls who deserve eternal damnation accept their judgment completely.
"The Rosary and The Scapular Will Save the World"Proclaiming the dogmatic teaching about hell is the other side of the coin of God's mercy. It is obvious that there is no reason to evangelize anyone if people can't go to hell. The missionary saints I admire most, especially the North American Jesuit martyrs, were deeply motivated by their desire to save souls from damnation.
Their sacrifices were a pathetic charade if virtually all souls go to heaven. And if hell is a merely remote possibility, then refraining from sin has no meaning. Most of you know this, in your mind and in your bones.
Lately it has been striking my heart that the original two of the four universal devotions, the Rosary and the Brown Scapular, were given to us by Our Lady over eight hundred years ago prevent people from going to hell during our particular time.
After all, the Brown Scapular literally guarantees salvation to those who wear it in faith.
Three Saints Meet in RomeIn the early 1200s, as young men, Saint Dominic, Saint Francis, and Saint Angelus (a Carmelite visiting from Jerusalem) "ran into each other" on the streets of Rome. (This was before Our Lady gave the modern Rosary and all its mysteries to Dominic.) Angelus prophesied that Francis would bear the stigmata. Then Saint Dominic made this astounding prophecy:
"One day, Brother Angelus, to your Order of Carmel, the Most Blessed Virgin Mary will give a devotion to be known as the Brown Scapular, and to my Order of Preachers she will give a devotion to be known as the Rosary. One day, through the Rosary and the scapular, she will save the world."
I believe today is that day.
The Fatima ConnectionA chapel was built at the location to commemorate this meeting. It is also little known that Our Lady confirmed this prophecy by holding up a brown scapular and the Rosary during two of her six apparitions in 1917 and promised to "save the world." (The brown scapular also played a prominent role at Lourdes.)
Divine Work-AroundsWe intuitively grasp that many people in "post-Christian" first-world nations clearly have the game "fixed" against going to heaven by ever more prevalent diabolical forces embedded into our culture.
As mentioned earlier, the great majority of Catholic children grow up ignorant of the most basic tenants of the faith. More children than ever, perhaps a majority, grow up with no Christian religious formation in any form. As just one example, a great majority are exposed to pornography before the age of latency, and thereby are deformed interiorly.
In everyday language, it seems to me that Christ the King foresaw that the satanic cards would be stacked against us. Thus, in accord with His divine generosity, Jesus sent his holy mother to give us merciful spiritual work-arounds if we cooperate with His grace and make seemingly small (but in actuality, great) acts of faith such as wearing the Brown Scapular and praying the Holy Rosary.
To further help us, in the 1830s, Our Lady gave us the Miraculous Medal to promote devotion to her Immaculate Conception. Jesus himself gave us the Divine Mercy Chaplet in the 1930s, and through the papacy of Saint John Paul II sixty years later, this new devotion was adopted worldwide almost instantaneously.
The Big Four tip the spiritual balance back in our favor.
Falling into Hell Like SnowflakesBecause I believe without any human doubt that souls "are falling to hell like snowflakes" (because I shall always trust Our Lady of Fatima over any contemporary voice), I have spent decades studying why everything is decaying in our culture. Additionally, the rate of degeneration has been increasing. Why?
You will agree with me that it is self-evident that one is unlikely to defeat an enemy until one knows the enemy's nature. Once the enemy is known, I am all about finding the weakness and then calmly, bravely, and aggressively attacking it with an overwhelming concentration of force.
Our Mantle of Mary project is an example. We effectively declared to the evil one, through the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, at the four corners of our beloved country:
Ultimately you and Our Lady cannot rule America at the same time. In the name of above all other names, Jesus Christ, you shall be vanquished! The United States belongs to Immaculate Mary!
As I have written to you many times, our powerlessness, poverty, and lack of all worldly standing is part of our advantage. The enemy barely knows we exist.
Yet, according to the great Marian saint, Louis de Montfort, it is we, the consecrated children of Mary, who shall form the heel that crushes the head of the serpent. That's right: you will help Our Lady fulfill the prophecy of Genesis 3:15.
So take heart. Have courage. Prepare for battle. Here is a way to understand the battlefield.
The Two Global BodiesOur planet is encircled by two bodies. One is Good. The other is increasingly given over to evil.
As a faithful Catholic, you already know that all baptized Christians comprise the Mystical Body of Christ, which is everywhere in the world, and has a visible structure, which Jesus himself established in and through the apostles, namely, the Holy Catholic Church. Jesus is present in the world in four ways:
1. As the One True God "through whom all things were made," Jesus is everywhere (omnipresent).
2. He also encircles the globe, to every known place, wherever His True Presence, body, blood, soul, and divinity, resides in a tabernacle.
