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ChristLife has an international Catholic mission of evangelization, renewal and Christian unity, based in Baltimore and endorsed by Cardinal Keeler.

Catherine of Siena Institute
A parish eduation program of the Western Dominican Province with the mandate of equipping lay Catholics for the New Evangelization proclaimed by the Holy Father.

Renewal Ministries
Renewal Ministries seeks to proclaim Christ in the power of the Holy Spirit so that we may serve the renewal of the Catholic Church and help as many as possible come to know Christ.

Mother of God Community
Mother of God Community is a Catholic and ecumenical charismatic community standing in a long tradition of spiritual renewal movements within the Catholic Church. The Community is recognized as a private association of the faithful under James Cardinal Hickey, Archbishop of Washington.

Allan Choveaux
The Immaculate Conception, the perfect reflection in creation of The Eternal-father, is the key to the new Era of Love; the era of peace, wherein The Catholic Church will become the light of the world.

Crossroads Initiative
Crossroads Initiative, is a Catholic apostolate of renewal and evangelization, a ministry of Dr. Marcellino D'Ambrosio, current author of the weekly OSV column "This Liturgy of Ours".

Weekend formation program enabling lay people to become effective apostles.

Society of St. Vincent de Paul
The primary objective of the Society of St. Vincent de Paul's website is to communicate to the public the mission of the Society: to assist the poor and help all those in need.

Reason For Our Hope Foundation
Founded by Fr. Larry Richards, the mission of the foundation is to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ and His Church through MP3s, CDs, DVDs, and video tapes, and to make available Catholic speakers who are effective instruments of this evangelization.

Catholic Familyland
Catholic Familyland strives to help families get to Heaven! We hosts many events throughout the year: fun Catholic family vacations *Family Retreats *Men's and Women's Silent Retreats* Marriage Retreats: "Get Away" Marriage Weekend *Youth Retreats *Totus Tuus Family Conference. We also provide multimedia faith formation resources for famlies, parishes and organizations and a free online family catechism.

Journeys of Faith
Website for the presentation of all of Bob and Penny Lord's books, dvds, cds and Newsletter.

The Evangelical Catholic
We form and train ministry leaders for the Church's mission of evangelization, especially on college campuses. We do this through conferences, on-site workshops, remote consultation, and by providing evangelization resources for small group bible studies.

Institute for World Evangelization- ICPE Mission
The Institute for World Evangelization - ICPE Mission is a Catholic Mission made up of Christians committed to the goal of world evangelization. The ICPE Mission is dedicated to the formation and training of Catholics so that they may become more effective evangelizers. Through evangelization, discipleship, community building and mercy work, the ICPE Mission pursues its purpose of training, formation, serving the Church and affecting the world for Christ. The ICPE Mission is an International Association of Christ's faithful with Pontifical Right and is the missionary expression of the Glory of God International Covenant Community.

Catholic Society of Evangelists

Mission of the Redeemer Ministries
MRM forms Catholics for the new evangelization. We offer parish-based retreats and 3-day Schools of Evangelization which form the evangelized so they can evangelize others. Those we have formed have the knowledge, skills, and confidence to share Christ with others. If you or fellow parishoners want to be effective evangelists, contact us!

Brother-to-Brother Ministries
To evangelize Catholic men on their faith journeys through one-to-one mentoring. To make people aware of Brother-to-Brother Ministries and how forgiveness brings healing.

CMG Booking
CMG Booking is the leading Catholic speaker's bureau in the United States, representing over 150 diocesan approved Catholic speakers. Since 2006, CMG Booking has booked over 4,000 events reaching a national audience of over 1.5 million faithful. Our mission is to spread the Word of Christ by promoting and representing those who do it best.

Casting Nets Ministries
Casting Nets is a refreshing look at evangelization and catechesis. This is your resource of the New Evangelization. There are articles, Q & A (submit your own question), a weekly radio show that can be heard online as well, and over 90 podcasts all on evangelization.

Flame Ministries International
A ministry of lay evangelists/preachers of the Catholic Church established in 1990. Offers Catholic e-books.

Alpha for Catholics
Alpha answers the call to the new evangelization. A 10 week course covering basic Christianity in a compelling and non-threatening way. Alpha brings people to an encounter with Jesus offering a relationship with him. The Papal Preacher is enthusiastic about Alpha for Catholics; see his video on our web page.

The Queen of Angels Foundation
The Foundation seeks to foster a more perfect life in its Members, deepening their bond to Christ and His Church through Mary, the Theotokos, the Mother of God and Mother of all believers.

CMG Booking - Catholic Speakers Bureau
We are the largest and most visited Catholic speakers bureau in the world. We have received many awards and recognition for our scholarship fund we donate money from to help people all over the world book our speakers. Read more about us here I respectfully request your consideration of putting a link to our site on your page of links. We would be a great resource recommendation for your readers. Thank you and we look forward to hearing back from you. Joe Condit Founder CMG Booking

St. Paul Street Evangelization
St. Paul Street Evangelization is a grassroots, non-profit organization, dedicated to responding to the mandate of Jesus to preach the Gospel to all nations by taking our Catholic Faith to the streets. We do this in a non-confrontational way, allowing the Holy Spirit to move in the hearts of those who witness our public Catholic presence.

Paulist Evangelization Minsitries
Paulist Evangelization Ministries develops material and programs to help Catholics, as individuals and as parishes, reach out to people who are not involved in a community of faith. Brochures, booklets, pamphlets, programs for seekers, and programs for parish renewal: these and other resources are available for review on our website.