The CatholiCity Message

Volume VI, Number 19 – September 30, 2002

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

This is one of those rare times when my CatholiCity Message will actually arrive weekly. Savor it. (Or, if it pleases thee, rue it.) Just two items...

In our last message, we characterized the move movie Signs, by director M. Night Shyamalan, as Catholic. According to his interviews, he is a Hindu who was educated in Philadelphia in private Christian religious schools. Clearly, Mr. Shyamalan has great respect for our Catholic faith.

We're sending this out on the eve of October 1st, the Feast of the Saint Therese of Lisieux, Doctor of the Church, who is known endearingly throughout the world as the Little Flower. She is one of the most powerful intercessors and our longtime readers know that she is our patron. Of all the thousands of books we've read, her autobiography, The Story of a Soul, had the most impact on our spiritual life. There is no better time than now to ask our friend Therese for a special favor. Shoot for the stars, friends, because she loves to grant seemingly impossible favors. She's the best. She's one of us, a CatholiCity Citizen, we're certain of it. Here is a traditional prayer to our beloved sister. Please join us...

"O Saint Therese, who Almighty God has raised up to aid and inspire the human family, I implore your miraculous intercession. You are so powerful in obtaining every need of body and spirit from the heart of God. Holy Mother Church proclaims you 'prodigy of miracles...the greatest saint of modern times.' Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition (*mention here*) and to carry out your promises of spending heaven doing good on earth and letting fall from heaven a shower of roses. Little Flower, give me your childlike faith, to see the face of God in the people and experiences of my life, and to love God with full confidence. Saint Therese, my Carmelite sister, I will fulfill your plea 'to be made known everywhere' and I will continue to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen."

Thanks. One of our favorite stories about Therese is how one day when she was a little girl her older sister gave Therese a chance to pick out a ragdoll from a basket filled with old dolls. Therese looked at the basket, then exclaimed, "I choose all!" and grabbed the whole lot with impish glee. That's how we should be with God's graces. So we hope you "chose all" when you prayed the above prayer. If not, don't be shy; pray it again. Write down your petition and put it somewhere you know you'll find it–in your jewelry box or in your wallet. Save it for a year or a few years. Expect to see a rose or roses when she comes to your aid.

By the way, she has always helped us get out of speeding tickets, but maybe you have to be born on October 1st for this to work.

God bless and have a great week! Truly love with our friend in heaven, we remain yours...

With Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity

Note: The Story of a Soul can be found at just about any bookstore. You can also find it online at: