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Catholic GoldmineThis legendary links page began over two years ago and now contains over 1,000 Catholic Links. It's nearly impossible not to find what you're looking for on the web using this site.
Catholic Internet DirectoryThe 1997 Catholic Internet Directory is one of the first and most comprehensive guides to Catholic information and links on the Internet.
Catholic OnlineOur mission is to Serve as a center for the exchange of information for Catholics and all people of God, and to help deepen understanding of cur Catholic faith.
Catholic PagesInformation on all things Catholic: the Pope, Cardinals and the Vatican, Dioceses of the world, Our Lady, the Saints and Angels, the Mass, Confession, Sin and Morals, Catholic Marriage and Family Life … even Catholic Jokes. Featuring a default browser start page for Catholics!
LatinMass.orgPart of the international Una Voce Organization, UV Hartford provides a concise updated list of approved Tridentine Masses around the world.
Catholic FirstTo bring Jesus Christ, the Way, the Truth and the Life, to all who will follow, to all who will hear, to all who will live, in accordance with scripture and holy tradition, as handed down generation to generation, by the Magisterium of the Holy Roman Catholic Church.
Parishes OnlineOur mission is to create an online environment that facilitates collaborative ministry within and between the United States parishes and dioceses.
Catholic Information & ResourcesDesigned to quickly locate quality Catholic links to sites faithful to the magisterium of the Church.
Best Catholic LinksFor years our staff has carefully screened thousands of Catholic links for faithfulness to Catholic teaching, focusing on sites providing a national service or unique information. Our exclusive database-driven service allows you to search using keywords and provides a useful description before you decide to visit a site. provides referrals to qualified psychotherapists who are faithful to the magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church and integrate the faith into the therapeutic process. We also provide information relevant to living an emotionally and spiritually healthy life consistent with our Catholic faith.
Catholic BlogsSearch thousands of articles from Catholic blogs, or browse the directory. Hundreds of articles added daily.
The National Catholic Business PagesThe National Catholic Business Yellow Pages directory...Catholic business owners advertising on the Catholic Business Pages are committed to the Gospel and support Pro-Life values and desire to connect with and serve like-minded Christians in the local community. Catholic Business Pages - Pro-Life, Pro-Gospel, Catholics Connected.