The CatholiCity Message

Volume IV, Number 9 – April 13, 2000

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Hello, and welcome to all our new subscribers. First off, we want to thank everybody who requested new "Confession" CDs and tapes. We're approaching 2000 requests for over 7,000 shipped, and every order is shipping "same day." We've also got seven quotes this week, with a Latin flavor, and one short joke...

We just uploaded the first new homepage for in almost three years. We're not a big believer in confusing visitors with drastic changes to familiar stuff, but you will find that Version 5.1 is cleaner looking, downloads faster, and it features a quick logo listing to the partners which make our site unique, including McCloskey's Perspectives, Saint Jude Media, and more. Go to:

As strange as this sounds, He has always been a profound mystery to your author. We believe in Him. We love Him. We even fear Him, in a good way. We would like to believe we're willing to die for Him, His mother, or His Church. But still, there's something to be said for meeting Him in person, which will have to wait until heaven (unless we're here when He returns, of course). Here on earth, the sacraments, especially Confession and the Eucharist, and other Christians who reflect Him, along with a few special moments in prayer (which for many of us, come rarely), are as close as we come. Somebody once told us Saint Ignatius would cry tears of joy when he contemplated his own death because he was so excited about meeting Jesus in heaven.

3. 20,000 PRAYERS
Wow. Judging by your reactions, we really hit a cord when we prayed for troubled marriages last week. If you prayed along, we're sure you helped merit grace for many struggling couples. This week, if you don't mind, let's all 20,000 of us pray for CatholiCity itself, which touches so many people in so many ways.

"Dear Mary, continue to be the Queen of CatholiCity, and the inspiration for all that we do. Help us lead souls to your Son. We love you. Amen!"

4. THE OTHER 17,000?
As we mentioned above, around 2,000 CatholiCity Citizens have requested our brand new "Confession" audio. We're sure at least another 1000 of you have "written in" your request by snailmail rather than use our online option because we've been getting those in, too.

As for the rest of you–the 17,000. Maybe we're deluded. Maybe the "other 17,000" don't even bother to read this message. You just hit Delete. It simply can't be that you're too lazy to drop a note in the mail or pop by our website and make a few clicks. If you do actually read this message, we sure hope it's not because you don't care about Confession. Maybe it's because you assume "free" stuff must be crap, when of course, this talk is a gift, and gifts are, by nature, free and valuable. Maybe our schizophrenic breezy/superserious style turns you off. If so, please forgive us and look past it if you can. Maybe you meant to respond, but somehow it slipped your mind. Maybe we threw pearls to swine. Anyway, we're not insulted that you didn't get at least one copy. Rather...

We're heartbroken.

We're heartbroken because we know when and if we do get to heaven, and we do get to meet Jesus in person, there would be a lot more of you and your friends there if you had taken a moment or two and gotten "Confession." Heaven is a social event!

Of course it's not too late to get "Confession" by Father Larry Richards. Just go to the CatholiCity homepage listed above. Or send a note to The Mary Foundation, PO Box 26101, Fairview Park ,OH 44126. A donation is optional ($1 to $10 per tape is plenty). Shipping is free in the U.S. (Our Canadian and Overseas friends must order online). Unbreak our heart. Besides, we're done; we won't hammer it home anymore.

"While we are postponing, life speeds by."

"Time heals what reason cannot."

"One good head is better than a hundred strong hands."
Thomas Fuller

"Patience is the art of hoping."
Luc de Vaugenargues

"Life is like a cash register, in that every thought, every deed, like every sale, is registered and recorded."
Archbishop Fulton J. Sheen

"The best remedy for an insult is to forget it."
Publilius Syrus

"The greatest thing about every Catholic is that he is one."
John Asycough

A woman goes to her priest and asks, "Oh Father, what am I to do? My husband thinks he's a refrigerator!"

"Does that bother you?" asked the priest.

"Not really, except when he sleeps with his mouth open the light keeps me up all night!"

See you next week!

With Mary,

Your Friends at CatholiCity