God's Plan for the Election
Volume XXIV, Number 27 – November 12, 2020
Dear CatholiCity Citizen,
For twenty-four years you have trusted me to tell you the truth, so without hesitation I proclaim:
The president of the United States, Donald J. Trump, will serve a second term.
This is God's plan. I am not a prophet, although right reason and reality confirm it. I am merely tasked with faithfully relaying heaven's plan and your role in that plan.
I conferred with my spiritual director before sending today's message. The Holy Spirit is using me to communicate with you, as He has done in the past, so hear His Voice, not my own.
Thus, I assure you again, as I assured you in my election day message:
Fear not. Be still. The Almighty shall fight for us. Lo, though we are surrounded, trapped at the shores of the Red Sea, it will part. God's sovereign will shall be done on earth. He will answer not only our prayers, but the prayers of generations, for the sake of future generations.
Please disregard all you see or hear to the contrary in the secular media (and even so-called "conservative" media). As I advised friends and relatives just after the election: satan himself is speaking through the television to discourage you from doing the only thing we should all be doing, which is...
Follow Father John Anthony's AdviceI went to Father John Anthony Boughton, CFR, leader of our successful Mantle of Mary Project, which "pinned down Mary's mantle" over the United States. We are in agreement, and he has the following spiritual direction for all of us.
Ignore the media. Keep praying, in peace, every day until inauguration day, using the four prayers that are listed below.
The president's second term shall come to pass only after much confusion and conflict. This is actually an aspect of the heavenly dynamic to expose dark forces, and it takes time to play out in human affairs.
Do not let any of these things distract you from what each of us is being called to accomplish through Christ Crucified. Never, ever, lose hope. Remind yourself that hope is a supernatural fruit of faith. Trust. Be still. Move forward on the battlefield of prayer. Here's how:
I believe that in the fullness of time (in God's reality) the truth about the outcome of the election is carved into the Enoch's tablets of the deeds of man.
Your Role: From Father John AnthonyEvery one of us, the citizens of the United States and everyone in the world, are in the greatest battle of our lifetimes of "powers and principalities," as Saint Paul termed it—whether we like it or not. I have been preparing you.
Our weapons are prayer and humility. Providentially, from my correspondence with thousands of you, I know every one of you is already convinced that prayer is necessary. You are already praying!
Our power comes from God Almighty, who laughs at the evil one's pitiful lies and doomed plans.
The President himself has asked for your prayers.
It does not matter that we do not have any money or any political power. In fact, this weakness is our advantage. The more humble we are, the greater the tsunami of divine power that will pour forth from heaven as we advance into the front lines!
Here are the four prayers Father John Anthony recommended to vouchsafe this coming supernatural victory.
Your Four Daily Prayers from Father John AnthonyIn addition to attending daily Mass (if possible), praying the Holy Rosary, and Eucharistic adoration, along with your own personal spiritual practices, Father is directing us to engage in prayers every day:
Begin today.
Use the link (or the buttons below) to print out, reproduce, bookmark, post, and share with your family, friends, church, prayer groups, and on all social media.
I want to thank you ahead of time for joining me and countless CatholiCity Citizens "in the day of battle," from now until the inauguration.
Meet Me in Florida for Battle this Saturday, November 14thMany of you surely recall November and December of 2000, when we led a similar prayer initiative during that political conflict. I was just as certain then as I am now. A turning point was a pilgrimage to the very first Catholic parish in North America: the Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche in Saint Augustine, Florida.
In two days, on Saturday, I am leading our first public prayer salvo right there. So if you are anywhere within driving distance, meet me at the Shrine for the 12 Noon Mass, followed by Eucharistic Adoration until the Divine Mercy Chaplet at 2:45 pm.
On December 8th, Father John Anthony and I are also planning a walking Rosary encircling the U.S. Supreme Court building in Washington, DC, as well as a special Mass at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. I'll keep you posted.
