How to Evangelize Anyone

Proven Skills that Make
Converting Loved Ones Easy

Only 122 pages with larger print
and 1-page Reference Guide!

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Skills that Work in the Real World

Like every good Catholic, you have loved ones, friends, and coworkers who suffer from broken and even antagonistic relationships with Christ and his Church. It's heartbreaking. Beyond prayer, we can feel powerless.

With this new book you can now learn how to effectively bring the faith to others without fear—while growing in your own faith.

Even better, it only takes a few hours to learn how to help God change the eternal destinies of the people you love.

We know this sounds too good to be true, so please read on...

"I have attended two of Jose’s workshops and can’t say enough good about them. Jose presents concrete actionable communication tools that are immediately beneficial. His step-by-step approach is extremely effective."
David S. - Former Knights of Columbus Grand Knight

Anyone Can Do This—Quickly

First of all, you don't need to have an "outgoing personality" or any particular academic training. You just need to care about the people you love. Anyone can quickly learn the techniques this book teaches.

In fact, the author, Jose Pulido, a pioneer in the field of professional evangelization coaching, has taught these skills to thousands of people all over North America in single-day workshops.

Plus you can immediately apply his practical approaches and spiritual skills after he takes you through his brief series of brilliantly conceived exercises.

And by immediately, this means on the very first day you read the book!

Let God Work Through You

Instead of being frustrated or just plain confused about what to do next, you will actually enjoy evangelizing.

You will go forth confidently, without fear of rejection, and with great success—just like those who Jose Pulido has taught during his seminars at companies, universities, and parishes.

Giving yourself and everyone in your circle of influence this "workshop in written form" is your act of faith that God is the One who changes lives through His believers.

Jose's Personal Gift to You

Because of our mission to sanctify everyone in the world, the Mary Foundation is excited that Jose Pulido has become our official spokesman.

In fact, he receives no compensation for this book. It's his personal gift to you on behalf of the souls you will reach.

We encourage you to contact Jose directly at Holy Family Evangelization about working with your local group, parish, or organization for live workshops, webinars, speaking engagements, or being a podcast guest. He is even available for one-on-one personal coaching.

"Jose was very lovely to work with. He has an infectious energy that makes him easy to coordinate with and interesting to listen to. He was very hands-on in the planning process and flexible."
Taylor Z. - Young Adult Leader

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An Author Sent by the Holy Family

Jose PulidoJose Pulido is the founder of Holy Family Evangelization. A father of two children and now in his mid-thirties, he was born in Columbia and came to America as a poor, deeply troubled little boy who spoke only Spanish.

In his teens, he became a staunch, articulate atheist. Intellectually gifted, through hard work and academic excellence he earned Ivy League degrees and worldly success.

During a secular tour of a Catholic church, he experienced a dramatic mystical enounter with the Holy Family—Joseph, Mary, and Jesus. They gave him a mission to teach others how to evangelize in ultra-difficult situations by combining Sacred Tradition and modern behaviorial science.

Prepare for Your Spiritual Awakening

Like Saint Paul, Jose quickly converted, and is now fulfilling the Holy Family's plan to teach you how to bring your loved ones—even those with the hardest of hearts—back into their home.

Commissioned by heaven, Jose pioneered harmonizing traditional theology and modern behavioral neurobiology into skill-based and spiritually potent practices for super-effective evangelization. Your spiritual life will be especially transformed through his workshop exercises—which you can do on your own or with your local group using How to Evangelize Anyone.

Your Personal Heavenly Guides

Thus, his book is way beyond something you merely read. On a mystical level, Jesus, Mary, and Joseph will become your personal guides on an exciting spiritual journey.

Jose Pulido actively teaches you to dream like Saint Joseph. He teaches you how to speak like Our Lady. He teaches you to make all things new like their son Jesus. This is profoundly satisfying. When you do this, all of your relationships will be deeply enriched.

Hope for Your Loved Ones

This book is hope. Jose's methods work in the real world because they actively incorporate the reality of the spiritual world.

He deftly integrates diverse sources from psychology, the saints, neurobiology, and the Catechism of the Council of Trent. Nothing he teaches is superficial or cliché. He will guide you into staggering new divine insights from familiar Gospel passages that will blow your mind—no matter where you are on your own faith journey.

Too Good to be True?

As mentioned earlier, we completely understand if all this sounds too good to be true. Remember, you have nothing to lose: this book is only $1. And it's from the Mary Foundation, the world's largest and most-trusted producer of Catholic "tools for evangelization" that have touched tens of millions of lives since 1991.

