The CatholiCity Message

Volume IV, Number 13 – June 30, 2000


Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

We don't do Free Stuff often, so for those of you new to our Message, we'll quickly explain the how and why of it. Because we reach 22,000 families with this message, Catholic apostolates and publishers are willing to offer you, CatholiCity Citizens and your friends, special free offers that aren't available anywhere else online or in the real world.

This issue's participants are not going to make much money (or will lose money) with these offers, and, they don't kick back any fee to CatholiCity. They know that CatholiCity Citizens are a potent group of active online Catholics who can build important "word of mouth" on the Internet, in your parishes, prayer groups, and extended families.

We've got something for everyone this time. The only catch: these offers expire one week from the day we sent out this message (if you're sending in a letter, make sure it's postmarked on time). So please, don't feel obligated, but do consider these offers with your usual prudence and charity. It's also a big help if you forward this particular message to all the folks in your email address book. We'll end with a prayer and a quote. Let's get started!

The Saint Philomena Foundation is known for offering the free music CD by Simonetta, has just released a free children's audio book called "King of the Golden City," on two full-length cassettes, narrated by Simonetta herself. Originally written by a nun and published decades ago, it's an enchanting fable that teaches children about the loving Kingship of Christ. It's been KatholiCity-Kid-Tested, too. Beautifully packaged, it will also make a great gift. Most secular audio books cost between $15 and $25, plus shipping and handling. The first copy of "King..." is free (donation optional), and additional copies are only $5 :


The Saint Philomena Foundation
157774 South LaGrange Road
Orland Park, IL 60462

Or you can order online here:

Next up is Sophia Institute Press's new book, The Hidden Power of Kindness, by Father Lawrence Lovasik. It's an easy-to-digest, practical handbook that will teach anyone how to transform the world one deed at a time. Please don't let this book gather dust on your bookshelf. Read it. Apply it. Watch your world change. The cover price is $17.95, and with shipping and handling, it normally costs $21. You can get one free copy by calling Sophia at 800.888.9344. If you want, you can make an optional donation with a credit card when you call. Mention CatholiCity. Or write to:


Sophia Institute Press
CatholiCity Free Offer
P.O. Box 5284
Manchester, NH 03108

This final offer is free all the time, and we just wanted to make sure you knew about it. We can't think of a more frustrating apostolic calling than to be a performing Catholic singer. There's virtually no distribution. Stores don't carry your music. Radio stations don't play your songs. Our longtime readers remember us writing about this before. That's all starting to change. Now, if you're into downloading free mp3 music onto your computer, you've got a Catholic Music option. It's called the Contemporary Catholic Artists Network (CCAN), and they're featuring seventeen Catholic singers right now.

Last week we prayed for expectant mothers. This week, let's pray for couples who are infertile or are struggling to conceive or adopt children. "Dear Father in Heaven. You are the Author of Life. If it is Your will, please bring life into the days and nights of all our married friends who are trying to conceive or adopt children. If it is not Your will, please give them the grace to bear this silent cross with the sublime joy that comes only from living within Your will. We love you! Amen."

"Free means free. Anything else is not free."
G.K. MacBrien

See you next "week," and remember, Mary Foundation audios and Saint Jude Media novels are always free, all the time, at CatholiCity. God bless.

Yours in Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity