Update: The Mantle of Mary Masses!
Volume XXIV, Number 16 – July 16, 2020
Dear CatholiCity Citizen,
Hey there. You're enthusiastic response to my last Message announcing four Masses in the four corners of the United States calling on God to grant a Great Religious Awakening for America was beyond encouraging!
Today, I have follow-up on the initiative, quotations, blessing your house, tragic Eucharistic crumbs, and a cyber-prayer for all of us.
In Case You Missed ItIf you missed my announcement, well, I know what it's like to miss important emails in the clutter of my own inbox. A number of you also asked for a webpage to help you spread the word on Facebook and other social media platforms, so (drumroll) here it is:
At the request of Father John Anthony Boughton CFR, we are sponsoring four Masses in Washington State, southwest California, southern Florida, and northeast Maine before the election. The first Mass is on Thursday July 23rd at Fort Flattery on the Pacific shoreline and the second Mass is on Saturday, July 25th at Imperial Beach, California.
We are asking God to grant the graces for the Greatest Religious Awakening ever and inviting all CatholiCity Citizens and anyone you can reach to join us in prayer, fasting, reparation, the Rosary, and Holy Communion on those days. ("Action Steps" for you to print out are listed on the page if you click the above button.)
Submit Your Intentions for the MassesAfter you submit your intentions by clicking on the button below, we will place them (on an encrypted flash drive) on the altar during all four Masses, then bury them along with Miraculous Medals and Saint Benedict Exorcism medals touched to my rare Relic of the True Cross and my first class relics of Saints Jude, Joseph, Thérèse, Maximilian, Anthony, Benedict, and Saint Francis Xavier.
It was impossible for Father John Anthony and I to go to Hawaii or Alaska for financial and scheduling reasons. Even so, Father has arranged for a CFR priest to offer Mass in Hawaii on July 23rd. Our longtime spiritual advisor, Father John O'Brien, SJ, is also offering Mass in Ontario, Canada.
Please arrange for a priest you know in your state or province to offer a Mass for the Great Awakening on or close to July 23rd and July 25th. (The Mass in northeast Maine will tentatively take place on August 12th.)
My special thanks to all who donated financially to help pay for Father John Anthony and Father Innocent's travel expenses. We're more than halfway there! You guys are the best!
Today my new apartment was blessed by my parish priest. (He rocked it in Latin with holy water and everything.) He also blessed some table salt, which I placed above all the doors and windows. I recently buried our Relic Prayer Medals at every corner of the property. I also have all the vehicles I purchase blessed.
The evil one's minions are utterly repulsed and even tortured by this stuff. If they insist on attacking my home or car, I am going to enjoy making 'em pay.
These ancient practices have been so neglected that many of us no longer know it is normal and practically required for every Catholic living space. Don't be shy; call the rectory or ask Father after Mass.
"Pray the rosary every day. If you're not praying the Rosary, you're not on the team."
-Dr. Taylor Marshall
"A world at prayer is a world at peace."
-Fr. Patrick Peyton CSC
"Say the Rosary every day to obtain peace in the world."
-Our Lady of Fatima
At a recent wedding reception out west, a man I hadn't seen in over twenty years reminded me of his watching me on my hands and knees, after a Mass we both attended wherein the Holy Eucharist had been consecrated from crumbly homemade bread.
He recalled witnessing me pick up and consume tiny "crumbs" of Our Lord, piece by piece (along with lint and whatever else might have been on that carpet). I had forgotten about this deeply sad incident.
Friends, it truly was my honor. And that was not the first time.
Despite my protests to our left-leaning rector-priest at my dorm at the University of Notre Dame, the use of homemade bread was commonplace. I could be found crawling around after many a Mass on the Howard Hall Chapel floor doing the same thing.
Another time my father caught an ant (yes, the insect) making off with a "crumb" of the Holy Eucharist at a particularly liberal parish which did not properly follow the Canon Law regarding the protection of the Real Presence. Thankfully, such abuses have become more rare over the decades.
Sometimes we forget that by committing the to miracle of the Eucharist, Our Lord Jesus Christ foresaw that He would also be subjecting Himself to untold abuses down through the ages, including the theft of the Eucharist (made much easier by reception of Holy Communion on the hand) for desecration by satanic and other occult sects, as well as the sacrilegious horror of being consumed by Catholics who are in a state of mortal sin (perhaps by the millions worldwide) every Sunday.
So using His own words to Saint Faustina, with Our Lord's willingness to suffer in His precious body, blood, soul, and divinity upon our minds and hearts, let us pray today, together, tens of thousands of us, in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
Eternal Father, we offer you
the body and blood, soul and divinity
of your dearly beloved son, Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins,
and those of the whole world!
For the sake of His sorrowful passion,
have mercy on us and on the whole world!
Holy God, Holy Mighty One, Holy Immortal One,
have mercy on us and on the whole world!
Thanks you for being a part of our work, brothers and sisters. I always enjoy hearing from you.
Stay frosty.
With Saint Michael the Archangel,
Bud Macfarlane