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Mary Mother of God Mission Society
Reviving the Catholic church in the far east of Russia.

Lamp Ministries
LAMP Ministries is a Catholic lay missionary association, comprised of persons who serve among the materially poor with a focus on evangelization. Married couples, single men and women as well as religious sisters and priests who experience a call to commit at least one full year, with ongoing training and support, assist in materially poor parishes, or serve with homeless families.

Mission Doctors Association
Mission Doctors Association supports the work of Catholic Doctors and their families serving at Mission Hospitals and Clinics.

Lay Mission-Helpers Association
Founded in 1955, the Lay Mission-Helpers have assisted more than 700 lay men, women and families serve the Church in the Missions as teachers, nurses, accountants, and other professionals.

A Simple House of Sts. Francis and Alphonsus
We are a small charity and mission house that lives with the poor in Washington, DC. Our motto is to promote a wonderful and radical falling upon the cross of Christ for grace and support.

Renaissance Enterprises
Provides arts and music programs, in nursing homes and related care facilities, with a focus on the Catholic faith and teachings of love and sanctity of life.

Missioners of Christ
"Missioners of Christ" is a Catholic Christian Community centered in prayer and united by covenant that evangelizes, desciples and sends forth youth and young adults on domestic and foreign Missions to fulfill the Great Commission of Christ.

Custody of the Holy Land
A source of information with articles and videos to get to know the Custody of the Holy Land.

Catholic Mission Trips Inc.