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Medjugorje Web
The most comprehensive site for information on the reported apparitions of Our Lady at Medjugorje. Includes extensive links, monthly messages, free email updates, Marian conferences, speakers schedules, travel information, free items.

Theotokos Catholic Website
Promoting Fatima and other approved Marian apparitions, but also looking at other topics such as apparition discernment, creation/evolution, Catholic theology, and the Bible.

Apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary
The approved apparitions of the Blessed Virgin Mary between 1830 and 1953

Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help
The official web site, approved by the Diocese of Green bay, to present the true story of Sister Adele Brise and the historical account of the mission she received from Mary, the Queen of Heaven.
Aims to be the web's most complete resource on Marian apparitions including their history, official church positions, visionaries, messages, and discernment.