
Archdiocese for the Military Services, USA
The Archdiocese for the Military Services (or Military Ordinariate) is commissioned to provide the Church's full range of pastoral and spiritual services for those dedicated to national defense and to federal services overseas.
Association of Hebrew Catholics
Directed to preserving the identity and heritage of Jews who have entered the Catholic Church thorugh a Hebrew Catholic Community juridically approved by the Holy See. David Moss, President.
Association of the Miraculous Medal
We bring Mary conceived without sin to the Catholics of North America. She reveals God's fatherly love and her own motherly concern.
Association of the New Covenant
A community whose members represent the various vocations working together in the parish in unity to bring about the kingdom of God through the mission of direct evangelization. The members of the Association work together to accomplish the following goals: 1. Carry out the mission of direct evangelization. 2. Facilitate the transformation of the parish into an evangelizing community.
Brothers and Sisters of Penance
Private Catholic Association of the Lay Faithful whose members live modern statutes of a primitive rule for penitents. Open to all Catholics who embrace all of the teachings of the Catholic Church and the Magesterium.
Carmelite Order
The Carmelite Order homepage includes vocation information, a free scapular offer, Carmelite spirituality and history.
Community of Saint John
An contemplative and apostolic order with convents of brothers, contemplative sisters, apostolic sisters, and lay associations throughout the world. The members of the Community of Saint John want to live the evangelical counsels rooted in the three covenants revealed in the Gospel of Saint John: the Covenant with Jesus in the Eucharist, the Covenant with Mary, and the Convenant with Peter. The community began under the spiritual direction of Dominican Father, Father Marie-Dominique Philippe, a professor of philosophy.
Confraternity of Penitents
A worldwide, informal, private Catholic Association of the Faithful, informally approved by the Catholic Church via our bishop, whose Rule of Life is to be lived by the laity in their own homes. The members of the Confraternity are totally in line with the teachings of the Pope and the Magisterium.
Disciples of Jesus Covenant Community
Disciples of Jesus Community is a body of families, singles and priests who have come together under the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, to live a common life of prayer, sharing and service. The Missionaries of God's Love, flowing from the grace of the Community, is a body of men and women who are dedicated to living the Gospel of Jesus by sharing a common life, and by consecrating themselves to the Lord in poverty, chastity and obedience. They are called to live this way of life either as Priests, Brothers or Sisters. Being members of a Catholic Community has given us a deep identity, and a certain mission to foster a rich and authentic Catholicism, not only among ourselves but also to seek to share this renewed grasp of our Catholic faith with other members of the Church. We understand ourselves as being a body in and for the Church. We desire to live in deep unity and spirit with the Pope and Bishops, and to be loyal to the teachings of the Magisterium. We find authentic tradition in the lives and writings of the Saints and Fathers of the Church. Members have a strong sense of the Sacraments in their life
Eucharistic Apostles of The Divine Mercy
The Eucharistic Apostles of Divine Mercy is a Catholic lay apostolate whose mission is to teach the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist, propagate the message of God's Divine Mercy, and set up small faith groups, or cenacles of prayer, with a focus on Divine Mercy and the Eucharist. Members do small works of mercy to build up the local Church.
Fraternity of Priests
The purpose of the Fraternity of Priests is to give priests the vision, formation and support to respond with enthusiasm to the fullness of the priesthood. We evangelize, form and train priests through conferences, fellowship, friendships, and meetings all over the United States. Visitation House, located in Steubenville, Ohio, is a home for Fraternity priests on sabbatical.
Holy Family Institute
The Holy Family Institute is the first approved secular institute for Catholic married couples and the widowed. It perfectly combines traditional Catholic married life and the consecrated life, and is associated with the Pauline congregations.
Institute on Religious Life
The Institute on Religious Life was founded in 1974 by Fr. John A. Hardon, S.J., to gather bishops, priests, religious and laity to support, affirm and promote authentic religious life according to the official teachings of the Church and Vatican II in particular.
John Michael Talbot
Features information on contemporary Christian singer John Michael Talbot his religious institute, the Brothers and Sisters of Charity. Preview all his songs online.
Legion of Mary
This is an unofficial site promoting the Legion of Mary.
Madonna House Lay Apostolate
A community of Catholic laymen, women and priests who strive to incarnate the teachings of Jesus Christ with house all over the world. See our online photo tour.
Marian Mantle Group
Strives to bring hope to those who hurt because a loved one is no longer a practicing Catholic. Members join together in prayer and support with the hope that someday, through God’s grace, all prodigals will return to Holy Mother Church.
Marian Movement of Priests
On the 8th of May, 1972, Father Stefano Gobbi heard an interior force urge him to have confidence in the Immaculate Heart of Mary. His locutions have been compiled in a book called "To the Priests, Our Lady Speaks" and hundreds of thousands of copies have been distributed for free worldwide, with and estimated one in four Catholic priests involved and thousands of lay prayer cenecles forming all over the globe.
Miles Jesu
Miles Jesu is an institute of consecrated life for the laity. Responding to the universal call to sanctity, our goal is to sanctify ourselves and help sanctify those around us. Our main apostolate is to be a witness in any state of life and/or work that we do. We have members living the celibate, married, and single states, united as a Faith Family. We promote absolute loyalty to the Holy Father and devotion to the Eucharist and to Mary.
Mother of God Community
Mother of God Community is a Catholic and ecumenical charismatic community standing in a long tradition of spiritual renewal movements within the Catholic Church. The Community is recognized as a private association of the faithful under James Cardinal Hickey, Archbishop of Washington.
Opus Dei
Opus Dei Latin: Work of God is a personal Prelature of the Catholic Church that helps ordinary lay people seek holiness in and through their everyday activities, especiallythrough work. It was founded in 1928 by a 26-year-old Catholic priest, Blessed Josemaria Escriva, who died in 1975 and was beatified by PopeJohn Paul II in 1992.
Our Lady's Missionaries of the Eucharist
The OLME) is a public association of the faithful founded by Bishop Thomas J. Welsh to help lay women and men to deepen and develop their spiritual life.
Priests for Life
We are an officially approved association of clergy who emphasis the prolife teachings of the Catholic Church. We educate the clergy on the topics of abortion and euthanasia as well as offering training and resources to the entire pro-life movement. We feature a substantial amount of Spanish resources.
Sons of the Divine Will
Catholic association of baptized laity living the spirituality of the Divine Will founded on the writings of the servant of God Luisa Piccarreta.
United States Association of Consecrated Virgins
Consecrated virgins living in the world, according to Canon 604, are one of the first forms of consecrated life in the very early Church. After renewing their resolution to live in virginity for the sake of Christ alone, they are consecrated forever as a sacred person by their diocesan bishop. They are an image of the Church, Bride of Christ.
Supports the multiple and various aspects of the priestly ministry and facilitates the renewal and strengthening of the Catholic faith worldwide.