I Think I Messed Up!

Volume XXIII, Number 1 – February 1, 2019


Bad News! Although we received just enough to keep our doors open, our Christmas Appeal fell short by tens of thousands.

Good News! We have 359 utterly unique Holy Land rosaries still available--they are the last of their kind and I want you to have one!

Can you send us $1 or $100 so we can afford to publish a Top Secret book in 2019 to help reach countless fallen-away souls?

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

More on that crazy headline, yet first allow me to cheerfully welcome you to the 23rd year of the CatholiCity Message--the Great Grandaddy and still the most popular Catholic email message in the world!

This is a two-parter. Part One, obviously, is this final update on our annual appeal plus a wonderful group cyber prayer with your 60,000+ fellow CatholiCity Citizens followed by a YouTube surprise.

Next week, in Part Two, I'll provide you with two must-read articles about the pope and the Church, along with a few other surprises I've been saving up for a while.

It Was My Fault

It may surprise you to learn that fewer than 5% of our readers contributed to our Annual Appeal. Those generous heroes contributed just enough to barely keep CatholiCity online for roughly eleven more months. (Some of you even donated twice! All of us here are grateful beyond words!)

It's kinda like "yes, we'll survive, but on mac 'n cheese and water." Which is cool. I love carbs!

Because in past years we received more than enough to fund new projects, I feel like I need to take responsibility.

Did I mess up the emails? Did we send the message out too many times or at the wrong time during your busy Christmas season?

Something definitely didn't work this year, and it's almost always my fault. It wasn't you. You guys are the best!

Not Enough for Top Secret Book

I have already begun writing an innovative, extraordinary 100-page book (the subject has to remain Top Secret for now, but you'll be the first to know) that has the potential to influence and convert not just hundreds of thousands or millions, but tens of millions of lost souls.

Donate Now

Because I probably screwed up the Appeal somehow, it will be tough sledding finding the financial resources needed to publish it. (And because we're already the most efficient Catholic organization in America, there hasn't been any "fat" to cut for 28 years!)

Few Holy Land Rosaries Left!

One thing is for sure: I did a terrible job describing just how priceless the custom-made Holy Sepulchre rosary with a leather tie I brought to the holiest sites in the Holy Land and Rome that we will send you with your gift of only $100.

A mere 359 remain in a large box about 12 feet away from my desk--already paid for. So this time, I'm going to let your fellow CatholiCity Citizen, Paul Gisone, describe this amazing and rare holy object:

"Dear Bud, I am so happy that I answered the Christmas Appeal this year and have the Holy Sepulchre Rosary! Aside from it being an absolutely beautiful piece, the significance of the "holy road" travels, "holy contacts" and your personal thoughtful preparation of this rosary is meaningful beyond description to me. It truly is blessed and something to treasure. There is something very special going on when I pray the rosary using it! Many thanks!"

Donate Now

Thank you, Paul. Remember, the remaining Holy Land rosaries are the last of their kind! Can you sacrifice $100, even if it hurts?

And maybe I should have shown you the letter that goes in the package to everyone who receives this unique rosary. Look at all those holy sites and saints!

If you're in the 95%, this is your last opportunity to be a part of helping us reach millions of souls!

Donate Now

Prayer Donations & Widow's Mites Welcome!

I know some of you are struggling financially. I've been there myself, both personally and while running this underdog apostolate.

So if you want to join our mission by offering a prayer donation it is very noble to donate $1 or $2 and let us know in the Comments box that you are praying at least one rosary and offering Holy Communion for our work together.

The prayers of those who struggle in this hard world rise up to heaven like incense and please Our Lord greatly! So "treat yourself" to a feast of graces reserved only for those who can barely afford daily bread. Our Father wants to lavish blessings upon you!

Like No Other Feeling!

By the way, maybe I also screwed up by not mentioning that it feels really, really good to make a financial sacrifice to help others.

After your "click" on your donation a few minutes from now, I'm asking Our Lady (as I type this right now) to give you a special consolation of joy, because that satisfying emotion that comes when you sacrifice for others is what every one of us feels when we do something selfless.

Me? I have never regretted donating to my parish or any Catholic charity, ever, not once. It always feels great!

Donate Now

Regret Not Getting the Rosary Last Month?

Finally, some of you asked us to not send you this rosary, hoping to save us on expenses. I am always touched by this. Even so, if you donated $100 or more over the past two months and now wish to receive one, please reply to this email with your full name and address.

Don't be shy. This rosary is special. Consider giving it to someone you love or a fallen-away relative.

Done! No more appeals until December 2019!

60,000 CatholiCity Citizens Praying as One

Okay then! That's the end of Part One! I'll be back with Part Two next week.

This year I would like to ring 2019 in our first group cyber-prayer by turning our hearts and minds to Jesus, simply, as child would. "Amen, Amen, I say to you, unless you become like one of these you will never enter the kingdom of heaven." What makes us like a child? I believe it is trust. So, join me and tens of thousands of your fellow Citizens in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...

O Jesus, please look into my bruised and broken heart.
What do you see, my Lord? My regret for sins? My gratitude for all the blessings you have given me since I was conceived?
My craving for love? My loneliness?

I am so humbled by the forgiveness and mercy which You have never hesitated to bestow upon me, time after time.
You taught me that I could look at you and see the Father!
You promised to send me Your Holy Spirit and you have!
You humble me when you come into my body
with your Body at every Holy Communion!

O Divine Mercy, O Jesus, I love you!
I need you! Show me your will!
Pour into me in white hot torrents the grace to do your will!
I trust in you!
Open your arms,
and place them around me, tight,
and never let go.

I don't know about you, but I'm looking forward to 2019. I want to be courageous. I want you to be courageous with me.

Surprise Ending!

Lately I've been listening to a Canadian psychology professor and philosopher of meaning, Jordan Peterson, and he is inspiring me. He is working his way toward a fuller Christianity.

I invite you to join me and my sons as we pray for him, every day, by name. My instincts sense that his full conversion is important for many millions of souls. If you have no inkling who Jordan Peterson is, you can begin by watching this Youtube interview with Catholic apologist, Patrick Coffin:


With Immaculate Mary,

Bud Macfarlane
Founder (and Chief Screw-Up)