A National Prayer Movement
to Help God Save America
to Help God Save America
A Message from
America's Guardian Angel
America's Guardian Angel
By Vince Sigala
One of the last visions I have received is the one I consider the most pivotal of all because of an instruction given within the vision itself, and the instruction was not just for me, but for anyone who will listen.
This indelible experience happened in early 2015, in the middle of the night:
I was asleep in bed with my wife. Suddenly, I awoke. I sat up very quickly and looked to my left. At the entrance to our bathroom, adjoined to our bedroom, was an enormous man. He was praying on both knees with his head lowered and his hands pressed together under his chin.
Our vaulted ceilings are about thirteen feet tall. Even so, the back of his head was grazing the ceiling, so the size of this creature when standing would have been at least twenty-five feet tall. His white, ankle-length garment also glimmered with gold, and a solid-gold-colored sash was wrapped around his waist. His hair was a color in between blonde and light brown, and his feet, also very large but in proportion with the rest of his body, were strapped in brownish-bronze woven sandals.
I could plainly see a cut or bruise on his upper left cheek, and while his garment was beautiful, it was soiled and discolored from what appeared to be wounds underneath the fabric. He looked extremely sad and very tired.
I was startled to say the least, not only by his presence in my room, but by the sheer size of him. I jumped out of bed and quickly reached in my night-stand drawer to grab a firearm I keep in my room for protection.
No sooner did I point the weapon in the creature’s direction, when he turned his head and looked at me, saying, “Please don’t do that.”
At these words, a great calm came over me. I lowered the weapon to my side and just stared at him. His face was gentle, as were his eyes, but he still appeared heavy-hearted.
He then said, “Tell the people to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, every day, and to offer it in reparation for the sins committed by the United States.”
Then the visitation stopped. In the days that followed, through contemplation and prayer, I was shown that this being is the Guardian Angel of the United States, and he is losing the battle for our country to satan and his demons.
Our prayers, specifically the one he requested, strengthen not only him, but also all the angels who fight with him. He is petitioning us for help. I came to understand that we empower angels through our prayers, just as we empower demons with our sin. Our sins and indifference open the doors to the devils and their curses, but our prayers and petitions open the doors to God’s strength and blessings.
We are in grave need of prayer and penance, and sacrifices for love of God that give way to waterfalls of grace. May we surrender all that we are and all that we have to Jesus before the Day of Justice arrives.
Woe to those who would take this period of mercy for granted and put off their conversions, thinking that they can wait until the last hour. To grow in holiness can only come by way of God’s grace and mercy. To grow in holiness takes time. And that time for grace and mercy is now.
From The Warning, Concise Revised Edition © 2020 Queen of Peace Media. All rights reserved. Reproduced with permission.

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A Spiritual Warfare Campaign

Help God Save America
It all began in 2020 when Father John Anthony Boughton CFR and Bud Macfarlane "pinned" the Mantle of Mary on the extreme four corners of the United States. Countless Catholics participated nationwide through prayer and fasting.
Pray with UsSince then, nearly two hundred thousand people have joined Operation True Cross by offering the 12-minute Daily Prayers to Save America:

To protect themselves spiritually, many are now adopting the extraordinary Three Angelus Cure from the world-renowned exorcist, Father Chad Ripperger, to receive personal deliverance from demonic influence, deeply-rooted sin, and even serious mental illness:
The True Cross Pilgrimage
Bud Macfarlane led a small team of brave men as they carried an authentic Relic of the True Cross 4,500 miles to complete a grueling walking pilgrimage to form a living "Crucifix of Reparation" over America.
We pray. God wins. No matter what your particular circumstances or where you live, you can join all of us spiritually while learning more here:More About Operation True Cross
What is the True Cross Pilgrimage?
What is the Three Angelus Cure?
Read: Why This Movement Exists
Photo-Diary: Mantle Over America
Podcast: Carrying the True Cross
Meet the Founders
Father John Anthony Boughton, CFRFather John Anthony Boughton, General Servant of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, is a grizzled Texan who graduated from the Virginia Military Institute and served in the United States Navy. He is the first Catholic in his family line in over five hundred years.

Bud Macfarlane, Troublemaker
Father John Anthony enlisted his friend, Bud Macfarlane, bestselling novelist and the tireless leader of the Mary Foundation, to bring this prophetic act of faith into reality through its tens of thousands of worldwide supporters.

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