The CatholiCity Message

Volume IV, Number 10 – April 20, 2000

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

On behalf of all the workers here at CatholiCity, we want to wish you and yours a happy and holy Easter. In light of the feast, just two items this week:

We offended some of our readers last week when we wrote about those who didn't get our new Confession recording. After reading your reactions and rereading our own words, we can clearly see why your feeling were hurt. In our zeal, we crossed a certain line with some of you, and regret our words. We'll try to do better in the future.

Let's all 20,000 of us pray for the thousands of priests, deacons, nuns, altar servers, choir members, and other faithful ministers who will work so hard to make our Easter liturgies beautiful and spiritually uplifting. "Dear Jesus. Thank you for becoming one of us, dying for our sins, and resurrecting from the dead. Please bless and watch over all those who will serve in the celebrations of your Death and Resurrection this weekend. Thank you. We love you! Amen."

Jesus rose from the dead!

"Coincidence is the ink of God's handwriting."
Stephen A. Delia, CatholiCity Citizen

Since our college days, we have stay awake all night on Holy Thursday, praying and reading, even watching a wholesome Catholic movie or two, to "make up" for when the apostles fell asleep after the Last Supper. Family responsibilities now make this practice imprudent, but we will be staying up a little later tonight, and we'll be remembering CatholiCity Citizens in our prayers. Thank you for being a part of our lives and a part of our work for Our Lady.

Yours in Christ,

Your Amigos at CatholiCity