A National Prayer Movement
to Help God Save America
Is God Calling You to Join Us?
to Help God Save America
Order Daily Prayers Book Only $1
Three Decades of Evangelization
My name is Bud Macfarlane and over thirty years ago, Our Lady inspired me to start the Mary Foundation. Since then, our amazing benefactors have distributed over twenty million free tools for evangelization in the form of recordings, booklets, scapulars, novels—and now, this little prayer book.

These prayers have become the foundation of our growing national prayer movement, Operation True Cross.
I am convinced our Daily Prayers to Save America book is the most important resource we have ever made available. Those who offer the prayers within its pages will help bring about God’s greatest public triumph through direct intervention since the parting of the Red Sea. You have an opportunity to influence the trajectory of entire nations, and thereby help billions of souls go to heaven who otherwise may have chosen to go to hell.
Expand the Prayer MovementThis book is not just for you. Through the generosity of our benefactors, it is available free-of-charge for small quantities and for just $1 each in large quantities. I encourage you to order more copies online for your family, friends, fellow parishioners, and every group in your circle of influence. Only you can reach them.
Time is of the EssenceTime is running out for our country. Diabolical spirits, on the earth and above the earth, are acting more boldly and with astounding speed to leverage their influence—and often, extensive control—over every sector of worldly power. Our entire social structure is now suffused with lies and grave sin.
The dark angels responsible must be cast out; our country needs exorcism. We have sinned, personally and as a nation; we need to call upon Our Father’s mercy. Lost souls are asleep; our citizens need the Holy Spirit for a Great Awakening. Souls are in danger of damnation due to the sins of the flesh; people need an illumination of consciences. The prayers in this book implore God to grant all of these.
• Pray the Daily Prayers
• Distribute the Daily Prayers
• Be Free of Demonic Influence
• Give Alms to Atone for Sin
Anyone, anywhere, can join this battle, so shrug off any hesitancy you may feel about entering into the fray. Jesus taught, “The meek shall inherit the earth.” After courage, first-hand experience and the lessons of salvation history teach us that humility is a great asset for prayer movements. The more seemingly powerless in worldly terms your particular circumstances, the more effective you can be as a foot soldier in the massive clash between the angelic and demonic powers in the spiritual realm. You do not need to be holy to get started, but you do need to be willing.
How This Movement StartedOperation True Cross began during a challenging two-week period in the summer of 2020, when Father John Anthony Boughton and I traveled to the four extreme corners of the contiguous United States in Washington State, California, Florida, and Maine. At each border, the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass was offered to atone for the sins of America and for a divine intervention to save America in her time of greatest need.
We then “pinned” the Mantle of Mary at each location by burying large, blessed, and exorcised salt blocks beneath the soil (where they could remain for centuries). We later learned from a priest in New Hampshire that the saints call this ancient tradition a “land assignment.” We undertook this task as American citizens who love the land of our birth and as a prophetic action we believed was inspired by the Holy Spirit.
Covid lockdowns presented many barriers, yet we persevered with the help of many local Mary Foundation supporters and thousands of people from all over North America who were praying the Holy Rosary, fasting, and receiving Holy Communion.
Operation True Cross was born.
At each location, after Mass and the burying of the exorcised salt blocks, we prayed the three prayers in the Daily Prayers to Save America book, including the potent exorcism prayers for the laity from the world-renowned exorcist, Father Chad Ripperger, SMD.
Simultaneously, and throughout the rest of the year, additional Masses were offered by a network of priests friendly to our cause in other states, including Hawaii and Alaska.
Meanwhile, in Quebec, Canada, on December 8th, 2020, the Feast of the Immaculate Conception and the first day of the extraordinary Year of Saint Joseph, my friend, Father John O’Brien SJ, hiked several hours with a group of hardy young Catholics to the very spot where Saint Jean de Brébeuf was martyred. There Father John offered Mass and buried the blessed salt.
Note well that Saint Joseph, the Terror of Demons, is the patron saint of Canada, and he will not abandon the nation consecrated to his beloved wife.
