"Your Sorrow Will Turn to Joy"
Volume XXV, Number 1 – January 27, 2021
Dear Friend in Christ the King,
My warmest welcome to our 25th year of the CatholiCity Message, the "granddaddy" of them all. Our theme this year will be Christ Crucified and joining our suffering to His. I have just three items and a prayer.
But first, here is the truth: everything is going to be okay. God's will shall be done, on earth as it is in heaven. We accomplished amazing things together in 2020 without realizing at the time how crucial they would become.
For "Good" CatholicsI have emphasized up to now how The Warning is the perfect tool for reaching fallen away souls and those who live as if God does not exist.
Based on the reactions of numerous readers, I now know I missed a key aspect of what is already the bestselling Catholic book in America:
It is especially important for good Catholics to read it. I considered myself a good Catholic until I read it. Now I don't, and it's not about feeling guilty. It's about being closer to Jesus. It changed my life, through God's grace, for the better, forever.
The Warning is only $1 if you order online, with free shipping and no catch (so get extras for the other "good" Catholics you know):
Before I address recent political developments, you'll be happy to know that we finally have a large number of Purple Scapulars in stock. They'll ship the same day you order them.
We've been creating life-changing tools for evangelization for three decades, and my coworkers agree that no single item has ever required enduring as much spiritual warfare as producing the Purple Scapular (not that that would stop us).
This nearly impossible-to-find scapular (until now) is the highest quality on earth and is hand-made in America to the Mother of God's precise requirements. And we are offering it at our actual cost (with free shipping, a gift box, and an official prayer card).
Because the Purple Scapular is divine insurance for the coming tribulations, designed by heaven for protecting your home and the homes of your loved ones, I am now certain it is no coincidence that Our Lady is finally making it available:
(We've already sent scapulars to folks all over the planet! If you live in Canada or overseas, go for it.)
A New Political RealityAs for the spiritual battle of powers and principalities behind current events, little has changed. In the short term, many evils have been revealed to those with the eyes to see them. When I asserted that President Trump would serve a second term, I wrote "I am not a prophet, although right reason and reality confirm it."
As for reality, it appeared the president had an electoral college lead before the polls were suddenly closed down in the swing states on election night. You know what happened over the next three months.
As for right reason, the constitution is clear that state legislatures have sole authority to determine voting law; surely the Supreme Court would rule on these issues? Yet the Supreme Court did not take any cases.
We live in a new political reality now.
Three Times Jesus FellIf you are like my friends and relatives, you may be experiencing a profound and understandable sadness over the seeming loss of our constitutional republic. Worse is the temptation to despair spiritually over what appears to be the frustration of a divine plan and a rejection of our prayers.
And Yet...You already know that political developments should not lessen our faith, even if they do test it. Faith comes from God.
Decades, years, and months of our prayers for our beloved country (along with the prayers of tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of souls worldwide) were heard and accepted in heaven.
Acting on faith, and without fully understanding the world-changing implications last summer, and with and because of your support, the Mantle of Mary has been pinned over our entire country, including our nation's capital.
Nothing can undo this.
The Guardian Angel of the United States has been unleashed.
Nothing can stop him.
Because of you, and with you, the Divine Mercy Movement to Save America came into being and has spread all over the world.
Thus, atonement in union with Christ Crucified for the sins of the United States, especially for the sin of abortion, is being made and accepted by Heaven.
The spiritual battle is not over. Which means the Lord God has "moves" left in His plan for human events.
My dear friends, especially my fellow Americans, now is the time for us few Catholics to pour it on. Look up. Get up. Be at peace. Keep praying. Love your family. Love your enemies.
We have 'em right where we want 'em.
Lent is coming.
God will answer our prayers. Despite your sorrow, in the depths of your being, do you discern that His divine hand has yet to manifest?
The following words of Jesus keep coming to Father John Anthony Boughton in prayer:
"The world will rejoice and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will turn to joy." (John 16:20)
And that is what will happen. Your sorrow will turn to joy.
First Lent, then the Resurrection.
Tens of Thousands PrayingNow, with the president at the forefront of our intentions, please join me and tens of thousands of your fellow CatholiCity Citizens all over America and the world in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
Eternal Father,
I offer you the body and blood,
soul and divinity,
of your dearly beloved son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins
and those of the whole world.
For the sake of His sorrowful passion,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us and on the whole world!
...and Amen. Fact is, for months on end I have been working every waking hour of every day (and often through the night into the next day) just to keep up with the massive numbers of orders, the spiritual "trips" we've undertaken, and overcoming the unprecedented postal delays.
Work. Eat. Pray. Sleep. Repeat.
I am not complaining. Quite the opposite! After 25 years of writing this Message, and 30 years since Our Lady started the Mary Foundation with a direct infusion into my soul of the impossible principles we live by, I am deeply grateful to pour myself out for you.
My temporarily heavy workload means you guys are out there, bringing hope and grace into a dark and darkening world, through the new Warning book, the Purple Scapular, and all our other books, CDs, booklets, and prayer medals.
That's me, my son Buddy, and my grandaughter Evelyn, who will live to see the period of peace promised by Our Lady of Fatima.
Finally, I do read every email you send. It may take me weeks to get back to all of you, but I will. Thanks for being a part of my life.
Now let's pour it on.
With Christ Resurrected,
Bud Macfarlane