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Vocations for Women
Pauline Books & Media/Daughters of Saint PaulThe Daughters of St. Paul are an international congregation of religious women serving the Church with the communications media. The site offers information on books, magazines, videos, audios and resources sold by Pauline Books and Media. There is also a listing of U.S and worldwide stores, in addition to an on-line catalog.
Sisters of Saints Cyril and MethodiusThe Sisters of Saints Cyril and Methodius are a Roman Catholic, religious institute of pontifical rite dedicated to apostolic works. We are a community of women brought together in a free response to Gods' call to live for him by the practice of the evangelical counsels.
Passionist Nuns - Saint Joseph MonasteryCloistered, Contemplative Nuns, members of the Passionist Congregation. We promote devotion to and remembrance of the Passion, Death and Resurrection of Jesus. Our main work is prayer, we have each day, all 7 hours of the Divine Office and guests are invited to participate with us at these hours of prayer. We, also have attached to our monastery a small solitude retreat house located on our 150 acres of mostly wooded land where we have formed meditation paths thhrough the woods for God's People to use while on retreat or just walking the land.
Sisters of Saint Francis of Perpetual AdorationWe are a Papal Congregation of Religious Franciscan Women. "As consecrated women faithful to our vows, we strive in community to combine the contemplative life with the active through perpetual adoration and the works of mercy in education, healthcare, and other ecclesial ministries." (from Mission Statement)
Poor Clares of Perpetual AdorationOur principal mission is to live a life of prayer and contemplation on behalf of the Church and the entire human family. As a community, we follow the Rule of St. Clare of Assisi, and embrace a poor and humble lifestyle centered in Eucharist.
Society of Saint Teresa of JesusThe Society of St. Teresa of Jesus (Teresian Sisters) is an international religious community of women dedicated to prayer, education, and sacrifice. This website contains background information, current news, the location of all the sisters in American province, brief meditations, and public prayer forum.
Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of JesusWe are a congregation of sisters united to the First Order Carmelites. We combine the contemplative life with a rich apostolate-we work with children and the elderly. Our site provides information on our congregation, vocations, carmelite spirituality and saints, and more.
Daughters of Charity of St Vincent de Paul in Great BritainAn international community of Catholic women, following Jesus Christ in the spirit of St Vincent and St Louise caring for broken, disadvantaged or marginalised people.
Sisters of the New CovenantWe specialize in training parishioners for the new evangelization called for by Pope John Paul II. Dedicated to the formation of laity for life and mission and candidates to the religious life of the Franciscan Sisters of the New Covenant; and invite all, including secular priests, to join the Association.
Poor Clare Monastery of Our Lady of MercyWe are members of an enclosed contemplative Order of nuns, one of the oldest in the Church, founded in 1212 by St. Clare of Assisi
under the guidance and inspiration of St. Francis. St. Clare envisioned a simple life, a Gospel life, a life totally surrendered to Christ, a life offered in union with Him for the salvation of the world. It is in this spirit that we, her daughters, strive to live the rich spiritual heritage that is ours.
Handmaids of the Sacred Heart of JesusContemplative order of sisters devoted to helping the poor and bringing Christ's message of redemption to the world.
Dominican Sisters of Saint Cecilia CongregationOrder dedicated to preaching and the salvation of souls. The sisters live the Order's motto, "to contemplate and to give to others the fruits of our contemplation" as they teach students from pre-school through college level.
Franciscan Sisters of the RenewalThe Community of Franciscan Sisters of the Renewal was established in 1988. The aim of the Community is to live the Gospel values in simplicity according to the ideals of Saint Francis as handed on by the Capuchin tradition.
Religious Sisters of Mercy of AlmaThe website of the Religious Sisters of Mercy of Alma contains the basic spirituality of the Religious Institute which it represents. It explains all of the aspects of the religious life as they apply, and shows the stages of formation from entrance into the Institute until death. Contact information is also provided.
Carmelite Sisters of the Divine Heart of Jesus, Northern ProvinceWe are a contemplative/apostolic congregation consecrated to God through a life of prayer and reparation, from which flows our life of loving service in the care of the young and elderly. We pray, sacrifice, and atone with an apostolic perspective. We care for the needs of children and youth and the elderly.
Vocations Placement Service, Inc.Vocations Placement Service is a non-profit national service organization that exists to help men and women explore their vocation and options to relgious life through a monastery retreat experience.
Marian Sisters - Lincoln, NEWe will help others not to be afraid to do the will of God. Following the example of St. Francis and Mary, we want to share our joy of giving our lives completely to Jesus.
Oblates of Jesus the PriestAn order of religious women who practice a 'Spirituality of the Cross' which teaches that we are saved by love alone.
Carmelite Sisters of St. Therese of the Infant JesusTo spread the Good News of Jesus Christ as the Gospel proclaims and to follow the teaching of the Holy Catholic Church and to be of service to Christ's Church.
Sisters of Saint Joseph the WorkerThese Sisters live a life of prayer with special devotion to Christ in the Eucharist and His Sacred Heart, His holy Mother, and Saint Joseph. Their primary vocation is the care of the elderly and the Catholic education of children.
