"It's About Time"

Volume XXV, Number 2 – February 10, 2021

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Lent is just around the corner and I figured you would appreciate knowing the schedule around here. Of course we'll pray together today and I have a very cool Job Opening announcement.

Keeping Our Doors Open

You may have noticed that we did not hold our annual appeal this past Christmas. I decided to move it to Lent because the postal system is no longer reliable during the holidays, some of you suggested this change because it's a hectic time of year, and finally, because Lent seems like a more appropriate time to sacrifice for souls.

We only ask for your financial help once a year, and we would have shut down years ago without the appeal. (However, we will wait until a week or two after Ash Wednesday for this year's appeal so as to stay out of your liturgical way.)

Tempus Flies

Speaking of Ash Wednesday, it is only a week from today! Time doth fugit! I will email my classic "Best Lent Ever" message. Here is the Best List Ever to help you prepare:

The Ultimate Lent List

End Abortion the Catholic Way

I assume you know a little bit about the amazing 40 Days for Life vigils to end abortion through prayer and fasting, because every Lent I encourage you to join over a million people worldwide. And, because it works. Clinics close. Mothers change their minds. Abortion workers convert.

You can pray outside of clinics. You can fast. You can pray at home. There is a role for everyone in every life situation. You can find out about the local vigil in your area here:

Find a Vigil Near You

Evangelize Badly This Lent

Years ago I wrote about how and why evangelizing badly is better than not evangelizing at all. I am not particularly good at evangelizing, though I try, oh, how I try. And fail.

The whole point of CatholiCity is to provide you with ridiculously affordable tools for evangelization. Together, we let the books, prayer medals, scapulars, booklets, and CDs do an excellent job. With God's grace, that is how we have touched tens of millions.

This is my way of saying, order today so you are "stocked up" when Lent begins next week!

Stock Up for Lent

Job Opening at Our Headquarters

If you live in Northeast Ohio, we have a full-time job opening with above-average pay in our shipping center. Although a degree is not required, this is a wonderful opportunity for a recent college graduate. If this applies to you, your son, daughter, niece, nephew, or grandchildren, learn more here:


Catholic Quotes

"The enemy is glad to make you lose time when he cannot make you lose eternity."
-Saint Francis de Sales

"Time takes no holiday."
-Saint Augustine

"Time hath a taming hand."
-Saint John Cardinal Newman

"Next to grace, time is the most precious gift of God. Yet how much of both we waste. We say that time does many things. It teaches us many lessons, weans us from many follies, strengthens us in good resolves, and heals many wounds. Time does nothing. But time is the condition of all these things which God does in time. Time is full of eternity. As we use it so shall we be."
-Cardinal Henry Edward Manning

"Time must always ultimately teach."
-Hilaire Belloc

"We can affirm that time is only in that it tends toward non-being."
-Saint Augustine

Let's Pray Together

Let us all, tens of thousands of us, recollect ourselves (an old Catholic term meaning to shoo away distractions and concentrate on connecting with God, avoiding just mouthing the words...), in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

Soul of Christ, make me holy
Body of Christ, be my salvation
Blood of Christ, inebriate me
Water flowing from the side of Christ,
wash me clean
Passion of Christ, strengthen me
Kind Jesus, hear my prayer
Hide me within your wounds
And keep me close to you
Defend me from the evil enemy
And call me at the hour of my death
To the fellowship of your saints
That I might sing your praise with them
for all eternity.

And...amen. I love you guys. You're the best.

And whatever you do this Lent, do not get a Purple Scapular for your home. (Only kidding.)

With Guardian Angel USA,

Bud Macfarlane

Order the Warning Book

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