3. Additionally, when two or more of us gather in His name, He is there as well.
4. Finally, when you are in a state of grace, He dwells in your soul, the Temple of the Holy Spirit.
The Divine NetworkJesus' Mystical Body is thus a divine "network" encompassing the entire earth. Without regard to the extent that human sinfulness in the Church has failed Him, this Body blankets our planet. We did this not by the sword, but by sending priests everywhere to establish "holy ground" in sanctuaries such as parishes, monasteries, and chapels.
The holy ground on Mount Sinai where I AM WHO AM spoke to Moses in a burning bush is now everywhere: in our souls, in the tabernacles, whenever two or more gather, and embedded in Being itself keeping all things in existence.
Day by day, year by year, century after century, we send out priests to offer Mass. Through the Holy Spirit, we then teach what Christ taught. Then we get married, have babies, and baptize them.
Catholics and Catholic reality "expands" into everything: politics, law, architecture, art, culture, music, education, jails, medicine, and philosophy, from entire nations to local towns. Grace builds upon nature.
We can make all things holy through the Existence of Jesus.
Beware the Mesh
The Nature of the EnemyThe other "body," a web which I informally call The Mesh, is a human construction whereby the entire world, for the first time in salvation history, is covered and connected by four intertwined, overlapping "networks" consisting of the Internet (information/media); the global digital banking system (finance); transnational organizations and movements (politics); and a worldwide transportation and delivery system (logistics).
These are all animated by a diabolical philosophy that promotes a false notion of freedom. (This lecture by the brilliant Professor D.C. Schindler explains it better than I ever could.)
Aspects of the Mesh are not necessarily evil in and of themselves. However, in our age, at an increasingly faster pace of change, the Mesh, including those who control globalist corporations, governments, and supranational organizations, is dominated by functionally atheist, almost incomprehensibly wealthy people.
Satan, the prince of this world, influences them, knowingly or unknowingly, with ease.
It is difficult to grasp what the Mesh really is. The same Mesh that has lifted astounding numbers of people out of abject poverty (a wonderful thing) has also enabled unfettered free access for adults and children to the most disgusting pornography imaginable.
Although the Mesh is openly hostile to religion in baldly authoritarian regimes such as China, in most Western political systems, the Mesh feigns that it is "neutral" regarding religion. It thus cleverly denies the reality of Christ by default, and fills that vacuum to arbitrate "good and evil" in law, culture, and so on.
This is how, since the 1970s, the atrocity of nearly two billion surgical abortions has been enshrined into the legal foundations of western law.
This abuse of authority is now degenerating into soft (and not-so-soft) one-party authoritarianism in western, formerly Christian nations. Saint John Paul II gave his own name to the Mesh: the Culture of Death. Pope Benedict teaches it is the Dictatorship of Relativism.
In the name of tolerance, the Mesh despises freedom of speech; it does this to establish a monopoly for its lies. It instinctively knows to suppress Christianity in order to substitute its dogmatic worship of power, materialism, wealth, sterile sexual license, and murder of the innocent.
For virtually every person on earth, especially in first-world western societies, it has become impossible to exist without being drawn into the Mesh. If you doubt this, try holding a job without your cellphone. Try buying what you need without using digital currency. Try telling the truth about morality in a public or corporate setting without cancelation.
Before I conclude below, please review the quotations I shared with you in April, which were preparation for today's essay:
Quotation Review
"Satan has been introduced into the bosom of the Church and he will within a very short time come to rule a false church."
-Saint Padre Pio (1960)
"In a certain way, I also think that this could be the time of the Antichrist. When electricity allows for the simultaneity of all information for every human being, it is Lucifer's moment. He is the greatest electrical engineer of all... Just think: each person can instantly be tuned to the 'new Christ' and mistake him for the real Christ."
-Marshall McLuhan (1969)
"I am going to tell you now exactly why Our Lady is appearing...she is appearing because the world is very close to a great chastisement, worse than the time of the flood during the times of the Noah and the Ark. A great chastisement is about to befall the world! ... That's why she is appearing: to crush the head of satan. And she is telling us what we can do to help her and her son Jesus to prevent or mitigate this great punishment from the wrath of God."
-Bud Macfarlane Sr., from his talk, Marian Apparitions Explained
"Pray the Rosary every day. If you're not praying the Rosary, you're not on the team."
-Dr. Taylor Marshall
"The faithful, therefore, should be recommended to recognize in such chastisements the fatherly love of God, and ever to have in their hearts and on their lips the saying of Job, the most patient of men: 'He woundeth and cureth; he striketh and His hands shall heal.'"
-Catechism of the Council of Trent
"For Jesus Christ, I am prepared to suffer still more."
-Saint Maximilian Kolbe
"We all know sometimes life's hates and troubles,
can make you wish you were born in another time and space.
But you can bet your life times that and twice its double,
that God knew exactly where he wanted you to be placed."
-Stevie Wonder, the song "As"
"I proclaim a great day... wherein the Terrible Judge should reveal all men's consciences and try [judge] every man of each kind of religion."