The True Cross PilgrimageSince then we began leading a series of penitential campaigns featuring the Daily Prayers to Save America, culminating with our daring True Cross Pilgrimage.
In order to form a geographical "crucifix of reparation" over our nation, one man at a time joined me on foot to carry an authentic relic of the True Cross for 4,500 grueling miles. From sunrise to sunset, over mountains and across plains, deserts, farms, and cities, in every imaginable weather condition, we walked from four Marian Shrines on the north, south, east, and west coasts of America to the Lourdes Grotto at Notre Dame, Indiana.

Each man, always alone while walking, carried the fragment saturated with the Precious Blood of Christ for six hours a day, seven days a week. We slept in a cargo van with no running water for months on end until all four "beams" were connected.
Ultimately, Our Lady sent eleven iron-willed men (ages 22 to 83!) to accompany me for extended stretches. I turned sixty during the pilgrimage, so it was a small miracle I was able to keep going on every single day we walked without serious injury, often navigating dangerous roads. We kept up a blistering 17-20 mile daily pace per man to complete the mission.
Bud's Pilgrimage Photo-Diaries
Begin at Sept 20, 2022 EntryCyrenes and Veronicas
Begin at Jan 4, 2023 Entry
A friend nicknamed us "Cyrenes" after Saint Simon the Cyrene because we carried around our shoulders a fragment of the same cross Our Lord dragged up Calvary Hill to atone for sin.
The many Catholic women who prayed, offered penances, and gave sacrificial alms to support this supernaturally-inspired initiative were called "Veronicas," after the saint who consoled Jesus during his passion.
Now you can be a Cyrene or Veronica.A living crucifix of reparation like this has never been attempted or completed in any country in all of human history. Tens of thousands of concerned Catholics participated spiritually to implore God for a divine intervention. Our ranks have since grown into hundreds of thousands because people like you distribute the prayer book.
Bud Will Keep You UpdatedWhy These Three Particular Prayers?
To stay informed of new intiatives, subscribe here to receive Bud's legendary email message. It’s very personal, spam-free, and completely private.
Operation True Cross is clearly an engagement in aggressive spiritual warfare. The first prayers are traditional exorcism prayers for the laity anchored in the Litany of the Precious Blood. These come from the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum, which was founded by Father Chad Ripperger, the well-known exorcist. These potent prayers and the association have received ecclesiastical approval. (We encourage you to become a formal member of the Auxilium Christianorum at their website.)
OPERATION TRUE CROSSThe Guardian Angel of America
• Pray the Daily Prayers
• Distribute the Daily Prayers
• Be Free of Demonic Influence
• Give Alms to Atone for Sin
The second prayer is the traditional Divine Mercy Chaplet. The Chaplet has two crucial connections to the angelic realm. Recall how Saint Thomas Aquinas explained that God assigns a high-level angel to every nation, city, and institution. Now, imagine the stature and might of the angel assigned to the United States, the most important nation in modern history. This intrepid angel is real, and he has many legions of the heavenly host assigned to him. The Guardian Angel of America recently made a striking visitation to a man in California named Vince Sigala. It is featured in our book, The Warning, which has received an Imprimatur from Archbishop Ramón Argüelles. Here is an excerpt:
I was asleep in bed with my wife. Suddenly, I awoke. At the entrance to our bathroom, adjoined to our bedroom, was an enormous man. He was praying on both knees with his head lowered and his hands pressed together under his chin.
Our vaulted ceilings are about thirteen feet tall. Even so, the back of his head was grazing the ceiling, so the size of this creature when standing would have been at least twenty-five feet tall. His white, ankle-length garment also glimmered with gold, and a solid-gold-colored sash was wrapped around his waist. His hair was a color in between blonde and light brown, and his feet, also very large but in proportion with the rest of his body, were strapped in brownish-bronze woven sandals.
I could plainly see a cut or bruise on his upper left cheek, and while his garment was beautiful, it was soiled and discolored from what appeared to be wounds underneath the fabric. He looked extremely sad and very tired.
I was startled to say the least, not only by his presence in my room, but by the sheer size of him. I jumped out of bed and quickly reached in my night-stand drawer to grab a firearm I keep in my room for protection.