Meet Me in Your In-Box WeeklyTwo more exciting announcements, four quotes, then our group cyber-prayer with the 60,000 souls who receive this Message. I will be in touch on a weekly basis through the CatholiCity Message during the next two months.
Pre-Order the WarningYou can now pre-order our new free book, the Warning (it will be ready ship just after Thanksgiving). It impacted my own spiritual life more than any other book, and it will do the same for you. It's designed from the ground up to bring your fallen-away relatives back to the Church.
I'm guessing you have never heard of the Purple Scapular, which Mary gave to the approved mystic and stigmatist, Marie-Julie Jahenny. Until recently, neither had I.
According to Our Lady, when you display the Purple Scapular in your home, it provides divine protection from natural disasters, from malevolent entities and divine wrath during chastisements, and even intruders bent on violence.
After going to great lengths, we're making an extra-large premium home-display version of this spiritual insurance available as our gift when you support our mission for a modest donation of only $30. Blessed by a priest, it arrives gift-boxed with the official prayer and explanation (this is very helpful when you give it to friends and relatives). It's imperative for you to have one in your home during these troubled times.
"The condition of the survival of America is to respect every human person, especially the weakest and most defenseless ones, those as yet unborn."
-Saint John Paul II, September 9, 1987
"Zeal for the salvation of souls is so great a merit before God that to give up all our goods to the poor or to spend our whole life in the exercises of all sorts of austerities cannot equal the merit of it. There is no service more agreeable to God than this one. To employ life in this blessed labor is more pleasing to the Divine Majesty than to suffer martyrdom."
-Saint John Chrysostom
"Live free or die."
-Motto of the State of New Hampshire
"For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind."
-Saint Paul, the Great Lion of God (Timothy 2:7)
All Christian soldiers: Let's move out! We begin, as always, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
Dear Jesus, King of Kings,
we call upon all of our relatives in heaven,
along with their Guardian Angels, and indeed,
upon every American in heaven and their angels,
going all the way back in history to all of their relatives
beginning with Adam along to your Apostles,
to intercede with You to Our Heavenly Father
to ensure a resounding victory for the presidential candidate
and all candidates most aligned with your will
for the cause of protection of life from the moment of conception,
for the dignity and liberty—especially the complete religious freedom—
of all persons in the United States
and all people in the world affected by the election.
With serene confidence in Immaculate Mary,
who our bishops chose as Patroness of the United States,
we call upon her intercession before your throne today.
We beg you, Lord of Lords, send forth her spouse, the Holy Spirit,
to crush any and all forces of evil
prowling about our country seeking the ruin of souls.
We call upon all angels
You have assigned to every governmental body,
jurisdiction, and civic institution across the Land of the Free,
to vouchsafe the first freedom, the right to life,
especially the powerful Guardian Angel of the United States!
Our Lady of Guadalupe, Patroness of the Americas, pray for us.
Saint Katharine Drexel and Saint Elizabeth Ann Seton, pray for us.
Saint Kateri Tekakwitha and Saint Jean Brebeuf, pray for us.
All Jesuit Martyrs, pray for us.
All Franciscan Martyrs, pray for us.
Little Flower Therese, who so many Americans love dearly, help us.
Saints Anthony and Jude, pray for us.
Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, pray for us.
O Immaculate Mary, crush the serpent's head!
Jesus Christ, King of Kings, have mercy on us and on the whole world!
Father in Heaven, Release Saint Michael Now!
Father in Heaven, Release Saint Michael Now!
Father in Heaven, Release Saint Michael Now!
And amen. You guys are the best!
I look forward to reading your reactions, as always. Don't forget to get the new Purple Scapular for your home and to pre-order the new Warning book. Hope to see some of you in Saint Augustine, Florida! Wherever you are, pray with us on Saturday.
I shall return, soon. In the meantime, I remain yours, a consecrated son of Immaculate Mary...
With Guardian Angel USA,
Bud Macfarlane