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Abortion & Adoption
American Life LeagueAmerican Life League is one of the most influencial prolife organizations in the U.S. We inform, educate, and inspire with a goal to having an America that respects and protects human life from the moment of fertilizalization.
Catholics United for LifeCatholics United for Life is organized to pray and give witness for all innocent human life, especially the preborn. Join our online perpetual Rosary. We also have photographs depicting the truth about abortion.
Human Life InternationalHuman Life International (HLI) is the world's largest pro-life, pro-family organization, with many branches around the globe. HLI's global mission is to protect and defend the rights of the unborn child, the disabled, and those threatened by euthanasia.
LifeSite NewsBased in Canada, Life Site is an effective worldwide resource center for those who want to know more about life ethics issues. We feature extensive news summaries, CCL National News monthly newsletter and email updates.
National Right to LifeWe are the nation's largest prolife organization, working to protect innocent human lives threatened by abortion, infanticide and euthanasia.
Priests for LifeWe are an officially approved association of clergy who emphasis the prolife teachings of the Catholic Church. We educate the clergy on the topics of abortion and euthanasia as well as offering training and resources to the entire pro-life movement. We feature a substantial amount of Spanish resources.
Pro-Life AmericaWe are dedicated to bringing you the truth about life decisions. Our web site includes photos, documented facts, thoroughly researched studies, celebrity quotes, teen quotes, personal stories, counseling tips, hotline numbers, chat, free stuff and more.
Pro-Life Action LeagueProviding information for experienced prolifers, for individuals who are interested in learning more about the movement, and for those who are personally affected by abortion.
Culture of Life FoundationWashington, DC - based organization committed to the protection of all human life, from conception until natural death. Our mission is to use factual research, of both science and religion to communicate the sacredness of life.
Catholic Family and Human Rights InstituteCAFHRI primarily serves the needs of United Nations delegates, and intends to inform the public at large regarding family and human rights issues. Specifically, CAFHRI will be an advocate on behalf of the rights and responsibilities of men, women and children, especially within the framework of the family as the fundamental unit of society.
Children of GodNon-profit, prolife organization providing assistance to the public with projects, research, free copy-ready brochures on important issues.
Life IssuesClear Catholic thinking on current life issues.
Rachel's Vineyard Weekend Retreats for Healing after AbortionWeekend retreat for spiritual and emotional healing after abortion. The retreat is a very gentle yet intense experience of the mercy and healing of Jesus.
Life PrayersTo support through prayer all affected by abortion, and provide links to other pro-life sites that provide either prayer or other active pro-life support.
Catholic Medical AssociationAssociation of North American Catholic physicians, medical students, health care professionals, and clergy promoting Catholic values in medicine.
Life Decisions InternationalLife Decisions International is dedicated to challenging the agenda of Planned Parenthood worldwide. Its chief project is a boycott of corporations that fund Planned Parenthood. To date, at least 87 corporations have ceases supporting the abortion Goliath.
Billboards for LifeTo provide outdoor visual aids consisting of Pro-Life images of Jesus and His Mother coupled with with Pro-Life biblical quotes. To these are added phone numbers of Catholic Pro-Life pregnancy centers to aid those in need. The object is to assist in saving souls and lives
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops' Secretariat of Pro-Life ActivitiesThe Secretariat of Pro-Life Activities, under the guidance and direction of the Committee on Pro-Life Activities, works to teach respect for all human life from conception to natural death, and organize for its protection.
Priests for Life CanadaPriests for Life Canada is an association of Canadian Catholic priests, deacons, and lay people who give special emphasis to promoting and defending the sanctity of human life. Priests for Life brings together and encourages priests and all Catholics to fight the culture of death, particularly abortion and euthanasia.
Catholic to the MaxWe are Catholic family business that produces and sells Catholic T shirts, Catholic Teaching and Inspirational Posters, Catholic Gifts, and Catholic Framed Art!