The CatholiCity Message

Volume XVI, Number 10 – October 24, 2012

NOW AVAILABLE: "Bringing Catholics Home" CD

TO: Those Who Usually Do Not Order Our CDs

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Our free life-changing CD "Bringing Catholics Home" is ready to ship (see the links and info below), but first I want to speak to the many CatholiCity Citizens who enjoy these messages yet are not actively using our materials as tools for evangelization.

We're grateful that thousands of our readers will order "Bringing Catholics Home," the best talk on evangelization ever recorded. Yet tens of thousands of you usually pass on the opportunity and I respectfully ask you to reconsider.

I prayed for you with all my heart when I received Holy Communion just a few hours ago. With great confidence I asked the Holy Spirit and my best friends in heaven, including Saint Anthony and all the CatholiCity Citizens who have passed away and entered heaven over the past two decades, to speak through this particular message directly to your heart. I was prompted to offer you the simple words of Jesus:

"The harvest is great but the workers are few."

We have the best tools of evangelization ever assembled. They are free-of-charge or for ridiculously low donations for larger quantities. Money is not the problem. And I promise that our newest CD "Bringing Catholics Home" will supercharge your zeal by changing how you view your role as a member of Mystical Body of Christ.

Our biggest challenge is that we need more workers for the greatest harvest of souls in human history. In America alone, tens of millions of souls are open to conversion.

In short, we need you.

If you take a few moments to order copies to distribute them to others, immortal souls who otherwise may choose to go to hell of their own free will will be converted, healed, and saved. Every person who hears "Bringing Catholics Home" because of your decision to enter the harvest field today has the potential to reach countless others who otherwise might never get the chance to hear the truth.

I believe Our Lady planned from before the day you were born to join us because we share a love for souls and faith in God's grace to change the world.

Twenty-one years ago this month God inspired me to start the Mary Foundation by giving me a vision in which I foresaw countless millions of people being influenced by free recordings. It seemed impossible, but a handful of original benefactors like you multiplied into tens of thousands, and all these years later we have reached millions.

To a greater or lesser degree you have been a part of that future coming true, but my sense is that we have only just begun. On that shocking evening two decades ago and up to this very minute, even as I prayed after Communion today, I have never doubted that God desires us to convert America to Catholicism, beginning with Catholics who attend Mass but have not been given the fullness of the truth.

Time is not on our side. Even as the Church itself rejuvenates, dark days lie ahead for our society as our world continues to disintegrate into a Culture of Death. We must succeed!

"Ask and you shall receive."

I am never ever discouraged by those who consider the goal of converting our country unrealistic. If we do not try, we will fail. I have asked Jesus, the harvest master, to send us more workers. So I am asking, inviting, and urging you to decide to help today.

Please make us your personal apostolate. If only for the next few months, give your best effort then reevaluate.

"Store up for yourself treasure in heaven...for where your treasure is, there also will your heart reside."

What Jesus is really offering you through my simple email is treasure in heaven: the chance to inspire and convert souls. As the saints and the Bible constantly teach us, this heavenly treasure will impact our own final judgments. This kind of heavenly wealth is worth making real sacrifices here on earth: effort, time, and finances.

And because converts and "reverts" (Catholics who return to the practice of the faith, or lukewarm Catholics who are inspired to holiness: "the low-hanging fruit," as one of our benefactors once told me) become open to life, children are born! Converts go on to raise children who are open to life. The CDs, novels and booklets you distribute over the next few months will result in actual immortal human beings being born who otherwise would not have even existed.

You can be certain of this because of the many people who have written to us to let us know about the babies they welcomed into their families. Some of these babies are in college now!

That is treasure in heaven, my friend, and that is why I am especially asking those of you who might typically pass on this opportunity to reconsider.

As I have reassured and documented to you during the past year, the number of devout Catholics is poised to multiply dramatically over the next two decades. I have talked to thousands of Catholics in virtually every state and province of this country and Canada, and let me assure you: wherever there are devout Catholics, they have been influenced by our talks and read our books. That happened because lots of regular CatholiCity folks like you committed time, money, and effort to reach them.

Yes, yes, yes, believe me, more than you can know, I understand how hard it is to survive a single day sometimes, to fight the lethargy, given the challenges and responsibilities of modern life, especially parenthood. My own eyes are stinging right now from lack of sleep, and at times I have shed real tears while turning to Mary for help.

I remind myself what a wise old priest once told me in Confession: Jesus fell and rose three times on the rocky path to His crucifixion. We must follow His example to get to the most perfect place of friendship in the universe: sharing time with Our Lord on the Cross. I have been there. Paradoxically, there is joy there. To reach Him there, we must get back up.

I know finances are tight for some of you. If you cannot afford a donation, that's okay: I urge you to order CDs by mail and send us prayers instead of money. Stuck inside, isolated? Mail us a check or donate online to subsidize those who are struggling financially. We are all in this together.

But for the great majority of you? On this very day you can order 25 to 100 "Bringing Catholics Home" CDs, add in some booklets, other favorite CDs, a dozen novels, then put the box in your car and get them out to the churches in your area during a Saturday afternoon or when you go to Mass.

Others can ask your pastors to distribute a few hundred after weekend Masses during Advent. Many of you, with a minimum of effort and time, can find creative ways to get them to souls through youth groups, retreats, RCIA, and other parish programs. Every one of you can join me and my coworkers in daily prayers for everyone who hears and reads our materials.

As always, shipping is free for U.S. residents, and we'll have your package in the mail the day we receive your order.


U.S. residents print out a mail-in order form here:

No printer? U.S. residents can order CDs by sending a note to:

The Mary Foundation
Bringing Catholics Home Offer
PO Box 26101
Fairview Park, OH 44126-0101

Donations are optional. Make checks payable to "The Mary Foundation" or "CatholiCity." Outside the U.S.? Order online--lowest available shipping costs are provided automatically to anywhere in the world.

After all these years, believe me, I know when a talk is destined for greatness. I knew Tom Peterson's "Bringing Catholics Home" was an all-time classic ten minutes into my first hearing. It is perfect: hilarious, not preachy, insightful, and with the utterly right approach to evangelization. It is filled with amazing stories. You and everyone who hears it because of your efforts will be deeply moved to action and prayer. I promise: it will recharge your zeal for souls. That certainly happened to me after hearing it. Tom and I worked like madmen to get it into your hands right away.

As for content, "Bringing Catholics Home" is the amazing story of how a good-hearted but typical Sunday Catholic discovered his responsibility for other souls, along with the tremendously positive ripple effect it caused in families, local churches, and society. (Tom is best known for starting Catholics Come Home, the apostolate behind those powerful TV commercials inviting Catholics to return to the sacraments. Tens of thousands of people have responded.)

So please, order online. Get three times as many as you think you can give away and you'll be reordering three times as fast as the Holy Spirit presents unforeseen opportunities to give away a talk that will change the life of everyone who hears it.

Thank you for reconsidering your role in our work, and regardless of how or how often you contribute, thank you being such a faithful part of our lives and our mission. I remain yours, as always...

With Immaculate Mary,

Bud Macfarlane