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Traditional Latin MassThis page has useful information on the indult (legitimate) traditional Latin Mass, often referred to as Tridentine. Study our illustrated English translation of the Latin Mass, use our Guide to Gregorian Chant, and search the Vulgate Bible online. We support and defend complete loyalty to the Catholic Church, according to Pope John Paul II's document Ecclesia Dei.
Association for Catechumenal MinistryProvides resources for RCIA at the parish and diocesan level. The material presented is completely consistent with the magisterium of the Catholic Church.
Nicholas-Maria PublishersDedicated to the restoration or the Sacred in Church Music, we sponsor a conference on Sacred Music. Also promote "Gate of Heaven," a hymnal of 40 hymns. Printed music and sound recording. Comment on theme of the Sacred in music.
Adoremus-Society for the Renewal of the Sacred LiturgySite dedicated to the authentic renewal of the Sacred Liturgy according to the Constitution on the Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council. Online home of the Adoremus Bulletin
Liturgical Environs"Liturgical Environs is an architecture firm specializing in Catholic church design that seeks to implement the authentic vision of the Second Vatican Council"
Catholic Homilies and SermonsLinks to many sites that have Caholic Homilies on the Web for Weekdays and Sundays.
Daily Mass ReflectionsReflections on each day's Mass readings.
Sancta MisaaAn online multimedia tutorial of the Tridentine Mass, provides the rubrics of the 1962 Missale Romanum in English, as translated by Rev. Dennis M. Duvelius, the text of Fortescue‘s Ceremonies of the Roman Rite Described, a ceremonial for altar servers, articles on the spirituality of the Tridentine Latin Mass, a large resource of liturgical articles, and a ceremonial for liturgical music of the liturgical books of 1962.
We Want To Be TaughtA grassroots initiative from the laity and religious to request that the Magisterium of the Roman Catholic Church publish, for the Universal Church, an Ordinary Sunday catechetical lectionary.