Everyone you love has everything to gain. All you need to do is prayerfully click on the button to get started—peacefully relying on your faith in the Good Shepherd who longs to gather His lost sheep.

Shipping is free and your books will arrive right away, so please consider ordering extras for your parish, family, and friends.

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Advice from Bud Macfarlane

Our Founder, Bestselling Novelist

Bud Macfarlane

I am always moved by how Jose Pulido, the apostle of the Holy Family, became part of the Mary Foundation because I met him through family. A little while back, Jose, who lives in California, was in Washington DC on a brief trip. My oldest son Jude ran into him at a party, then took the time to encourage me to give Jose a call—even though I am decades older. We became fast friends before I even realized the extent to which young Mr. Pulido had dedicated his life to restoring relationships.

Now that his extraordinary book is a reality—given the seeming randomness of how Jose met my son, our age difference, and the geographical unlikelihood of it all, it should be providentially obvious that your visit to this webpage today is not random either. This book came to be because God wanted it, and is not the result of calculated corporate planning.

I'm so excited for you and confident that you will successfully reach others because it happened to me. After years of frustration with a relative who had "cut me off," I was quickly able to apply what Jose taught me and rekindle communication! It was actually easy. I'm so filled with hope moving forward with this particular person. This will happen with someone you love, too. I'm certain of it.

To extend the family theme, I edited the book word by word, first with Jose, and then with my talented sons Xavier and Clete. As a result, we all learned the skills Jose teaches.

As for my advice for when your book arrives? Just trust Jose. His exercises are easy to understand, quickly mastered with real-world practice, and are often fun—and if not, deeply exciting on a spiritual level. His enthusiastic personality comes through on every page.

His ingenious exercises will transform your life, with God's grace, so you can transform others' lives, with God's grace.

Publisher's Note: You can do the exercises by writing in the book itself, using a notebook, or printing out our free worksheet:

Print Free Worksheet

Yet the most important advice I can give you is to have a childlike attitude about doing the exercises when this surprisingly brief book arrives. Children learn by doing, which is always the easiest, most enjoyable, and effective way to learn anything.

And because so many of us are intimidated by the thought of reaching out to a lost soul we care about—including our fear of rejection—it is difficult to convey just how deeply you will be impacted during the exercises. A mind-body-soul shift awaits you.

Thanks for being a part of our work and my life. Enjoy!

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Contact Jose Pulido for Coaching

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Help God Save America

How to Evangelize Anyone is another divinely-inspired resource of our national prayer movement, Operation True Cross. It all began in 2020 when Father John Anthony Boughton CFR and Bud Macfarlane "pinned" the Mantle of Mary on the extreme four corners of the United States. Countless Catholics participated nationwide through prayer and fasting.

Pray with Us

Since then, hundreds of thousands of people have joined Operation True Cross by offering exorcism prayers found in the Daily Prayers to Save America, which takes just twelve minutes.

Rid Yourself of Demonic Influence

To protect themselves spiritually, many are now adopting the extraordinary Three Angelus Cure from the world-renowned exorcist, Father Chad Ripperger, to receive personal deliverance from demonic influence, deeply-rooted sin, and even serious mental illness:

The True Cross Pilgrimage

Bud Macfarlane recently led a small team of brave men as they carried an authentic Relic of the True Cross 4,500 miles to complete a grueling and unprecedented walking pilgrimage to form a living "Crucifix of Reparation" over America.

We pray. God wins. No matter what your particular circumstances or where you live, you can join all of us spiritually while learning more here:

More About Operation True Cross

What is the True Cross Pilgrimage?

What is the Three Angelus Cure?

Podcast: Father John and Bud

Read: Why This Movement Exists

Photo-Diary: Mantle Over America

Podcast: Carrying the True Cross

Meet the Founders

Father John Anthony Boughton, CFR
Father John Anthony Boughton, General Servant of the Franciscan Friars of the Renewal, is a grizzled Texan who graduated from the Virginia Military Institute and served in the United States Navy. He is the first Catholic in his family line in over five hundred years.

Bud Macfarlane, Troublemaker

Father John Anthony enlisted his friend, Bud Macfarlane, bestselling novelist and the tireless leader of the Mary Foundation, to bring this prophetic act of faith into reality through its tens of thousands of worldwide supporters.

• Pray the Daily Prayers
• Distribute the Daily Prayers
• Be Free of Demonic Influence
• Give Alms to Atone for Sin

The Mary Foundation Our supporters have distributed tens of millions of life-changing Catholic gifts since 1991, making us America's largest producer of high-quality, super-affordable tools for evangelization. Join our work today!

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