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Home Schooling

Neumann Press
Neumann Press publishes orthodox, traditional Catholic books, included out-of-print classics. These are excellent resources for homeschoolers.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help
We began as a place where local Catholic homeschoolers could get together to have fun learn about difficult-to-teach subjects. Now we have textbooks based on what we learned that we offer to families everywhere.

Seton Home Study School
Helping parents with the Catholic education of their children, in all subject areas, in grades K-12. We provide a full homeschool curriculum, grading services, textbooks, and consultation. Listing of our nationwide conferences. Very useful online state-by-state listing of diocesan regulations, newsletters, and contacts.

Aquinas Homeschool Books
Offering a wide variety of discounted new and used educational texts for Catholic homeschooling families.

Favorite Resources for Catholic Homeschoolers
Our purpose is to assist home educators in choosing excellent educational materials by providing information on what's available, where you can find it and reviews of its content and excellence. Materials are reviewed in light of our Catholic faith. We also invite other Catholic home educators to contribute reviews.

Emmanuel Books
Emmanuel Books provides a wide selection of educational materials primarily for homeschoolers,CCD's and smaller Catholic schools for grades K through High School. We specialize in the harder to find small Catholic curriculum publishers as well as carrying all the books recommended by Laura Berquist in her book "Designing Your Own Classical Education". We offer secure on-line ordering.

Saint Thomas Aquinas Academy
Catholic classical liberal arts curriculum for homeschooling. We provide student skills assessment; continuing, personal guidance and support; a personalized curriculum for your family, as well as report card, diploma and transcript options.

RC History
RC History is the publisher of Connecting with History, the first and only Catholic, chronological world history curriculum for homeschools, co-ops and independent Catholic schools.

Catholic Homeschool Support
Find local Catholic homeschool support groups. Add your group's information for free.

El Camino Real - The Royal Road
Providing Traditional Catholic Homeschooling resources, curriculum suggestions, lesson plans, books, games, and puzzles.

Angelicum Academy
We are a Catholic classical liberal arts homeschool curriculum provider. We serve grades Nursery-12. Complete, literature-based, easy-to-use lesson plans, parent-selected, flexible course options (i.e. Great Books of Western Civilization Program), online live-audio Socratic discussion groups available.

Catholic Heritage Curricula
Homeschooling resources including full catalog, suggested curricula, lesson plans, Mom support, and FAQ page.

Hillside Education
HIllside Education publishes literature study guides with a Catholic perspective. Most titles are historical fiction and integrate with other Catholic education programs. The high school titles contain references to The Catechism of the Catholic Church, the Holy Bible and various encyclical in order to evaluate themes in the literature.

Illuminated Ink
Provides educational Catholic games, toys and craft kits for children of all ages.

RACE for Heaven - Catholic Living Books
Race for Heaven products include Catholic study guides for Mary Fabyan Windeatt's saint biographies, The King of the Golden City Study Edition, Communion with the Saints First Communion preparation program, Reading the Saints: Lists of Catholic Books for Children, The Windeatt Dictionary, Catholic living books, and other educational resources

Making Music Praying Twice
Making Music Praying Twice has released a Homeschool Edition with all the books and CDs need to provide early childhood music education at home from a Catholic perspective. The program revolves around the Liturgical Year and includes folk, world, classical, hymn, children's songs, and Gregorian Chant. Ages 0-8

Catholic Homeschooling Resources
An in-depth website covering all aspects of Catholic Homeschooling - from new homeschoolers to veterans. Topics covered include: Thinking about homeschooling, pros and cons of homeschooling, preschoolers and toddlers, high school homeschooling, organizing your life in order to homeschool and many other topics.

Blue Mantle Educational Supplies
A Catholic homeschooling family business promoting a homeschool lifestyle and supporting a 'Culture of Life' through the distribution of books, resources, and curriculum for families. Based in Canada.

Little Saints Catholic Preschool Program
A comprehensive preschool curriculum built upon the classical disciplines for ages 3-5. Celebrating the liturgical year and exploring over forty early childhood themes, Little Saints concentrates on the true, good and beautiful while building academic readiness skills, a love for learning and for the Faith. Recommended by educational specialists. Imprimatur.

That Resource Site
Free Catholic homeschool resources including worksheets, templates, journals, learning games

St. Anne's Helper
Audio Catechism CDs and E-Catechisms offer the basic Catholic beliefs as taught by the Baltimore Catechism.

My Catholic Faith Delivered
My Catholic Faith Delivered offers the finest religious education programs in a new, online format. Proven programs such as Faith and Life (elementary) and Didache (high school) feature engaging, multi-media lessons, interactive activities to reinforce the lesson, and immediate assessments that give real-time feedback on the child's progress.

The Warrenton Quarterly
An online literary magazine for Catholic homeschoolers ages 12-18 years old.

Homeschool Connections
We are a Catholic homeschool curriculum provider. We provide three services to Catholic homeschooling families: 1) Live, interactive, online classes for adults, high school, and middle school students. 2) Subscription service which allows students 24/7 access to all of our past courses (recorded). 3) Free webinars for parents. We started Aquinas Connections this month for Catholic adults with Fr. Mitch Pacwa teaching a live, interactive online Bible study.

Arma Dei
We offer Catholic teaching tools and gifts, celebrating the Sacraments, seasons and feast days with activities and crafts and building family routines and culture.

Aquinas Learning
A Catholic classical once-a-week mentoring homeschool program cultivating wisdom and virtue by nourishing the soul on things that are true, good, and beautiful. Our centers nationwide provide: Memory Works, Oral Presentations, Good Books read-alouds with Socratic Discussions, Art, Music, and Science Investigations during the Morning Session and Grammar, Writing (IEW), and Critical Thinking Games during the Afternoon Session.