No sooner did I point the weapon in the creature’s direction, when he turned his head and looked at me, saying, “Please don’t do that.”
At these words, a great calm came over me. I lowered the weapon to my side and just stared at him. His face was gentle, as were his eyes, but he still appeared heavy-hearted.
He then said, “Tell the people to pray the Chaplet of Divine Mercy, every day, and to offer it in reparation for the sins committed by the United States.”
Then the visitation stopped. In the days that followed, through contemplation and prayer, I was shown that this being is the Guardian Angel of the United States, and he is losing the battle for our country to Satan and his demons.
Our prayers, specifically the one he requested, strengthen not only him, but also all the angels who fight with him. He is petitioning us for help. I came to understand that we empower angels through our prayers, just as we empower demons with our sin.
Vince recently told me that the very existence of our nation depends on our response to our angel’s request.
That is the first angelic connection of the Divine Mercy Chaplet. The second involves the origin of the Chaplet itself. Please focus on the Eucharistic doctrine embedded in the Eternal Father Prayer that was infused directly by God into the soul of Saint Faustina in 1935:
Eternal Father, we offer You
the body, blood, soul, and divinity,
of your dearly beloved Son,
Our Lord Jesus Christ,
in atonement for our sins
and those of the whole world.
Jesus appeared and spoke many times to this Polish nun. One day he showed her a vision of a nation about to be destroyed by an angel of wrath as punishment for the sin of abortion. Faustina was so alarmed that she prayed with all her being, yet her own prayers to prevent the destruction were utterly useless. Then, for the first time in history, she prayed the Divine Mercy prayer above.
The angel of wrath was stopped instantaneously, completely immobilized. The Divine Mercy Chaplet has the power to prevent the destruction of entire nations!
This is because it is Eucharistic atonement for sin. The formulation “body, blood, soul, and divinity,” comes directly from the Council of Trent’s affirmation of Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist.
Thus, the Chaplet’s prayers are decisive in the context of spiritual warfare. When you join our prayer movement, you are mystically offering the passion, death, and resurrection of the true presence of the Son to the Father to send the Holy Spirit to shower mercy upon America.
OPERATION TRUE CROSSFor Love of Our Fellow Citizens
• Pray the Daily Prayers
• Distribute the Daily Prayers
• Be Free of Demonic Influence
• Give Alms to Atone for Sin
I love my country profoundly, which is why I pray the prayers in this book every day. But let us not delude ourselves: many of our states still have legalized abortion, including some up until the moment of birth. Over 63,000,000 innocent human beings have been slaughtered since 1971.
We also “export” what Pope John Paul II called the culture of death through our vast and dominant entertainment and technology complex. Our multinational financial sector has a perverse, trillion-dollar alliance with our enormous, worldwide pornography industry and its related human trafficking. Our tax dollars support the culture of death all over the world through government programs, United Nation initiatives, immensely well-funded foundations, and countless other interconnected organizations.
Yet, it would be a mistake to place all the blame on the people actively involved in these horrific realities. We have all tolerated grave sin to some degree (even if not directly), especially abortion and sins of the flesh. Additionally, our own personal sins of every kind, even if unrelated to sexuality, further degrade our society. We need to take responsibility for our nation.
Jesus loves every individual in America, even if most of our fellow citizens are spiritually blind, do not know Him, and are unknowingly subject to demonic influence. These souls are in jeopardy of eternal damnation, and are therefore “those in most need of mercy.” Because these souls will not or cannot offer Eucharistic atonement at this point in their lives, America’s Guardian Angel has asked us to pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet for them.
Billions of Souls Hang in the BalanceThe Father of Lies demands blood sacrifice, and he is getting it like never before in human history. We must end this. Because what happens to America will impact every person on this planet, the souls of billions are at stake. God created you to live in this particular time and this particular nation for a reason. Likewise, you are reading this book right now for His reasons.
This is not a superficial “feel good” campaign. We have very little money and no worldly influence to speak of, yet we call upon something more powerful than any human institution or diabolical force: a God Who is Love. We abide in divine love through baptism. Father John Anthony has been inspired to base this peaceful movement on your love of Jesus, your love of your country, and your love of your fellow man. So take heart.
