Our Charlie Brown Tree
Volume XXIV, Number 31 – December 21, 2020
Dear CatholiCity Citizen,
You know I prefer to stay out of your hair during the holidays, so I have a few quick, exciting announcements, then a brief cyber-prayer with your 60,000+ fellow CatholiCity Citizens.
Before Christmas Is Impossible, Our SpecialtyIf you order online between today and 2:00 pm Wednesday, December 23rd, we will ship your books, CDs, booklets and relic prayer medals via FedEx or UPS Air to arrive on or before Christmas Eve, completely free.
It's our Christmas gift to you––so you can give them as Christmas and New Year's gifts to others!
Yes, next-day air shipping, for free. I suggest you get a bunch of our new Warning books.
I hope it helps you grown closer to Jesus as much as it helped me. Just read the first page.
I know, I know, the postal service and other delivery systems have been suffering unprecedented and massive disruptions due to Covid, snow storms, and huge online holiday shopping. (We've been receiving your mail-in orders 1-3 weeks late ourselves.)
We found our way around all of it, and have even worked out discounts with the air delivery services. Because we're cagey.
Election Update: Keep PrayingBecause of you, the Mantle of Mary project to Save America is going viral worldwide. I am completely serene about the ongoing controversy, and have not altered my take one bit. Steady as she goes. Ignore the lies. Keep praying... with us:
I love receiving Christmas cards from CatholiCity Citizens! We have the most pathetic Charlie Brown Christmas Tree (I guess that's the point, ha!). Could use a few ornaments.

But as you can see, our Nativity Scene is world class. It needs way, way, way more cards around it!
Please, I beg you, put me on your annual list! (I always write back!) Here's my address:
Bud Macfarlane
The Mary Foundation
PO Box 26101
Fairview Park OH 44126
(If you want, order some Warning books while you're at it! If you think you can give out 5, get 10. If you think you can give out 50, get 100. It's that kind of book. It converts people––through grace. Donations: optional. Use the same address above.)
Christmas Quotes
"I don't believe the crass and unproven myth that more people are depressed on Christmas than any other day. Sadly, the depressed, like the poor, shall be with us always––and tragically, they are an unhappy lot on other days of the year. Rather, I believe Christmas to be that bright amazing day when the contented are most happy, when children are most childlike, when materialists are most generous, when those who prefer to sleep in on a day off rise early––and all this because a baby became most divine."
-Joe Wood
How can I keep the Christmas feast
In its due festive show
Reft of the sight of the High Priest
From Whom its glories flow?
-Saint John Henry Newman A Childlike Prayer for a Child
All of us, all over the world, with Christmas cheer, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
Dear Baby Jesus, grant us, in our hearts,
with the shepherds, and the angels, and Joseph,
and the animals, and the wise men,
and Mother Mary, to look upon you,
and enjoy the divine glow, the miracle,
and a smiling, infant king.
Thank you for being a part of our work and our lives, my friends. Everything is going to be all right. Next year is going to be c-r-a-z-y. But you already know that. At least we'll be together. If there were 60,000 of me, I would pop by for Christmas dinner (or dessert!). Until 2021, I remain yours...
With the Holy Family,
Bud Macfarlane Founder