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Television & Film

Saint Luke Productions
We are dedicated to renewing and evangelizing the culture through a catholic vision focused in the dramatic arts. We produce high quality films and live dramas on the lives of the saints.

Luke Films
The official website of THERESE, ordinary girl extraordinary soul, a new feature film on the greatest saint of modern times. If you want to see more family friendly films in your local theater, visit the site and show your support for this beautiful film. While you’re there learn more about Saint Therese, sign up for the contest and leave a message on the discussion board.

Salt + Light Television
To promote the Catholic Faith and help people connect to their Catholic Faith, through the media ministry of the Salt and Light Catholic Media Foundation and S+L Television.

New Evangelization Television
NET is a new faith-centered cable TV network based in Brooklyn, New York. The heart base of our broadcast includes news, entertainment, children’s, and music, as well as religious programs.

Heart of the Nation - "My Sunday Mass"
Heart of the Nation provides a Sunday TV Mass faithful to liturgical norms and attentive to the elderly and sick, the lonely or imprisoned, and others in need of pastoral care. Our Web site is a resource for TV Mass viewers, caregivers, and diocesan or parish outreach.