Abide in love and you will abide in God.
Make no mistake: these demonic entities will not stop with the unborn. They want tyranny. Slavery. Genocide. Nuclear war. These demons must be vanquished.
You must fight. The prayers in this book rely upon the unbending principle which Jesus himself gave us: “Some demons can only be driven out by prayer and fasting.”
Praying through Salvation HistoryFather John Anthony and I composed the third and concluding Mantle of Mary Prayer to incorporate the theological concepts above. It calls for a Great Awakening through the Holy Spirit. It courses along salvation history from the parting of the Red Sea, to the slaying of Goliath, all the way to the anointing of our soil with the blood of the North American martyrs. It recalls our bishops’ prophetic consecration of America to the Mother of God (I have more on this untold history below), while relying upon the intercession of countless millions of saints in the Church Triumphant who walked upon our land over the past five hundred years.
OPERATION TRUE CROSSWhat is the Mantle of Mary?
• Pray the Daily Prayers
• Distribute the Daily Prayers
• Be Free of Demonic Influence
• Give Alms to Atone for Sin
At Guadalupe, at Fatima, at Lourdes, and numerous other apparitions, Our Lady appears wearing a full-length cloak referred to as a mantle. Down through the centuries, artistic depictions of her mantle are quite stunning. It is primarily a symbol of her motherly protection.
The United States, among all the nations on earth, is particularly distinguished for its total consecration to Immaculate Mary and for the devotion of its faithful citizens to her most Holy Rosary. Our very first bishop, John Carroll, consecrated America to the Immaculate Virgin Mary in 1791. In 1846, this consecration was solemnly formalized by all of our bishops and officially affirmed by Pope Pius IX himself a year later. More consecrations were made by our bishops corporately during the 1900s and in our current century.
For over a century, tens of millions of Americans have faithfully offered the Rosary and have fasted for peace in the world in response to Our Lady of Fatima. No nation on the planet has promoted the Rosary and devotion to Immaculate Mary more than America.
Our private citizens also donate seven times more to charity than people in the next most generous country. Our missionary service to the poor all over the world has truly honored Jesus’ teaching that “whatsoever you do for the least of my brothers, you do unto me.”
Ask and You Shall ReceiveConsecration is theologically defined as “the setting aside for a holy purpose.” It is not a coincidence that America, the first and greatest beacon and refuge of religious freedom in human history, belongs to Our Lady. It has been set aside for her holy purpose. This is a profound reality: the Mother of God is the sovereign over every person living within our borders, even if they are unaware of her protective royal mantle.
America’s religious history is a firm reason for hope because it illustrates that Immaculate Mary’s divine son, Christ the King, will surely respond to transform our homeland into God’s nation if we confidently ask Him.
By your very act of faith in praying the prayers in this book every day, the virtue of hope will grow in your soul and overflow into your daily attitude and life. It is the opposite of despair. I have personally experienced this, along with many others who have joined this battle.
We Are Not AloneBecause he comes from a military background, it is appropriate that Mary appointed Father Boughton as our earthly commander. He is also an adult convert to Catholicism; astoundingly, he is the first Catholic in his family line in over five hundred years.
During the planning stages for this prayer movement, we were confirmed by a Holy Spirit wave washing across our land, although few Catholics know about it; millions of our Protestant brothers and sisters are fully aware of the battle we are facing. Their pastors are deeply cognizant of the series of Great Awakenings which powerfully shaped American history (indeed, going back to before the American Revolution).
For years these humble followers of Jesus have been receiving prophetic dreams outlining not only the supernatural battle playing out before us, but are also proclaiming that heaven is affirming a rock-solid promise that God is hearing our prayers, will answer with divine intervention, will break the diabolical stranglehold, and that He is sending the Holy Spirit to bring forth what they call “the greatest of all Great Awakenings.”
Beginning in the early years of this millennium, countless Christians in America have been praying and fasting for our Everlasting Father to unleash His legions of angels to crush the demons feeding off of the grave sins of our nation. More are joining the spiritual war every day.