School Sisters of St. Francis - "The Panhandle Franciscans"As Franciscan religious, we are women who are excited about our involvement in the new evangelization of the Church! We meet the Lord daily in Eucharistic Adoration and serve Him in His people. Our main apostolate is the Christian education of youth in union with the Holy Father and the teachings of our Holy Faith.
Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. GeorgeThe mission of the Sisters of St. Francis of the Martyr St. George is to be simply ready in obedience to God's call and to Make Christ's Merciful Love Visible in our service. Our website is designed to inform people about the various aspects of our lives as consecrated religious.
Vision Vocation NetworkFor the past 20 years, Vision Vocation Guide, published by the National Religious Vocation Conference, has been an indispensable resource for those considering religious life. Its in-depth features and online interactive Vocation Match service, help countless men and woman each year find the vocation that's right for them.
Monastery of the Visitation of Holy Mary, Monte MariaAs we are created in God's image and likeness, there is a deep longing in the human heart that can be satisfied only by its Creator. A Sister of the Visitation is one who has heard this inner call.
Children of MaryAn semi-contemplative community of sisters whose apostolate is devotion to the true presence of Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament and the two liftings.
Benedictines of MaryTo provide information to those discerning a vocation to the consecrated life, and the public in general, about our community's charism and role in the Catholic Church.
Poor Clare Nuns of Santa BarbaraThe Poor Clare Nuns constitute the second branch of the Franciscan Order. As contemplatives, Poor Clare nuns observe the Gospel life lived within the bounds of papal enclosure.
Little Sisters of the PoorWe care for the elderly poor in the spirit of humble service which we have received from Blessed Jeanne Jugan. We welcome the elderly as we would Jesus Christ himself and serve them with love and respect until death.
Daughters of the Heart of MaryAn international order of women religious begun in France during the French Revolution by a Jesuit and a laywoman. We model our lives on the hidden life of Mary of Nazareth and the early Christians. We are an authentic religious order with vows but without a distinctive habit or symbol, for this allows us to live and move amidst the people of God, bringing the Gospel of Jesus to others through service and the witness of our lives.
Sisters of Our Lady ImmaculateWe are an active-contemplative community in Canada who strive for holiness of life by living the evangelical counsels , dedication to private and liturgical prayer, Marian Consecration and Eucharistic Adoration and fidelity to the Magisterium. The community's apostolate includes the education of youth, particularly in catechetics and the care of the elderly and the deprived.
Handmaids of the Precious BloodOfficial homepage of the Handmaids of the Precious Blood, a cloistered contemplative Community of Pontifical right dedicated to the sanctification of priests (especially those in spiritual need) through Perpetual Eucharistic Adoration, prayer and sacrifice. We are deeply Marian, seriously loyal to the Magisterium and love the Holy Father.
The Ursuline SistersWe are Catholic nuns who respond together to the most critical needs of God’s people in northeast Ohio, especially the greater Mahoning Valley since 1874. God touched our hearts and our lives with a call to live a life of service for the sake of the gospel. Our name comes from St. Ursula, a 3rd century virgin and martyr. Our heritage comes from St. Angela Merici, a 16th century saint.
Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-WoodsProvides information on tours, pilgrimages, ministries and the mission of the Sisters of Providence, a Roman Catholic congregation of women religious of almost 400 sisters. Includes educational information on Saint Mother Theodore, the Congregation, our ministries and the Catholic faith.
School Sisters of Christ the KingVocation Retreats with the School Sisters of Christ the King Lincoln, Nebraska Retreats (single women 18-35) Seek His Kingdom Deepen your prayer life through learning and applying Ignatian Rules October 8 - 10, 2010 Responding to the Heart of the King A silent retreat with presentations from the Sisters with practical steps to vocation discernment March 4 - 6, 2010
Monastery of Our Lady of the RosaryFounded in 1905, Our Lady of the Rosary Monastery is a cloistered community of Dominican Nuns in Buffalo, NY. Our prayer life includes a liturgy in Gregorian chant, adoration of the Blessed Sacrament and devotion to the Rosary.
Association of Contemplative SistersAssociation of Contemplative Sisters (ACS) exists to foster and support the contemplative journey. It was founded in contemplative traditions. We act through faithfulness and prayer, trust in the Holy Spirit, and work in the healing and transforming mission of Jesus Christ. Membership in ACS is open to all women who value and follow the contemplative path and support the mission of ACS.
Franciscan Sisters of Christian CharityWe, Franciscan Sisters of Christian Charity whole-heartedly live our vocation in the loving community spirit of our foundresses. We strive to live the Gospel in simplicity, built on faith in a loving God; joyful acceptance of poverty, love for the Church, and selfless dedication to the service of others.
Parish Visitors of Mary ImmaculateA religious community of Sisters which has been evangelizing and catechizing since 1920. In the name of the parish pastor, the Sisters seek out straying Catholics, primarily through door-to-door visitation, with compassion and gentleness, while upholding the teachings of the Church, and spread the faith through religious education.
Mercedarian Sisters of the Blessed SacramentA religious institute of pontifical right, directly under the authority of the Holy See. The two great pillars of our charism are the presence of Jesus in the Holy Eucharist and the maternal presence of Our Lady of Mercy.