Edmund Campion, Saint and Martyr (late 1500s)
"Nothing can happen to me that God does not want. And all that He wants, no matter how bad it may appear to us, is really for the best."
-Saint Thomas More
The Mesh, which ultimately is controlled by the evil one himself, the "prince of this world," is at war with the Mystical Body of Christ. This war will culminate in a divine intervention, as promised by Our Lady of Fatima. Other than the Incarnation, this will be the greatest direct intervention by God in human events since the Flood.
However, we are living in the Era of Mary, not The End of Time.
During the period of peace promised at Fatima, the entire world will be openly Catholic and mortal sin will be rare, even though we will all still be fallen just as we are today. Jesus will not yet have returned, so it will be a period of extraordinary grace unseen in history. This state of affairs is impossible to imagine without divine intervention.
The best presentation of the Period of Peace can be heard in a fascinating webcast by Mark Mallett and Professor Daniel O'Connor here:
I strongly encourage you to listen to all of it.
Are You Baffled by the Silence?These realities seem to be ignored and dismissed by even conservative Catholic media, which itself has relatively paltry reach compared the Mesh's mega-global media.
I respect almost all of the hundreds of apostolates God has raised up in recent decades that promote our beloved Catholic faith in America, Canada, and throughout the world. As Christ taught, and as you know, each "member" has a purpose in the Mystical Body.
Even so, it baffles me how most mainstream conservative Catholic organizations, especially the media-oriented, seem to consider the messages from the Mother of God, and even her medals and scapulars, as secondary or even minor matters. We barely hear about these, if at all.
Just consider: led by our weird pope and feckless bishops, in 2020, for the first time since Christianity emerged from the catacombs, the worldwide Catholic Church shut down the public Holy Sacrifice of the Mass during Lent and Easter.
Why are we not hearing about how this unprecedented global tragedy bears upon on the "eclipse of the Church" which Our Lady warned was coming at La Salette (and echoed other approved apparitions)? Or the connection to the secrets of Fatima alluding to a Great Apostasy?
Archbishop Carlo Maria ViganòInto the guilty silence, there is one man crying out in the wilderness, explicitly warning the world about this eclipse of the Church. His name is Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò. You will recall that it was he who exposed the Cardinal McCarrick coverup in 2018. Viganò was quickly attacked and is now ignored by Vatican officials. He was forced into hiding.
If you have not heard of him, we have the most comprehensive Archbishop Viganò archive website in the world. You can review all of his writings and interviews, and listen to expert commentary by Dr. Taylor Marshall here:
His Excellency Viganò essentially asserts that the Church is now being controlled by false teachers and corrupt rulers. Either he is correct or incorrect that a "deep church" has infiltrated (the always indefectible) Catholic Church, without modern or ancient precedent.
As faithful Catholics, even if we were fallen away at some point, we all grew up knowing something was profoundly wrong, primarily because we have lived through this apostasy. Archbishop Viganò gives details about what is wrong, who is wrong, and why. I believe Viganò is the Saint Athanasius of our troubled era.
The eclipse of the Church which Viganò describes is the most important issue of our era. Read his messages for yourself. Get the facts. Decide for yourself.
What Should We Do?Other than making your total consecration to Immaculate Mary and Saint Joseph while striving for holiness by doing God's will in your day-to-day life, what should you do? The answer brings us to where we began:
The Holy Rosary
The Brown Scapular
The Miraculous Medal
The Divine Mercy Chaplet
At the very least, during the dangerous times, keep bringing these spiritual "superfoods" to souls in need:
We are also working on the best ways to engage in traditional Catholic activism to counter the Eclipse of the Church. I'll keep you posted.
Welcome to the war. Welcome to the victory!
Pray with UsPlease join me and thousands around the world in the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit...
Eternal Father,
we offer you the body and blood,
soul and divinity,
of your dearly beloved son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins,
and those of the whole world.
For the sake of His sorrowful passion,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
Have mercy on us and on the whole world!
And Amen! This message goes out to tens of thousands. Some of you read every one. Many of you delete entire messages and open others, or just skim through the ones you do open. If you are one of the smaller portion who "endured" this message to the end, thank you.
I wrote with you in mind, the remnant who were destined to read the whole thing. I trust God will do something with you because of it.
I know it was sobering. So let's goof around a little.
I got a crew cut last February, just before the Coronavirus hit, and have been growing out my "novelist" hair ever since. (At 58, I'm just thankful to have hair at this point, and it feels great when it flies around while I'm playing basketball!)
The wild writer in me wants the long hair. The serious Marine in me wants the crew cut. I have been jumping between the two since I was in college. Which one do you prefer? Which is more ridiculous?
Real quick, we could use a few more monthly donors, so click on the button below if you're the kind of person who likes the idea of helping out with our bills for rent, utilities, and fair wages for my coworkers. Monthly donations help more than you know.
With Saint Anthony,
Bud Macfarlane