The CatholiCity Message

Volume V, Number 14 – July 31, 2001

Dear CatholiCity Citizen,

Notice how the older we get, the faster time passes? O summer, stay, stay. Today we've got an important prayer for life, but first a word about the two special CatholiCity Discounts below.

Because so many of you (now over 50,000+ families) read this CatholiCity Message, we were able to line up some excellent group discounts for you. Remember, CatholiCity never takes a "cut." There's no pressure–only respond if you think these offers would help your particular situation. Let's get started.

"I hate this folly of not believing in the Eucharist! If the Gospel is true, if Jesus is God, what difficulty is there?"
Blaise Pascal

"I'm not allowed to comment on lousy officiating."
Jim Finks (after a loss), general manager, New Orleans Saints


We met Vinny Flynn in 1995 when we helped cofound the Catholic Marketing Network, and he, his lovely wife, and his children have all been involved with Catholic music for many years, ministering to tens of thousands of souls throughout the country. Vinny called us the other day to say that his mother, Sister Magdelene, 88, a widow who became a consecrated nun after the death of his father, was moving into his basement because she is frail. His gain is going to be your gain, because Vinny keeps the stock of Spirit Song Ministry tapes and CDs in his basement, and to make room for his mom, Vinny is going to offer two of his family's best recordings for what we'll call (ahem!) a "bargain basement" donation. Ask yourself: do you own any Catholic music for your car, to help you with prayer, or to enjoy on a peaceful late summer evening? The Flynns make music with one purpose: to help you join your heart to God.

For a nominal donation of only $10 (shipping included) the Flynns will send you a set of their two most popular albums. The first album, "Merciful Mother," contains standards such as As I Kneel Before You, Ave Maria, Gentle Woman as well as new Marian folk hymns. The second album, "We Sing Your Praise" (our favorite) contains their greatest hits, including sublime songs from the popular solo albums of Vinny's sons, John and Brian. To receive your copies, but you have to respond in the next seven days. Send a check made out to "Spirit Song Ministries" to PO Box 1316, Stockbridge, MA 01262 and they will send your albums and a bill. You can get as many sets as you want for $10 per set, including shipping. Or call 888.549.8009 during EST business hours. If you get voice mail, leave your phone number and the Flynns will call you back. Please specify quantity of sets and whether you want CDs or cassettes.

No doubt many of you have heard of Catholics United for the Faith, or CUF. Every CUF member receives the excellent Lay Witness Magazine (11 issues), discounts on books published by CUF, and most importantly, unlimited access to Faith Facts, a toll free 800 information service that supplies answers to sticky issues about the Faith using an impressive collection of Faith Facts pamphlets and position papers. They'll even research an answer just for members. For example, last year when the PBS television show Frontline falsely accused Saint Maximilian Kolbe as an antisemetic, or when the book Hitler's Pope defaming Pope Pius XII was published, CUF responded immediately. Here's the CatholiCity Discount: for the next seven days only, CUF is offering a free copy of their new book, "Catholic For a Reason II, Scripture and the Mother of God," (a $19 value) for the regular membership donation of $30. You'll also receive free copies of CUF's articles rebutting the baseless charges against Saint Maximilian and Pius XII, along with CUF's latest position paper on The Problem of Catholic Politicians Who Advocate Abortion Rights. Just call 800.693.2484 to donate using your credit card, (9-5 EST, M-F), or send a check for $30 made out to "Catholics United for the Faith" to 827 North Fourth Street, Steubenville, OH 43952. Make sure you mention that you're responding to the CatholiCity offer to get your free copy of "Catholic for a Reason II" and the free articles. You can find out more about CUF online at, but you can only receive the CatholiCity Discount by calling or writing. Feel free to forward this CUF offer and the Vinny Flynn music offer to your friends and relatives.

The Thumb Prayer is catching on. To pray this simple prayer, you make the Sign of the Cross on your palm using your thumb, whispering or silently praying "Jesus" on the downstroke and the name of the person you want to pray for on the cross-stroke. Teach it to your children and you'll find it has a calming effect during Mass.

A little boy opened an old family Bible and was amazed when a dried up oak leaf pressed between one of the pages fell out. "Look Mom!" he cried out, "It's Adam's pants!"

The other day we sent ten different puns to my friends, hoping that at least one pun would make them laugh, but unfortunately no pun in ten did.

Q: What's the difference between a bagpipe and an onion?
A: No one cries when you chop up a bagpipe.

According to a recent poll, as reported in National Catholic Register, only 10% of Catholics actively share their faith, the lowest percentage of any denomination polled. You can change that. Consider sharing your faith with free Mary Foundation CDs, tapes, and Saint Jude Media novels. That's a 100% discount, free same-day shipping, all the time, at:

Let all 50,000+ families reading this join together and begin... "In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen."

"Dear Jesus, how easy it is for modern man to forget that You and You alone are the Author of Life, and that when life and love are separated with such practices as stem cell research and in vitro fertilization, the only possible result ultimately is to help the forces of darkness. We submit ourselves to Your Divine Authority in all issues concerning the transmission of human life. Despairing that godless men will never learn to respect life, we come together to beg You to bring forth Your Holy Spirit! Let Your Perfect Will guide the decisions of the president and all political leaders who hold life in their hands. Saint Michael, defend us in the day of battle! Immaculate Mary, Patroness of the United States, intercede for the sake of the most defenseless in our society. Amen."

Thanks for being a part of our work and our lives. We remain yours...

With Christ,

Your Friends at CatholiCity