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Gospa MissionsGospa Missions is a non-profit Catholic evangelization organization headquartered in Evans City, Pennsylvania. We have conferences, teach about Our Blessed Mother, host an online Vineyard forum, an international newsletter, and a bookstore which provides funds to various Catholic charities.
Homepage of The ImmaculateAt the Home Page of the Immaculate you will find both information about the Blessed Virgin Mary and organizations which promote the knowledge, love, and service of Her, according to the wonderful example of Saint Maximilian Kolbe.
Blue ArmyIn 1947 Father Harold Colgan started the Blue Army to spread Our Lady of Fatima's message of warning and promise. The Blue Army soon became the international World Apostolate of Fatima, with millions of members and national centers in many countries around the world.
Children of Mary & Knights of the ImmaculataCatholicism is alive and well at the University of Notre Dame, led by the Children of Mary, a Rosary Group, and the Knights of Immaculata. Much useful information on the faith, and a listing of events, prayer opportunities, perpetual adoration for campus visitors.
Heart of Mary MinistryInformation on the reported apparitions of Our Lady at Medjugorje. Articles on the faith. Beautiful Catholic music recorded by Sister Mary Lucy Astuto.
Legion of MaryThis is an unofficial site promoting the Legion of Mary.
Holy Rosary SiteA site dedicated to the prayer of the Holy Rosary, to Our Lady of Fatima with Her message, and the devotion to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
International Pilgrim Virgin StatueSince 1946 promoting the Fatima Message through the travels of the International Pilgrim Virgin Statue, "Weeping Madonna", sculpted according to the directions of Sr. Lucia and blessed by Pope Pius XII: daily duty, rosary, brown scapular, consecration, reparation, sacrifices. "Good cannot triumph over evil except by offering reparation for sin"
Association for the Arch of Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of MaryA non-profit association founded to build the globally significant Marian shrine--a 700' tall ascendable, triumphal arch hailing and commemorating the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart of Mary as predicted by the Blessed Mother at Fatima. It will overarch an International Shrine of the Holy Innocents, thus drawing the world's attention to the plight of the innocent unborn victims of abortion in a powerful, undismissable new way. The project is endorsed by numerous prominent American Catholic and pro-life leaders.
Association of the Miraculous MedalWe bring Mary conceived without sin to the Catholics of North America. She reveals God's fatherly love and her own motherly concern.
Militia Immaculata USAConsecration to Mary by the St. Maximilian Kolbe form.
Friends of Our Lady ApostolateWe will mail you a free Saint Louis de Montfort Total Consecration package, anywhere in the world, at no cost to you, if you pledge to use the package to Consecrate your life to Jesus through the Blessed Virgin Mary.
Brotherhood of the Americas of Our Lady of RocioOur website is dedicated to Our Lady under the title of Our Lady of Rocio - Virgen del RocĂo. We are a small brotherhood, the only one in the American Continent and dedicated in both english and spanish.
Fatima Family Apostolate InternationalThe message of Our Lady of Fatima was a call to the family to return to holiness. Such is the mission of the Fatima Family Apostolate International founded by Father Robert J. Fox at the encouragement of the Vatican.
Totus Tuus, MariaThis website is dedicated to promoting devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, as well as providing continuous Catholic education to Catholics, through well-researched, original articles. Our site contains close to 100 original articles on the Virgin Mary and the Catholic Faith.
Queen of All HeartsFor those who have already taken the Montfort Consecration to Mary and Jesus.
Our Lady's Promise ApostolateOur Lady's Promise is a Lay Franciscan Apostolate dedicated to the Mission that Evangelization, the Holy Rosary and the Scapular are Essential Parts of daily Catholic life.