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Christifideles Pizza and Theology SocietyWe are lay Catholics loyal to the Holy See and the Church's Magisterium whose primary interest is Catholic apologetics and evangelization. Via email, our staff will answer your questions in several areas of the faith.
Coming Home NetworkResources for all Christians who are inquiring into the Catholic Church including contacts and fellowship, guidance and support for pastors and clergy, and clear teaching of the Catholic Faith.
San Juan Catholic SeminarsFeatures booklets by Father Frank Chacon and Jim Burnham along with tapes by the authors and an invaluable Catholic Concordance. Readers will discover how easy it is to show the biblical basis for the most commonly misunderstood Catholic beliefs with charity.
American Catholic Truth SocietyACTS, the American Catholic Truth Society. An Internet source of Catholic Apologetics. Email lists, live chat channels, online debates and more!
Defenders of the Faith, Inc.An organization of lay persons using their resources to educate Roman Catholics in the orthodox practice of their faith through the publication of "The Defender" published free 10 times per year.
Scripture CatholicScripture Catholic is an internet apostolate devoted to teaching about the Scriptural basis for the Catholic faith. The web page provides over 2,000 Scripture citations that explain and defend the teachings of the Church.
Magnificat Institute PressDedicated to publishing the finest books in apologetics, catechetics, evangelization, and spirituality on the market--both out of print books to be reprinted, and new books by new and established authors. Magnificat provides free gift copies to parishes, groups, events or other forums.
Catholic Faith and Reason AssociationTo explain the beauty and truth of the Catholic faith and dispel myths about it in accord with the teachings of the Magisterium of the Church. We are an apologetics site.
Peter KreeftPeter Kreeft, Ph.D., is a professor of philosophy at Boston College. As an author of over 40 books and a regular contributor to several Christian publications, he is in wide demand as a speaker at conferences.
Catholic Citizens of IllinoisCatholic Citizens of Illinois holds monthly speaker forums, publishes newsletters and articles on Catholic events, and actively defends the Catholic faith in the public square.
Totus Tuus MinistriesThe purpose of this ministry is to evangelize Catholics through retreats, conferences, the study of Sacred Scripture and defense of the Catholic Faith.
Our Catholic FaithLearn about the Catholic Faith. Experience the complete expression of the Christian Faith. Come and join us in our 2000 year old Christian Tradition.
About CatholicsAbout Catholics aims to inform the general public, Catholic and non-Catholic alike, about the teachings of the Catholic faith. We also provide a place for people to gather in an online community to discuss your faith and life.
Still CatholicA mix of quizzes, apologetics, essays, Church Fathers, morality, social teaching, and links to a wide array of documents.
Hands On ApologeticsThy Faith, Inc. is a lay-run Catholic apologetics ministry dedicated to providing practical tools to help Catholics learn how to share and defend their Faith.
Boston Catholic JournalDedicated to promoting a genuine understanding of authentic Catholic doctrine that is totally faithful to the Holy See in Rome. This includes articles on vital issues by both Religious and Catholic laity. The site also promotes the use of Latin through free audio files and free CDs of Catholic prayers.