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Catholic Information Network (CIN)
Our mission has been to offer free information on the Catholic faith, including the texts of papal addresses and encyclicals, news and other articles as well as to facilitate open discussion using online forums on all matters of Catholic life.

CatholiCity : Discover the Catholic Church
A free, comprehenive, virtual cyber-city of Catholic resources, including keyword-searchable links, email discussion groups, online audio, prayer movements, free audio tapes, free Catholic novels, and much more. Home to over 140 Catholic organizations. The internet division of the Mary Foundation.

Catholic Educator's Resource Center
The Catholic Educator’s Resource Center provides an internet library of journal articles, essays, book excerpts, and other texts chosen for their objective, concise, and clear presentation of Catholic teachings, history, and culture, particularly in those areas in which the Church’s role is unknown or misunderstood.

Catholic Exchange
We aim to foster catechesis and Scripture study through the website, to use technology to work toward better integration and cooperation between the Catholic churches in the Americas, and to foster greater understanding, unity, and love between Catholics and non-Catholic Christians.

Spanish-language Catholic megasite with comprehensive Spanish-language Catholic directory.

On-line base for all Catholic families with a loved one in the armed forces. CatholicMil also contains enlightening articles on oaths; biographies of Catholic military and warrior saints; a guide for vocations within the military; recommended books, videos, and tapes with a military theme; and a Q&A with our resident Military Chaplain.

Catholic Information Center of Washington, D.C.
Best selection of quality Catholic books, fine sacred art and artifacts, and a excellent source for information on the Sacraments, Spiritual guidance, and reflections.

Family Facts: Social Science Research on Family, Society and Religion
The Heritage Foundation’s Family & Society Database catalogs social science findings on the family gleaned from peer-reviewed journals, books, and government surveys. Serving legislators and staffers, journalists and writers, teachers and students, as well as clergymen and helping professionals, the Database makes social science research easily accessible to the non-specialist.
Find access to leading Catholic magazines and newspapers, papal encyclicals, Church documents, helpful devotional services - all in a new, smartly-designed and streamlined format. Features the latest Catholic news from around the world, straight from the highly-regarded, Rome-based Zenit News Service. You get their guarantee that the content will be 100% in accord with the teachings of the Pope and the living Magisterium of the Church. - Customizable Catholic Homepage
Catholic web portal that allows users to choose their own content, layout, and preferences. Offers daily Mass readings, reflections, news, the Catechism, tools, and more.

Xt3 is a content-driven Catholic social network born out of WYD08. Our mission is to help parishes and dioceses connect through the diocese homepages and events calendars. We aim to provide authentic, genuine formation through our resource library, podcasts, and videos supporting ministry in our Churches.