And what is the most common biblical concept these spiritual warriors use? Time and again, they call upon God to cover America with “the Blood of Jesus.” Note how our Auxilium Christianorum prayers are anchored in the Litany of the Precious Blood of Jesus. While the devotion is ancient, the litany itself is a new prayer—in fact, it was only recently promulgated in 1960 by Pope John XXIII. It is a prophetic gift for our times.
Anointed with the Blood of MartyrsFinally, let us consider how the blood of martyrs anoints the soil of our country. You may recall that the first physical church within the current borders of the United States was erected in 1565 in Saint Augustine, Florida. Horrifically, in the early 1700s, eighty-six Catholic missionaries and Native American converts were martyred there. The present-day National Shrine of Our Lady of La Leche marks the location of their sacrifice. (This is why I personally “pinned” the Mantle of Mary there with exorcised salt blocks in November of 2020.)
This is just one example. The blood of so many other saints has soaked the soil of our continent, from the martyrs in Latin America, to the Jesuits in Canada, to our own Kateri Tekakwitha in the United States.
May we all imitate the courage of the martyrs!
Take heart. The Mantle of Mary forms a protective shield that will remain over our borders until the end of time. A living crucifix of reparation has been traced over our land using a fragment of the True Cross saturated with the blood Jesus shed to eternally atone for the sins of all mankind.
As for me, I have “set my face like a flint.” (Isaiah 50:7) I love the line in the Mantle of Mary Prayer when we ask Saint Michael to teach us how to fight. We can fight with these three prayers every day, along with praying the Rosary, going to Confession, receiving Communion, praying with others, and offering reparation.
Jesus has been directing me through Saint Michael, and He will direct you, too. Then you and I shall battle shoulder-to-shoulder in a huge army of souls and angels forming the heel that will crush the head of the serpent. It brings a smile to my face.
We fight. God wins.
Bud Macfarlane Jr.
November 10, 2021
Feast of Saint Leo the Great
Updated September 14th, 2023
Feast of the Triumph of the Cross
Order Daily Prayers for Only $1

A Spiritual Warfare Campaign

Help God Save America
It all began in 2020 when Father John Anthony Boughton CFR and Bud Macfarlane "pinned" the Mantle of Mary on the extreme four corners of the United States. Countless Catholics participated nationwide through prayer and fasting.
Pray with UsSince then, over two hundred thousand people have joined Operation True Cross by offering the 12-minute Daily Prayers to Save America:

To protect themselves spiritually, many are now adopting the extraordinary Three Angelus Cure from the world-renowned exorcist, Father Chad Ripperger, to receive personal deliverance from demonic influence, deeply-rooted sin, and even serious mental illness:
The True Cross Pilgrimage
Bud Macfarlane led a small team of brave men as they carried an authentic Relic of the True Cross 4,500 miles to complete a grueling walking pilgrimage to form a living "Crucifix of Reparation" over America.
We pray. God wins. No matter what your particular circumstances or where you live, you can join all of us spiritually while learning more here:More About Operation True Cross
What is the True Cross Pilgrimage?
What is the Three Angelus Cure?
Photo-Diary: Mantle Over America
Podcast: Carrying the True Cross
Meet the Founders
Father John Anthony Boughton, CFRFather John Anthony Boughton, General Servant of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, is a grizzled Texan who graduated from the Virginia Military Institute and served in the United States Navy. He is the first Catholic in his family line in over five hundred years.

Bud Macfarlane, Troublemaker
Father John Anthony enlisted his friend, Bud Macfarlane, bestselling novelist and the tireless leader of the Mary Foundation, to bring this prophetic act of faith into reality through its tens of thousands of worldwide supporters.

• Pray the Daily Prayers
• Distribute the Daily Prayers
• Be Free of Demonic Influence
• Give Alms to Atone for Sin
Our supporters have distributed tens of millions of life-changing Catholic gifts since 1991, making us America's largest producer of high-quality, super-affordable tools for evangelization. Join our work today!
See All Our Catholic Materials
Meet Bud Macfarlane, Our Founder