Bud's Truly Unique Election Assurances & Advice
Volume XXIV, Number 26 – November 3, 2020
Dear Beloved Friend,
I woke up at 5:45 am to stand in line for over an hour as the sun rose on a brisk, pleasant Ohio morn. The voting process here was smooth and well organized, as usual. I decided to write this reassuring message a few minutes ago because you will not hear it anywhere else.
This won't take but a few minutes. My fellow Americans and all men and women of good will...
1. Our Mantle of Mary Masses will be answered tonight and in the coming days. Lift your gaze to heaven if you ever doubt it.
2. I am sending my own angels to be at your side: my guardian angel, my Marian consecration angel, the high-level Mary Foundation angel, and the world-spanning CatholiCity angel. They are yours, too. Expect good things.
(Angels, as non-corporeal beings, as Saint Thomas Aquinas taught, have the ability to traverse distances instantaneously, as if they were in two places--or a thousand places--at one time. See, I worked in a little catechesis!)
3. If you experience anxiety over these things, pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet or simply pray one "For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and the whole world," and/or a Hail Mary for our beloved country and all of its citizens, asking the Guardian Angel of the United States to join you.
4. If you are voting today, make sure you give yourself enough time for a long wait so the polls do not close before you vote. Dress for the weather if you have to wait outside like I did.
6. For election updates, I am a big fan of the unparalleled genius, Larry Schweikart. I don't use Twitter, but you can follow him there today.
Beginning at 7:00 pm Eastern, Schweikart has a fantastic live-stream election show called Decision USA with the extraordinarily accurate pollster, Richard Baris. Watch with me!
7. It is wise to ignore major network "exit polling" and early predictions of a winner. These are often propaganda designed to suppress voting in Central, Mountain, and Pacific time zones.
8. Obviously, I have never mentioned a political party or candidate and I would never tell you who to vote for. You know who to vote for.
9. If things get dicey in the coming days, longtime CatholiCity Citizens may recall the extraordinary direct spiritual warfare measures we took during the contested 2000 election.
I am ready to hit the road and meet you in person or in spirit wherever the Guardian Angel of the United States needs us, whether it's to surround the Supreme Court building with Holy Rosary or to pray in any far-flung state across the fruited plains or oceans lined with foam.
We have each other's backs. Thanks for reading. Time to pray.
Department of Prayer Changes the WorldTens of thousands of us together, calling upon the intercession of Dearest Immaculate Mary, Saint Joseph, Saint Michael the Archangel, and Saints Jude, Maximilian Kolbe, Teresa of Avila, Anthony, and the august Guardian Angel of the United States, in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
Eternal Father, we offer you
the body and blood,
soul and divinity,
of your dearly beloved son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins,
and those of the whole world.
For the sake of His sorrowful passion,
have mercy on us and on the whole world.
2020. What a year. Let's finish strong. I love you all and wish I could be with you in person, wherever you are, tonight.
Thank you for being a part of it all.
With Guardian Angel USA,
Bud Macfarlane

P.S. If you are not averse to adult beverages, I have a tradition of taking a wee nip of single-malt whiskey every time a state, governor, senator, or house representative goes "my way."
My last name is Macfarlane, after all. In Scotland, in centuries past, my tiny clan was officially outlawed for its wild, warlike, criminal, and reckless behavior.
Mind you, this is how the other insanely violent clans regarded us.
This also might explain why there are so few Macfarlanes.
The definition of "Macfarlane" in the Urban Dictionary is, well, accurate, hilarious, and oddly complimentary. (Sincere Warning: do not click on that link if you cannot stomach profanity.)