Commentary by David Carlin
The UL Takeover of the Democratic Party
The key ideas of today's ultra-liberalism.
Theocracy and Atheocracy
They are trying to avert the destruction of their religion.
Obama's Out-of-Date Categories
The first thing he ought to change is these outmoded anti-conservative categories.
Four Degrees of Feminism
Each one of a somewhat more radical variety of feminism than the one preceding.
A Psychological Impossibility
We should never underestimate the human capacity for self-deception.
Pro-Gay, Anti-Christianity
It is about the de-legitimizing of Christianity itself.
Catholic Feelings of Inferiority
Why do so many wish to push their religion in a theologically liberal direction?
A Sociologist against Women's Ordination
Sociological objections to the introduction of priestly ordination for women.
Thick and Thin Religions
Help understand why American Catholicism went into decline about 40 years ago.
Christianity and the Politicians
They should at least take the trouble to become religiously informed.
Obama, Patriotism, and Cosmopolitanism
The softness is found in the patriotism of many of his supporters, his contributors.
Is Gay Marriage Good for Families?
I'm a little wary when I hear this prediction coming from an Episcopal priest.
Bill-and-Hill vs. Obama
The Clintons will have to "help" him lose.
Joe Biden and the Bishops
A golden opportunity to give heart to these faithful and orthodox Catholics.
Why I'm Not a Republican
Why many old Democrats...remain unwilling to cross the aisle.
Racial Prejudice in the 2008 Campaign
Talk about racism has raised its ugly head.
Obama's Military Judgment
Hillary's judgment was better.
Chris Matthews on Metaphysics
"The question of when human life begins is a 'metaphysical' question."
Obama's Ambition
Put yourself in his shoes.
Can President Obama Unite the United States?
Is he pragmatic and treacherous enough to dump his liberal friends?
A 'Culture First' Strategy
Now that the reversal of Roe is probably off the table for many years to come.
Gay Marriage and Natural Kinds
What does Aristotle have to do with same-sex marriage?
Liberal Protestantism and Liberal Catholicism
Catholicism in America continues to slide downhill.
Bernie Madoff, Victim
He was operating according to the prevailing rules of present-day morality.
Feelings of Inferiority
Will Obama finish King's work of equality?
Why Catholics Don't Read the Bible
"...44 percent of Catholics 'rarely or never' read the Bible..."
Dealing Cynically with the U.S. Constitution
Powerful people are playing fast and loose with the American social contract.
Newman and the Two Arnolds
"Protestantism tends toward liberalism, and...liberalism tends toward atheism."
The Mind of Father Jenkins
In our current historical situation, abortion is about the destruction of Christianity.
Cicero, Catiline, and the American Left
Well-intentioned American patriots...
The Dangerous Politics of the Sotomayor Nomination
It will be <em>perceptions</em> that count more than facts.
Iconoclasm and the Sexual Revolution
How to turn Catholics into semi-Catholics and non-Catholics.
The Inevitability of Legislating from the Bench
My chief grievance against today's political liberals: They cheat.
The Racism Myth
People still contend that the United States remains a terribly racist country.
Health Care and Resentment
The great national controversy is about something more than health care.
Our Society's Common Values
If a society is going to hold together, it needs a values consensus.
Debating 'Don't Ask, Don't Tell'
Should Congress go along with the request to repeal the policy?
Same-Sex Marriage and the Voice of Nature
A similar voice stood in the way of universal acceptance of abortion.
How are we to avoid despair in a world in which we have embraced agnosticism?
Having a Frank Conversation About Race
There is almost no significant racism left in the United States.
Not-So-Strange Bedfellows
A lifelong Democrat who is now disillusioned with the Democratic Party.
Not-So-Strange Bedfellows
A lifelong Democrat who is now disillusioned with the Democratic Party.