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Heartbeat RecordsHeartBeat Records is the first recording company in the USA to bring contemporary music to people within the Catholic faith.
David Patrick Bryan ProductionsCatholic contemporary music by David Patrick Bryan.
Francesco ProductionsFrancesco Productions is a non-profit recording company established by Father Stan Fortuna. It's mission is to raise money for the poor and evangelize through Contemporary Christian music. Father Stan is a Catholic priest in the order of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal.
Saint Philomena FoundationThe home of Catholic Singer-Songwriter Simonetta. We are dedicated to spreading the Faith and strengthening the faithful, through the distribution of FREE, great Catholic music. Anyone may request a FREE tape or CD of any our resources. Free-will donations are strictly optional, but welcome.
Critical Mass John 6:35:51 Music MinistryCritical Mass John 6:35,51 is a totally Catholic modern rock band. We are dedicated to bringing the Good News of our Lord Jesus Christ to the youth and young-at-heart. We are faithful to the teaching Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church and we are creating music which is relevant artistically to the current culture.
CanticaNOVA PublicationsCanticaNOVA Publications is an authentically Catholic music publishing company which specializes in "Traditional Music for the Contemporary Church." We offer music grounded in the traditions of Catholic liturgy e.g. Gregorian chant which is useful and appilicable to modern liturgical rites. Our website, in addition to a complete Online Catalog, offers Liturgical Planning Pages and Musical Musings articles of interest to musicians and liturgists.
RomansRomans is a contemporary music apostolate dedicated to serving the Church with recordings, live performances, and assistance at Mass. ROMANS is focused primarily on presenting updated renditions of contemporary and traditional sacred music, delivered with energy, devotion, and reverence.
Nick Alexander - The Catholic Weird AlNick Alexander (the Catholic "Weird Al") takes the popular songs of today and rewrites the lyrics so that the songs are Catholic-based, yet side-splitting funny.
Saint Michael RecordsSite dedicated to helping men grow closer to God through contemporary music and writings. We are a volunteer, non-profit Christian public charity. All contributions are tax-deductible. Our work is in harmony with the Church.
Marie BelletMusic celebrating traditional family life. Marie Bellet is a full-time wife and mother and occassional singer-songwriter whose work promotes the warmth and joy of motherhood.
Matthew BauteSinger/songwriter bringing hearts closer to Christ through original contemporary Catholic music.
Liturgical Groove ProductionsThe Dogma Dogs are a rock band of 5 cartoon dogs who evangelize puppies in the Faith. The music is upbeat, catchy, and teaches doctrine, liturgy, and church history. It's not for use at Mass, but for CCD, VBS, singing in the car or dancing around the living room. I think it would be great if you could include "The Dogma Dogs" on your list of Catholic music and musicians.
Karl KohlhaseMusician in the service of Christ and His Holy Catholic Church. Listen to Karl's debut CD on his site for free.
Julie Carrick MinistriesWith a focus of bringing music from the walls of the church into the everyday life of Catholic Christians this site will introduce you to the music ministry of Julie Carrick. Let's not just sing hymns at church, but sing the praise of our Lord 24/7.
Dawn Marie Chmiel MusicCatholic Soprano soloist as well as organist and pianist, Dawn Marie Chmiel has now recorded her first CD: "For His Glory: Hymns of Faith and Inspiration. A collection of traditional Latin hymns as well as contemporary songs.
Mark MallettDubbed "one of the best male vocalists in Catholic music" by, Mark Mallett is a full-time Catholic singer/songwriter & lay missionary. Mark's music and ministry has touched literally thousands of hearts across Canada and abroad. His captivating songs, incredible guitar playing, wacky sense of humor, and riveting message leave an unforgettable impression with people of all ages.
Rotella Productions, Inc.Our Mission is to spread the word and love of Jesus Christ, and the Blessed Virgin Mary through song. We want to help people better love themselves, God, each other, and help revive the worlds love.
Poetic Intercessions'Poetic Intercessions', is a unique mixture of Dolores Thompson's poetry and the music of Karsten Klemme. We recite and sing Christian, contemplative songs.
Seven Sorrows Catholic BandA conservative Catholic band that is focused on spreading devotion to the most blessed Eucharist and the Sorrowful Heart of Mary.
ChantCD.comSells unique Gregorian Chant CDs recorded at a Seminary. Free samples available for download. Marian Hymns, Vespers, Matins, Benediction Hymns, Kyriale, etc.
Music of Elyse O'KaneProvides song clips, biographical information, music testimonials, and an opportunity to contact the singer as well as purchase the CD by Catholic singer and songwriter Elyse O'Kane.
Choir Chant of the Byzantine Catholic Church (MP3)Freely downloadable MP3 files of choir chant of the Byzantine-Slavonic rite (Carpathian raspev).
Heavenly Mother MusicA resource of peaceful religious music in the Catholic tradition. Listen to some tracks by author singer/musician Stasia Very from 4 different CD's.
Donna Cori GibsonCatholic contemporary music: sung prayers from the saints, of the Church, or word-for-word from Scripture to make memorizing easy. Known for her sung Divine Mercy Chaplet and Rosary.
FaithSing Christian MusicProvides royalty-free modern Catholic music suitable for liturgical use which can be freely downloaded. This includes sheet music as well as mp3 files.
Annie KartoMy mission, and the mission of this website is to "use my songs as nets of love to gently catch souls, drawing them closer to Jesus and Mary." My songs are very Catholic, and my hope is to draw some non-practicing Catholics back home. I have written songs for the priesthood, Marian songs, and songs to honor Jesus in the most Blessed Eucharist. I pray that my voice be used as an instrument of peace and the healing Mercy of God, which is the heart of my ministry.
Two-Twelve MinistriesPromotes the music ministries of Dan Duet and Matt Di Filippo. Their respective ministries proclaim the gospel message that Jesus Christ is Lord and use the Magesterium of the Church as the foundation of the ministry.
Roman Catholic Sacred MusicComposer of Roman Catholic Sacred Music, including Mass ordinaries, motets, organ music and more.
Gentle Spirit Music ProductionsWe offer the finest recordings of traditional and contemporary Catholic hymns, including The Rosary, Way of the Cross and The Psalms, on CD and MP3 download. Enjoy sound samples from over thirty inspirational albums of vocal, instrumental, and original music by David Phillips. Additional MP3 track downloads include selections from Robert Kochis and His Majesty's Musicians, plus new titles from Seraphim and David Phillips.
iKahn RecordsOur Catholic ministry website is dedicated to the spreading of Divine Mercy and the music of marian devotion that leads to Christ. Spreading the Gospel of Christ through Mary as we visit parishes all across the United States explaining the important role of Mary in the salvation of mankind, bringing people closer to her son.
John Grassadonia: Changing Music in AmericaTo Live, Love & Proclaim Christ by ministering to one another, sharing the message of Christ's Love and His transforming grace. John participates in concerts, retreats and Liturgical celebrations, bringing the word of God wherever he is called.
Sarah & Josh MusicA website dedicated to spreading Catholic music in hopes of bringing others closer to God.
Fr. Bill SingsFr. Bill was once a comedy writer, selling jokes to Joan Rivers. He's been a priest over 15 years and records his own CDs. Featured on EWTN and
Thomas Jones Catholic PianistBeautiful acoustic piano renditions of familiar and beloved Catholic liturgical and classical pieces. Peaceful piano music for prayer, meditation and relaxation.