My Father and Your Father
Volume XXI, Number 7 – September 2, 2017
Dear CatholiCity Citizen,
Thank you so much for opening my message and taking time to read it. Through God's grace there is always a chance that your life might change as a result, right? I am going to begin with photos and comments about bringing your petitions to the Saint Anne and Saint Joseph Shrines in Quebec last week, then the usual unusual stuff: an amazing presentation on Saint Anne, a few quotes, upcoming Feast Days, and of course, our powerful group prayer which brought tears to my eyes as I composed it..
Success for Your Intentions in Quebec!I am happy to inform you that I was indeed able to bring (and physically leave in a semipermanent way) your petitions to the Shrines of Saint Anne de Beaupre and Saint Joseph's Oratory on Friday, August 11, Feast of Saint Clare, foundress of the Poor Clares.
Without bogging you down with the details, my plans to begin on Thursday afternoon were foiled by multiple flight delays. Surprise! Nonetheless, my longtime (and recently ordained) friend and editor, Father John O'Brien and I adjusted. He offered a special Mass for your petitions at the Oratory of Saint Joseph in Montreal while I drove four hours north to Quebec City.

I began Friday morning in the magnificent Saint Anne Basilica, received Holy Communion on your behalf there, prayed my heart out, prayed some more (including a full Rosary), then cried holy tears before hiding the printout of your many, many thousands of petitions in a location in the church where they will likely never be found.
Saint Anne is going to help you, my friend. She is ceaselessly interceding for you
Then I (the American) drove five hours back south through hellish traffic into Montreal, where met up with Father John (the Canadian) and our stellar longtime friend, Luc Gagnon (the Quebec native).
All of us on our knees, a second printout of your petitions on the altar, Father led us in a beautiful whispered Rosary for your intentions before the gorgeous Tabernacle in the main church (as tears were streaming down my face). You can see your petitions on the altar below.

It was so consoling know "another Christ" was leading us in the Church dedicated to Jesus' true earthly father, Saint Joseph. Father John then picked out the hiding place for your petitions!
Saint Joseph is going to help you, my friend. He is already working on what you asked.
As promised, I touch both sets of your written your petitions to my relic of the True Cross and to my first class relics of Saints Joseph, Therese of Lisieux, Anthony of Padua, Francis Xavier, and Jude the Apostle (and Cousin of Jesus). What a crew!
Don't Forget the ClaresRecall too that hundreds of Poor Clare contemplative nuns in twenty-seven monasteries all over America were praying for your intentions on that very day, August 11, the Feast of Saint Clare. My sisters love you beyond words, and will keep praying for you, so take heart.
First MiracleI have to share that a petition of my own was answered gloriously two days ago involving an "impossible" conversion of a dear friend for whom I have been praying for many years. One of my motivations for making these annual pilgrimages to Fatima, Rome, and now Quebec is to make it possible for regular folks who may not have the time, freedom, or resources to travel to get all the supernatural benefits of having your most heartfelt petitions brought before God in this extraordinary way. Please let us know if any of your prayers have been answered.
Quotations"Earth has no sorrow that heaven cannot heal." -Thomas Moore
"Deliver us from evil, right? Free us of from all anxiety? Familiar prayer and liturgical phrases. Your Father in heaven does desire to take away your greatest fears. He has generously taken away many of mine, even if it was a bit painful during the process. Simply ask and you shall receive." -Joseph Wood
"I am a 'rescue son' of Saint Joseph." (me) Amazing Saint Anne StoryQuite simply, the following 17 minute Youtube audio presentation about Saint Anne is both not whatever you are expecting and nothing short of astounding. You will not regret listening to it.
Notable Upcoming Feast Days-September 14, Thursday. Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Consider gently the crosses and burdens in your life. We all have them. Embrace each with love. Anyone who embraces the Holy Cross is a best friend of Christ Crucified.
-September 29, Friday. Archangels Michael, Raphael, and Gabriel. Also in our heavenly crew. This is real power. To vanquish, to heal, to speak.
-October 1, Sunday. Feast of Therese of Lisieux, the Little Flower. You love her. Everyone loves her. And my birthday (here comes an old joke for new readers) "What is a Bud after all, but a little flower?"
Together Praying to the FatherGather yourself, dear friends, for prayer. Okay, then. Tens of thousands of us together, let us pray in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit...
Dear Father in Heaven, I want to feel Your love. I ask You take away my fears. I ask You to deliver me from evil. I ask You to teach me everything I need to know. I offer You my love for Your love. I offer You the love I have for my family and friends. I offer You the love in my heart which You placed in my heart. I offer you Jesus, Who lives inside me when I worthily receive Communion. I offer you Your Spirit, who You deem to dwell in me. I offer you Mary, who I love and You love. I offer You my small love for Your great love. I reach up my arms, Father. Take me, Father. Prepared or not prepared, by Your perfect will, let my heart burst open with Your love. Amen.
And Amen. I will return soon. Thank you for being a part of our work and our lives. It was an honor beyond words to represent your petitions in Quebec. You can always find me...
In the Immaculate Heart of Mary,
Bud Macfarlane Founder